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Sacramento clones

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does anyone know what seed company the northern lights clones at capitol wellness are from? i want to get as much info on it as possible, like flowering time and whatnot.


Active member
they're only getting back into selling clones and with them accepting random clones from random vendors its gonna be hard to tell where everything came from. Give it some time and the info on the the strains will start to flow freely. Hell, even Horizon had to take my word on stuff when i started. im thinking of making some different strains i have available for CW and letting Horizon carry the strains i vend so far... i didn't think people would still want Northern Lights with all the snazzy named strains out there. i still can get the original, untouched NL#5 x Haze if someone wants it.

Jeff Lebowski

Omg, Northern lights is still an amazing strain of medicine but the haze part is dangerous for me :) Narcotic indicas is where it's at! Most clubs usually have to take someone's word on a strain unless they know the breeder or more intimate details. We need strawberry kush in the area.
Strawberry Kush, WOW, she's a lovely gal.... I am actually waiting on a homie to come back down from the hills, he said he would bring me a few cut's of her and some other's he's had for a while now.... We really liked Pineapple Cough too.......Another buddy of mines brought some nugs of that and it was somr fiyaaaaa.....

Peace yall!!!

@ Jeff L. where did you get to see that Strawberry Kush? Was it a club buy? THanks in advance bruddah!


Hey All,

I can't believe I just found this thread. In the Sac Area also. I currently have Purple headknock, Soma's Somango, Og -Abusive Cut, GDP, and can't remember the others right now.

If anyone ever wants some of these cuts, I can point yah in the right direction. ;-)

I also know allot fo vendors in the area that have pretty much everything.

Nice meetin some local folks on the boards.
Right on Lokes, GOod to hear, You have nice list man.... Hows that Somango?

have you flowerred her out yet.... Did you get as a Clone or From Seed...?

DOes it have the Desirable Fall colors That are shown in the Breeder descriptions..?.


Jeff Lebowski

The strawberry kush I ran into was from a club down in LA (where I'm from) with the origin coming from Reservoir Seeds. I spoke to the guy who would drop a few cuts off here and there and got the ld on the plant. It is Kyle Kushman's Strawberry Cough x Hindu Kush which allows this plant to be short and bushy from the kush side, finishes with 75% amber trichs at around 60 days or less. I've taken it down at 45, yes only forty five days for an indica and it was still really great. Very hardy strain, loves to branch and has some of the most compact bud sites I've ever experienced. In comparison with northern lights and bubba kush it was as badass if not more than those two, at least for my condition. My plan was originally to bring it up here, but incidents with neighbors segued me into abandoning my garden out of convenience for me.

On a side note, after reading through the pages of this thread it seems most clubs only like "vendor" clones? Or, that some won't even accept plants brought in? WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS... I've walked into clubs, dropped cuts and handed a few out. What club turns away medicine for sick patients?


Seems like we are super close to starting up a Capitol City Growers Association.

Anyone know the details of setting up a collective or co-op?

This could be really good for all of us!

Hope everyones having a good day
I know for a fact you had the Strawberry Kush bro, b/c the nugs I got were ROCK to say the least, these were fukin ROCKS...

Sorry to hear about your situation, but you will soon see her and have her my friend.... Pm me when you get your 75 and I will point you in the right direction....

Yeah clubs have turned some trays down from me, and also they didn't like that I wanted a bit more in regards to a donation for thems, my cut have no bugs no mold no nothing mang, and I am not making huge drops where i do drop, I am a more smaller in comparison to many, just by prefference, (no pun intended to any other vendors)

I also tried to hand a few out once and was told not to right away man, it was crazy, I was very surprized they would do that right in front of the Patient....:fsu:

Blessings Jeff, and to all stay safe,,.... :)

The strawberry kush I ran into was from a club down in LA (where I'm from) with the origin coming from Reservoir Seeds. I spoke to the guy who would drop a few cuts off here and there and got the ld on the plant. It is Kyle Kushman's Strawberry Cough x Hindu Kush which allows this plant to be short and bushy from the kush side, finishes with 75% amber trichs at around 60 days or less. I've taken it down at 45, yes only forty five days for an indica and it was still really great. Very hardy strain, loves to branch and has some of the most compact bud sites I've ever experienced. In comparison with northern lights and bubba kush it was as badass if not more than those two, at least for my condition. My plan was originally to bring it up here, but incidents with neighbors segued me into abandoning my garden out of convenience for me.

On a side note, after reading through the pages of this thread it seems most clubs only like "vendor" clones? Or, that some won't even accept plants brought in? WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS... I've walked into clubs, dropped cuts and handed a few out. What club turns away medicine for sick patients?


Seems like we are super close to starting up a Capitol City Growers Association.

