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Deer Pervention??


Greetings All,

Anyone have any good tips on preventing deer from feeding on your crops?? I live in the sticks and we have a overwhelming deer population. Last year in a single night they snuck it and chomped all my plants:noway:. Fortunately I gues they got high enough and left me some colas, however they were far from ready (still did the job:smoke:). I urinated all around the crops daily, apparently it wasn't enough. This year I'll have way to much invested to feed the local wildlife. Bare in mind this is a guerrilla grow (no fences) and I can't leave any of my DNA around (my hair). So any helpful suggestions are greatly appreciated!!



Howdy Morpheen and welcome!

We've been fighting those 400 lb grasshoppers for years. Theres nothing you can buy and shit , piss , spit, hair, egg whites or nothing else works.

Im using a tomato cage and cliping one of the top supports/ angling it in towards the center so the deer cant stick his nose down in the tc without poking his nose. Its helping. They cost about $1.50 but are worth every penny.

I have located plants in my enviroment that deer won't eat. Milkweed, queens lace, there are several. I have made a tea extract from those plants and am applying the spray treatment to my plants. The goal and hope is to make the deer believe that my plant is actually a species the animal doesnt like to eat. Repeated applications will be necessary

Animal behavior is the key to solving this serious problem. When i have lots of rain and the clover and alfalpha is thick, i dont even have to cage my plants. Cannabis is not the deer's first choice for food. During drought or other low food conditions: God help us all.

Im in testing and hopeful. good luck.
SB. Always good to see you posting, always on the money with practical suggestions. How many times have you politely answered the same deer questions ? There ought to be a DEER sticky, although we both know that there is no 100% answer.
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Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
get an old stray dog...that 'don't cotton'.. to deer, around the area...:headbange


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gotta say... maybe i'm lucky... i've had success in a deer laden area with moth balls/flakes scattered around the floor of my grow. also, hanging 'em in brown sacs made from pantyhose on the trunks of my plants worked well also. nobody likes the smell of moth balls much. nobody.

Kola Radical

If you have access to a local zoo, you might be able to pick up some large cat excrement. I guarantee, no critters will mess with your plants if they are guarded by Tiger Shit. Or Lion shit. Any big cat will do. Some zoos sell it and some let you pick it up for free.


SB. Always good to see you posting, always on the money with practical suggestions. How many times have you politely answered the same deer questions ? There ought to be a DEER sticky, although we both know that there is no 100% answer.

I understand what your saying...I always do a search, however I need input that applies to me. Being there is no sticky, lets face it...This time of year there needs to be an active topic on this subject

Thanks for the link...I definitely try this in conjunction with other deterrent
fishing line fence i think is the best way

I think anything a deer can penetrate at full stride would be catastrophic. Its had to believe but i know a guy who has a tennis court, he had deer brake through his chain link fence. Obviously not typical circumstances, however its something to consider when discussing fencing. I would go with a thick metal fencing wrapped around the outside of the trees of the perimeter, however due to the location and being a guerrilla grow, this is not an practical/optional. Thanks everyone for taking the time to post on an often discussed topic, I definitely open to any other input. :joint:Dutch


BTW, genetics are: GH's Strawberry Haze Fem. and the freebies G13 Lab's: SS Fem, Thai SS, Pure Gold Fem Ironically I dislike feminized seeds, however with this grow and the circumstances (not worth explaining) I don't have time for males (like my sex life) :joint:Dutch


you got deer problems? tell me about it

had deer destroy an entire crop, 3 different patches. learned my lesson. this time around im putting up big deer fences / netting to keep them out. many people say that if you put up fences, you are comprimising the security of the crop. id like to think my plots are remote enough that it isnt an issue.


btw fishing line is useless

i laugh when i read people saying that invisible deer fence works. i have yet to hear of one example of someone with a deer problem who starts using these liquid products / animal piss and solve their problem. when the deer are hungry nothing but a cage or a fence will stop em and sometimes not even that


