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Big Batch O COCO-----Analyze my plants--lots of pics


Active member
A buncha different strains here, the nice ones that are in flower are the Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk and Purple Kush, most of the Grape Apes are still in veg.

Grown in coco mixed with perlite about 60/40

Fed GH Lucas Formula in RO water
8ml micro, 16ml bloom
5-10ml CAL+MAG
dash of florablend compost tea

Currently playing around with PH, testing 5.6 on one side and 5.8 on the other

Now on to the pics....
on March 1st they looked like this

Now here are my best soldiers


NOW, i want to take a closer look a few plants. Im specifically looking for possible places to trim, top, or grab clones.


Heres a PK, looks very healthy to me, should i trim the lower branches??


Active member

Seems kinda cluttered in there, i dont know exactly what to trim. Some of the leaves are just fan leaves, and some have small nodes. Also, when i cut i sterilize my scissors with Hydrogen Peroxide, but is there something better to be using?


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Now here are some of the plants giving me problems, these ones are still in veg under a 400MH, is there any areas i should be trimming, are these plants ready to take clones off?


my ideas for where to slash are in red, should i do it???


Active member
These are the bastard childs in my crop, both are showing signs of rams curl, and they just look overall weak and wispy. what is wrong with them, should i trim some of that clutter out?


Yeah yeah i know, its not the "biggest" batch, but more are to come!! Theres 32 total, 16 are in flower the others are still in veg.


Looks good bro, I'll try to come check in often to watch. The only thing I can see is that you could be topping your ladies further up the stalk saving some more nodes.



Do u feed all the plants with the same nutrient solution? Are you feeding full str lucas along with added calmag? If so that seems like major overkill for plants that big


They don't look that bad...

It's hard to tune in multiple varieties. I'm going to support the over fertilization theory... Cal/Mag adds N but also boosts the uptake of N.

Chin up! Shape those soldiers into warriors!



Don't trim anything yet, let the leaves fall off by themselves. Too small for trimming IMHO. Don't clear out anything yet, let them get a little bigger.

Try topping one or two then another one or two in a couple days. Experiment yourself and keep track of what you're cutting and when. It'll become obvious how the variety responds to topping and then you'll know.


I'm 19 days into 12/12 and wishing i wouldve topped more.... now i'm just tying things up with hemp string :)

which is working pretty well if you have the room for it


Active member
thanks for responses!

they are fed about 3/4 strengh LF, not full full strengh. My roomate dosed with a full strengh and they showed a little burn so i backed it off a bit.

the veg plants get a less strengh solution, but maybe thats why they are still looking puny and small while my other ones have grown almost 40% in size when i upped to full strengh. maybe the MH and HPS lights do different things though.
I would say add a little more light. Those plants look a little lanky and hungy. What kinda juice you got going? What nute formula? Are you watering to run off? You might perhaps want to flush with pure water for a few days my friend.


Active member
the flowering are under a 400 HPS, the others under a 400 MH. Feeding them Lucas Formula, watering to runoff about 10%, but yeah i am thinking about giving some of them a good flush.


You might wanna give Heads formula a try, its a little more suited towards coco. Also u positive your PH meter is calibrated?

Tony Danza

I wait to clear out the thickets until after the first week or so of 12/12. This makes it much more clear which branches will be good producers and which will waste your time. Also, the early stretch from 12/12 will turn those wimpy little spindles into nice big cuts for healthy clones--you usually get a week or two before the branches will start to flower, at which point they will still root, but your clones transition into vedge will be a little slower, and waaaaay bushier.


Active member
^^ Yea i am thinking that some of the clones i bought were taken from plants already in flower, thats why they look so bushy and spindly.

How do i know which branches to cut. I DONT cut fan leaves correct??

Also, what is heads formula, is it GH? I am down to try new things, even though the LF is doing very good for flower, the veg looks a little burned.


Head formula is a modified lucas formula alittle better suited towards coco, it consist of 6mlMicro/9mlBloom. Theres a sticky at the top of this forum about it(coco forums)


Active member
^^^ cool that sounds good, honestly i am using about 6ml micro because its always a little more than 5ml in my glass.

i use about 12-15ml bloom though, the plants are showing minor signs of nute burn but it has since backed off.

what else do you add?

Im adding cal mag and some florablend compost tea which is .1% extra pk and .05% nitrogen boost.


cut your ratio down to heads 6/9 ratio, cut out the calmag if you are using tap water. sure you might could add more bloom but that works against the whole no flush till the last week thingy.