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Breaking: DEA Raids SF Pot Club


I don't get the mentality of some (most) store front dispensary owners.

They have the BEST job in the world, EVER, hands down.

What kind of moron would knowingly jepordize that?

Don't they realize there are a gazillion laided off people right know that would literally kill to have their job, if their city would let them, and yet they are greedy enough to screw that up. Just amazing!

Not saying this club was like that, just bringing up the point.

Criminals tend not to give a shit, they also tend not to be the smartest people. It's the people who actually care about medical marijuana and are doing it for the right reasons that care about being legit, safe, and smart.


gets some
It never ceases to amaze me how people still hold on to this idea of Obama and his administration being "Change". How many more dispensaries need to be raided after Holder's ambigious statement before you start to see the writing on the wall? All I can do is shake my head at the blind faith placed in a guy that continues to backtrack on more of his campaign promises by the day, with MMJ being the latest apparently, and can't speak in public without a teleprompter telling him what to say.


Brendan Hallanin, the pot club's attorney, said Emmalyn's is in compliance with state and local laws"They're going to have a huge fight on their hands if they're arbitrarily busting clubs that are in compliance with state and local laws," said Hallanin.

Just wait and see.If the DEA made a mistake, than they're gonna hang them selfs up.

Namaste :canabis:


It never ceases to amaze me how people still hold on to this idea of Obama and his administration being "Change". How many more dispensaries need to be raided after Holder's ambigious statement before you start to see the writing on the wall? All I can do is shake my head at the blind faith placed in a guy that continues to backtrack on more of his campaign promises by the day, with MMJ being the latest apparently, and can't speak in public without a teleprompter telling him what to say.

Name one campaign promise Obama has broken.

Did you watch the press conference the other night? He spoke for an hour without a prompter. You should really stop parroting Rush Limbaugh's fantasies. It makes you sound like an idiot.



well let's see, due to the changes in his budget, those 95%who were'nt gonna see taxe increases, now will, the wars are still going on and he's increasinbg troops in afghanistan, he said no more pork spending, 9,000 barrel projects in his budget, said america needed to spend less but his budget is up to 3.6 trillion dollars..there's a few other things i won't mention..i voted for him, hope i don't regret it..


New member
Lol, just absolutely asinine. With all the problems we are having on our southern border, and here is the DEA wasting time and resources raiding medical marijuana dispensaries. What a waste...


Registered Non-Conformist
Is Obama not at the head of his gov't....? He is deserving of being SLAMMED.....

And right down the street, and around the corner, all around the Bay Area, crack is sold and consumed, while murders occur with alarming frequencies...

The DEA answers to the leader..... These raids have got to stop..... GET MAD PEOPLE...!!!!!
"Is Obama not at the head of his gov't....? He is deserving of being SLAMMED..... " +10000 couldn't have said it better myself.

I don't care who is the current puppet (or president if you prefer), he or she deserves to get slammed every single time their constituency does not get what they want. This is how politics work. If we all just sit here and let the raids continue, the laws will never change.


I agree. Gotta bring back elements of the 60's to actually bring some change about. Politicians will talk out their ass for as long as we let them. Let's stop letting them get away with the lies. Simple. Power is in the hands of the people, most just don't seem to realize it.

But, let's get the facts first. This could be a legit raid as far as Holder's "promise" goes. If they were breaking state laws, they had it coming. I guess we'll wait and see. :joint:


Look at how many other, more important things he's dealing with right now.

Of course he's saying no right now. Give it time. Shit needs to calm down before he should focus on smaller issues like this. I'm as skeptical of him as I am any other politician, but shit, he's been our President under 90 days. He's not Superman, it isn't gonna happen instantly.


Active member

obama obviously means what he says.. he's said a couple of different times about not legalizing MJ. If it was in his heart to, then he would at least say it's a possibility that we, as a nation could try to figure out a way to legalize it.

Instead, he said he smoked MJ and it was a "dumb mistake" that he wasn't proud of; and how he is confidentaly AGAINST the legalization of MJ.

Just because the guy is for medical marijuana doesnt mean he's the savior of the cannabis world. Sure he's obviously better than bush but......



Nobody's on his nuts. I'm just saying, give him a fucking chance to tackle the big problems first.
Obama is an actor for big business, he has your attention and is lying straight to your face. You guys think they give a shit about legalization. Hell no those dispensaries are the DEA's atm for when they need cash to buy other shit. When our lobby can pay bigger money to politicians than oil, lumber, paper, pharma, basically everyone that would lose if MJ was legal, then we would have a chance.

Watch "MONEY MASTERS" seriously it is the best documentary on how you get fucked everyday and will keep getting fucked everyday.


ICMag Donor
We don't need to use false statements to get things started here. To the best of my knowlege Obama never claimed he intended to legalize marijuana. He said he would let the states decide for themselves and keep the Feds out of what the states decided....

That's sure a hell of a lot better than what we've ever had in the past....


why am i not surprised

why am i not surprised

even the president can't make pigs stop being pigs!

we live in a sort of police state, martial law thinly disguised as a representative republic

please realize that there are 950,000+ PIGS (sorry, peace officers) on the streets of america, and that unless we can get rid of all these social parasites, we will never live without fear.

just remember, the police have no legal responsibility to protect anyone

and if there were no crime, they would be out of a job ;)


Non Conformist
WELL FUCK, YOU GUYS! :wallbash: Instead of whinning an bitching about this or that, what can we do ta help?!? There hasta be somethin we can do besides post political rhetoric that does nothin but devide us!.... We need ta organize a plan and move forword. A petition, march, riot, somthin ta show em we're not gonna take this shit any more! Yall think about it an post yer ideas. :1help: There has ta be somethin we can do! BC

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