SB, I didn't forget about you!! Thanks for the warm welcome, 400 lb grasshoppers?? :lol: I thought about the tomato cages, however our soil here sux, marshy/swampy clay. So I'm growing in 10 gal Pots, drilled with large enough drainage holes to allow the tap root to get out and get a sip of water, if they get thirsty. For the shitty soil we have ironically we have VERY dry summers, it just in winter its like swamp land. Anyway I don't think the cages will work with that scenario, not to mention the Haze and Thai stains I'm going to grow, Bambi could just pick colas like apples off a tree. I plan on doing a nice grow log, which is ballsy for a guerrilla grow...So keep any eye out for my posts (Only first day of germination so be patient) :joint:Dutch


btw fishing line is useless

i laugh when i read people saying that invisible deer fence works. i have yet to hear of one example of someone with a deer problem who starts using these liquid products / animal piss and solve their problem. when the deer are hungry nothing but a cage or a fence will stop em and sometimes not even that

Thats why i was thinking about feeding the deer something they prefer. Like apples in a location AWAY from my grow area, like near our pond, which is why they like our yards here so much (We all have ponds here) :joint:Dutch
I understand what your saying...I always do a search, however I need input that applies to me. Being there is no sticky, lets face it...This time of year there needs to be an active topic on this subject

No problem with the question. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask . It's just that this topic comes up over and over, it would benefit everyone if it was a sticky because it's such a popular subject. He calls them 400 pound grasshoppers , I prefer to call them rats on stilts.
You'll run across a lot of suggestions, most of them good , but none of them foolproof short of growing indoors. Pick out the solutions that sound good to you, practice them religiously, hope for the best, and pray that your losses are small.
Unfortunately deers eating my outdoor crops is a thing I have had to deal with in the past. Not very pleasant. I too wish there was a way to keep them away, short of placing deer fencing which would not make it a stealthy grow.


I'm reconsidering the fencing idea, like Fatcat said, I'm concerned with it compromising my security. Perhaps 4'H chicken wire painted to blend in, as I stated wrapped around the outside of the surrounding trees. Dump some milkweed or queens lace seeds around the perimeter to deter them and also to camouflage the fence. Top it off with a bit of deer repellent :thumbsup: Jiu Jitsu Playa's fishing line sounds more practical...I need to get over to my spot and figure out whats going to work best for the area...first I need to get my mind right :joint:Dutch


Active member
Deer Probs.

Deer Probs.

Yea, guy you got the right idea with chicken wire, I Tee-Pee four nice size poles, tie them together at the small ends and stand them up like an indian teepee. you can easily cover 25-40 sqft... as the wire tapers up the teepee where some limbs may grow through the deer cant reach them because their feet get into the wire and that deteers them but one larger deer took down one tp when its foot got tangled however wires broke and he got away. Also you have to keep in mind with all the nutes and good dirt that we grow in our plants are probably the tastiest out there..... I have some friends whose children are State Troopers, part time narcs and all but I know those guys really need the extra money they get from special details. But the budget has been really hit and local and county lawmen can't afford to bring the " eye in the sky" into the area because the state insist on payment up front, and a limited number of days well in the fall when our crop is easiest to see. Maybe Obamasama wont let them use stimulus money to be used for flying around looking for grows....... damn I've said alot this is some talkative shit.

Now remember all, Drugs and sex, all the same the worst I ever had was Wonderful......and all you guys that think they must choose their GF's based only the highly adaptable 1 - 10 scale and they choose from the top 30% ONLY... you guys don't have a clue......I wish I had learned that its OK to simply ask for sex.....talk about a pick up line.... you may get lucky....enough
also do you deer hunt in the fall...dont worry about bucks shoot does they make more deer.
gobbler I have some friends whose children are State Troopers said:
Forget all that Bambi shit, always shoot the does.
Around here the eye in the sky has taken a big hit. They get a lot of their discretionary funds( read helicopter expenses), from sales tax. Since sales tax has tanked along with the rest of the economy, the police chiefs are starting to figure out that keeping the bird up to find 20 plants "with a street value of 24 gazillion dollars" , but no suspects, isn't a very cost effective way to combat crime. Also the Canadian border is nearby, what with the war on terror and all, sending a bunch of leos out in the fields all day to find some weed with no suspects is starting to raise a lot of cost benefit questions. ( I always thought those Canucks looked suspicious ) But they aren't that stupid, they usually get a few TV camera crews coming along to document their success in the war on crime.

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