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Anima's quest for the BEST!


Active member
heya thanks dog, ixnay and hazy! :D

yup hazy I grew that with a 400w...I assume you are talking about this pic:

THATS MY BOOMSTICK! that nug was the monster of all nugs I have ever grown...37 grams dry weight!

Anyways I thought I throw up some pics of the latest from around here:
A minor setback in the stickyberry setup (forgot to reset the pump timer after res change and plants stayed dry for 3 days or so..kinda wilted some leaves... bummer

stickyberry budshot:

and theres some pics of my new setup (with skunk #5)

and my smaller 4 bucket setup with some boomstick and skunk #5
Last edited:


Active member
Heya B/R!!
Thanks bro, but that budshot is of the stickyberry...I still havent got to flower out a skunk #5. I actually just aquired the clone awhile ago from one of my good friends, she is about 2 weeks into flower under my 150w hps, and I just planted fresh skunk #5 clones into another 2 bucket setup that I just fabricated...I still need to do some ventilation tweaking.


Active member
heya hazy :wave:

Howz it going ole buddy?

Well...kindof a lot to update ya on since I have been slacking on the updates :puppydoge

Bad news first:
Seems it took awhile for my second cab's res to colonise with the beneficial bacteria, and I lost one of my skunk #5's to root rot before I got it all straightened out :(

It should have went into flowering like last week(its easily twice the size it wa in that pic)...but I'm hung up on what to do next...

The first cab is rocking right along as usual... Chopped the stickyberry about a month ago, and have been vegging some boomstick in there, and now thats ready to get the flip into flower...

More bad news:
lil bastids are back in my veg cab :mad: I'm about to get medieval on their asses...I also lost my main boomstick mom and stickyberry to neglect and underwatering :( But I should be able to get those replaced pretty easy...already have some boomstick clones rooting.

I'm shopping around for something that'll work...I'd like some suggestions from everyone as to how to deal with the lil thrippers... Please note: the grow is in a living space- so I don't want whatever I use to give off poisonous fumes, and also I use bene bacteria in my res, So it has to be non-toxic to them as well...

I was thinking about transferring the skunk#5 into the boomstick cab, and transplanting one of the plants in there into some soil or something...Or should I just flower the large skunk by itself and the boomsticks together as is?


The 4 bucket setup under the 150 is about a week or two from the chop, and it's doing great!

I'll get some more pics up for everyone!

Peace and kindness


No Longer a Human Watering Can
i use spinosad to deal with thirps it does the job,,, but im not sure about the bennefical Bact.....it will work with a lite consetrate even half of what it says to mix and still kills them


Active member
moving forward

moving forward

Heya JACK!! :wave: Thanks for the imput...I have looked into that product, but I was reading that it is lethal to bee's...that kinda put me off because I like to use my leftover res water to fertilize the garden, and I would have a totally guilty conscience if I knew I responsible for bee deaths...but it does say that it breaks down into inert compounds after awhile...
Thanks for your imput JACK, and I'm keeping the option open, but I would like to consider other options as well....

Any other ideas?

now for some more current pics:

:yoinks: thrip damage: (there is an an actual thrip in the pic although it is hard to make out, just slightly darker yellow than the white splotches it leaves from feeding) This is one of the worst thrip damaged leaves I have seen:mad:

on to better things:
check out the surviving skunk #5:

and the boomsticks:

and the skunks and boomsticks in the 150 cab ready for the flush:

Peace and kindness

buzzed day

good luck with killing them and to bad on the skunk plant,i wanted some skunk but never got it just 9 males out of 10 seed's with willyjacks but all others were cool [3 other kind's were 7 out of 10 female] and the skunks made great mix of seeds.peace


Active member
Hey Anima! Good update. Too bad about the thrips. I'm sure glad i don't have any bug problems. I have all i can handle with powdery mildew. I have to search it out and spray it with greencure or SM90 or neem. Actually, i use all 3. I don't like to spray neem or sm90 too close to buds.
Gotta have those pollinators.

