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Who spoils their pet or pets with snacks?


when im eating a cookie or to or three my cat will come around sniffing. he wont go away until i break off a little so he can satisfy his sweet tooth. oh yea and he also loves v8 juice. he needs his lycopene.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

I share my steaks with him as I'll mix it with his dry food. If he has a bone he'll be up at 3-4am regurgitating it, not a very nice thing to step on while making the morning coffee. This guy eats anything though, apples, bananas everything. He gets my mail from the door & brings it to me he receives med size dog biscuits for his efforts. Other than that he gets dental stixs & he also digs ice cubes. He loves to howl & I get him going sometimes with a harp or I sing in a deeper bluesy voice with a little howlin myself than he'll start in.


He's watching my line when I get a hit & he hears the drag screaming he starts to get goofy.


very cute guys...

Oh yea my dogs get anything that isn't too harmful or deadly to them. I figure hey they live a 7th of what we do...they deserve to try all kinds of food if they can. Imagine having to smell the food and all the good things in it with their powerful noses and eating dog food for life. It is unhealthy to feed them say McDonalds for a constant meal or on a regular basis. But a piece every now and they just to satisfy their cravings for the taste is well worth it. I lte me dog taste everything I eat not a lot, but definitely a taste.


Lammen Gorthaur
We have two dogs. One goes to work with my wife every day - she runs a senior housing property here in Southeast Texas and I have one at home with me that's a general pain in the ass kind of dog. He's the only dog I ever had that goes out of his way to be deliberately mean to all other dogs. He sure is beautiful to look at (one of those big white Samoyeds - a Siberian mutt of renown I'm sure) but when he goes I'll never have another one. The amount of hair he leaves dries me bananas. I spend my days cleaning up after him like I'm his bitch or something.

The other dog just comes home and lays on this couch in our living room and racks out. He's the only dog we ever had that sleeps on furniture and he didn't learn it here, either.

Snacks? Yeah, when I remember. Most of the time I'd have to say they don't get snacks. Some table bits here and there, but...


My Dog Dixie, a Shetland Sheepdog, loves snacks!

Tonite she got some Meatloaf, cashews, and a few potato chips. This is in addition to her Mighty Dog canned dog food and her helping of Kitty Kat Food.

Wonder why cats will eat dry dog food and dogs will eat dry Cat Food? Can't have my cat eating dog food, so they both eat Purina Indoor Cat Formula....lol.


i always eat breakfast with my parrot Akika before i go to work, she has whatever im having.. except for eggs... cause that would be kinda twisted..
she also usually gets some of whatever vegetable we are making with dinner. i try to keep it healthy most of the time, but every once in a while ill let her lick an ice cream bowl clean or something like that


my cockatiels are batshit for millet and sunflower seeds, but won't touch fresh veg or fruit at all. i'd make more of an effort but they already were set in their ways when i got them so....meh. i'm just happy that they actually prefer the healthy pellets to the horrid seed mix they were eating before.

when we chop plants we dry the stripped stalks and put them up as perches.
My cat loves to eat his own cat food. He eats like a dog, until it's done, rather than until he's had enough.

When I wake up, and go to make my coffee, he will run up to me, and meow until I put food in his dish. Then, at LEAST two more times throughout the day, I'll be in the kitchen, and he'll tell me that he wants food, and sure enough he's eaten it all.

The only non-cat food he likes, is bacon, shrimp, and fish. Anything else he really doesn't care for.

Now, my dogs will eat anything if allowed to, but I generally only feed them my food, if I can't finish it.


Are those Brittanys or Springers? I used to have a Springer, and fed her treats. Then she became a crackhead for food. So I don't feed my dogs people food anymore. I have big dogs, and can't have them begging.

They have a bowl of food that is always full, for when they are hungry.

Great dogs S4L!

Weedman Herb

To answer the Original Question ... Yes ... but we call it a reward ... You just give up the goods JJ? You gotta make em work for it ... well ... I guess they are doing their "trick" for you ... If demanding the goods is considered a trick worthy of a treat. Maybe they need to learn a new one?? Even feral cats can learn ... we have 1 too ! She's the sweetest cat ever ... until it's time to hunt or play ... then she becomes 50 pound cat with 2000 claws ...


Active member
I dont consider it spoiling I consider it livingggggg, My pets are like my children eventho i have none yet. If im eatin chicken parm and penne they deserve it too. We all live like dons sittin at the table around here. Kittens and my pups.. ive also been told by some buds of mine, my pets eat better then most people get to in there lifetime italianfood wise hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Are those Brittanys or Springers? I used to have a Springer, and fed her treats. Then she became a crackhead for food. So I don't feed my dogs people food anymore. I have big dogs, and can't have them begging.

They have a bowl of food that is always full, for when they are hungry.

Great dogs S4L!
thnx CTSV
they're springers bro, three generations, granny on the
left, then mom on the right & her pup in the middle.......

I wish I could've kept the puppy but as mentioned my
bad back just precluded me from being able to match
her energy level, she's better off with an active home
where she is now, her mom & granny did adore her too.



Well... You made the right choice.

Springers are a ball of energy, and do not slow down until about 8-10 years old. At least mine didn't

She died at the vet getting her teeth cleaned. :( still miss her very much, and now I brush my dogs teeth

They hate it!


ICMag Donor
When I'm reading I usually eat gummi bears or goldfish crackers and hand feed them to my dog who lays her head in my lap while I'm doing it.

She also loves red vines Black licorice.


Active member
I try to give my dog healthy people food. Baby carrots, raw almonds, pieces of bananas, apples, even oranges (which I understand is like a lemon to a dog--very sour). Once in a while I'll cook him up an egg and mix it in with his first meal of the day. If he's lucky he'll get some chicken or steak but I usually like to eat all that myself. Love my dog, he's sleeping next to me right now.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I told him he'd get lots of treats but he wasn't too impressed.
I should have gotten the fireman outfit he wanted.


Sneak attack critical
My bird loves potato chips and french fries. I know its bad for her, but she's so cute when she's begging...

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