Just a little killer bee.
Hey Anima
Wow I've finally found my way over to y'r thread once again, need to do a lot of reading up but wanted to compliment ya straight away on this one:

37 grams off one cola :yes: Nice man!

also :respect: for the surviving skunk and boomsticks they all look good
I'm off to read the rest of what ya've been up to :D
:wave: Low


Active member
Hey man :wave:-Thanks for stoping by and leaving some kind words... I love the skunk plant too ;)

Hazy :wave:-sm90 is another pesticide I was considering, I'll have to go and study up on it. see if it will play nice with my bene's...

Highlow :wave:- hey man thanks for stopping by and leaving some kind words. -Much appreciated. Glad you like my "Huge" boomstick nug, I was quite proud of her! Great RKS smell too :)


lil update:
well I decided to just be lazy and put the lone skunk, and the boomsticks into flower... So they are off to the races..

Have a wonderful and safe 4/20/09 everyone!!
Thanks again for stopping by!! :yes:

Peace and kindness

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Anima :wave:
First off - mad props on your boomstick, a zip+ on a stick :woohoo:

I was recently visited by thrips - think they were attracted to the Blue Shiva. I used floramite and since the involved plants were in early flower I mixed some Seven in with it, hit all the vegging girls too. That was a month+ ago and everything looks good so far. I know it may not be a popular way to go, but no way I was gonna lose 'em all without a fight :dueling:

Even with bugs and self styled lazy growing, your garden still looks fabulous!

Be safe be happy -MGJ


Active member
Brother Bear- Heya Bro :friends:

MGJ- Thanks for stoppin by! And for you kind words :D

Always good to have some wonderful people swing by in my ole thread..

about the thrips-

I hired on some ladys to protect my ladies :laughing:
Them along with neem got rid of em last time... Heres hoping the do their work again! DUM DIDDY DOO!!!--THE THRIPINATER-ettes

Some random stuff:
Boomstick in the 2 bucket setup under 400w day 2 flower:

Boomstick nug grown under 150w and CFL supplement:

Part of a new addition to my stable: :woohoo: (BIG THANKS)
My first ever "Clone only elite" pre 98 Bubba Kush


Peace and kindness all


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Those ladies might be great workers..but I bet they fail their random piss test..hehe..
"Hey lady..is that a trichome in your lunchbox"

You got ladies all over your boomstick..bahhhaaahhaaa.. :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya anima :wave:
i love the predators !....hope they slaughter the Borg ....hehehe good luck on eradicating them !


Active member
Heya P2p and Core! :wave:

We are rocking in here eh?

yea those thrips are quite a diversion from the fun stuff... They seem to be a constant nuisance for me...They are indigenous to the area it seems.
Today I was out weed whacking and decided to get down and check out the local bugs population...and sure enough I was able to identify some thrip damage to a few plants and I even spotted one of the lil almost microscopic suckers. I also found a few ladybugs :D Last time I used them I used some I got from my buddy(commercial ladys) This time its a small platoon of locals I gathred up and set loose.

It's always something eh? :dueling:

But for now it's pretty isolated, and I have my hopes up :D

Heres a shot of the skunk #5 under the 150w almost ready for the chop:

Peace and kindness


No Longer a Human Watering Can
right on anima !!!!! get those little f***ERS

the spinosad is deadly to bees but it breaks down real fast i have mixed bottles of it used a litlle bit of it ad set it aside when i came back like 40 hrs later to use it it had changed color and smell so i know it doesnt take long to change >>>>> this doesn't help u >>> but interesting info after 45-55 hrs a person could ingest it with no side affects

MMMMM BUBBA KUSH you are gonna be happy with that foe sho!!!
Looking good Anima!! And death to all thrips :cuss:Die muthaf*ckaz Die!! Hopefully y'r new platoon of gals will take care of that for ya :D
Did I read correctly that y'r flowering under both a 150 and a 400??
Just curious is all
'Neway, like I said thingz are looking good despite the bugs :yes:
BBL, Low


Active member
Heya JacktheREEFER- Thanks for the info on the spinosad. I'm considering it more and more.

Definitley looking forward to running some new (to me) genes ;)

Heya High Low-Thanks for stoppin by! Yes you got it right- a 400w (on a flip/flop) and a 150w.
Heres a link to a post that shows how my 150w is setup.
You can find out how I setup my 400w ventilation in the first post of this thread I think.

My setup is constantly changing around.

Peace and kindness