Anyone know the details of setting up a collective or co-op?

This could be really good for all of us!

Hope everyones having a good day

Yes I do, PM me with your email and I can send you a copy of the Co-op form. I am down like a mo-fo.

Also I'm trying to get hooked up with ASA, Americans for Safe Access, but they have been a little less than responsive. Not sure if I wan't to be associated with them yet or not but it sounds good on the surface.


Active member
vendors are just the people who bring them in. i dont have any special license or contract with anybody. i just try to offer a quality clone supply to whoever is in need...bring 5 cuts to a club and that makes you a vendor.........
What i get out of the new co-op guidlines is that they have to be private membership and all members must contribute something(money, labor, supplies) im not sure but i think logs are kept on member participation/expenditures. cant be all that hard. A co-op/collective would be extra nice now that a few more of us are gonna make cuts available, not to mention transactions between members are in compliance(how about getting clones directly from me for half what the clubs charge?)....someone just find us a place to all meet, im sure we could work everything out.


I've been talking to some people at Capitol Wellness about an idea I had for a weekly genetics discussion/exchange group for members to meet and freely exchange clones, seeds and pollen without charge. Their new facility has all sorts of meeting rooms for classes and such. I told the people I talked to about this particular thread, that there would be considerable interest in such a group, and that they would be providing a great service to local patients, ultimately raising the overall quality of available medicine by allowing the free exchange of top-quality genetics between local growers and breeders.

It is my personal opinion that there are way too many bullshit commercial genetics being grown these days and called "medicinal". There's a place for every strain, and a strain for every taste, and I hope everyone grows what they love, whatever it is. But I talk to people every day who are completely dissatisfied with most of the herb available to them at the clubs and on the street, complaining about the bland one-dimensional highs, sledgehammer uber-potency, over-emphasis on purple colors, endless OG Kush variations, etc. Hardly anyone I know has any idea what kind of effects to expect from meds that they buy or grow, and many times end up with expensive jars full of something that is counterproductive for their needs. People with anxiety smoking racy sativas, people who need to stay active ending up completely zonked from someone's mislabeled clone grow given a name they're familiar with. Think about it - that's like going to a pharmacy with a prescription for an antibiotic and getting a diuretic instead. Now you're infected and pissing uncontrollably! I know a poor girl who was trying to calm down smoking Greek Crack and Trainwreck and ended up freaking out pretty good!

Such a group could put a dent in that by helping raise the standards, educating growers about the genetic backgrounds of what they're growing, why this strain grows/effects the way it does as opposed to this one, etc. Such knowledge can only trickle down and have a positive effect.

So if that sounds at all interesting, go down there and put a bug in their ear about it. The more of us present the idea, the more seriously they'll consider it. And it sounds like a lot of us have the exact same idea.


Oh this thread is just getting better and better. I think we should start a small meet and greet bounce some ideas, get a firm base then we can have something meaningful to bring/share with the community. If someone wants to grab the reins send the PM's and let the games begin.

If not let me know, and I'll jump on it. I'm excited for the reasons below, I really believe that bringing quality to those in need, without the commercial money mongers is a good deed INDEED.

Not to say you all shouldn't make an honest donation for an honest days work, but these clubs really miss the point of the compassionate use act IMHO.


I've been talking to some people at Capitol Wellness about an idea I had for a weekly genetics discussion/exchange group for members to meet and freely exchange clones, seeds and pollen without charge. Their new facility has all sorts of meeting rooms for classes and such. I told the people I talked to about this particular thread, that there would be considerable interest in such a group, and that they would be providing a great service to local patients, ultimately raising the overall quality of available medicine by allowing the free exchange of top-quality genetics between local growers and breeders.

It is my personal opinion that there are way too many bullshit commercial genetics being grown these days and called "medicinal". There's a place for every strain, and a strain for every taste, and I hope everyone grows what they love, whatever it is. But I talk to people every day who are completely dissatisfied with most of the herb available to them at the clubs and on the street, complaining about the bland one-dimensional highs, sledgehammer uber-potency, over-emphasis on purple colors, endless OG Kush variations, etc. Hardly anyone I know has any idea what kind of effects to expect from meds that they buy or grow, and many times end up with expensive jars full of something that is counterproductive for their needs. People with anxiety smoking racy sativas, people who need to stay active ending up completely zonked from someone's mislabeled clone grow given a name they're familiar with. Think about it - that's like going to a pharmacy with a prescription for an antibiotic and getting a diuretic instead. Now you're infected and pissing uncontrollably! I know a poor girl who was trying to calm down smoking Greek Crack and Trainwreck and ended up freaking out pretty good!

Such a group could put a dent in that by helping raise the standards, educating growers about the genetic backgrounds of what they're growing, why this strain grows/effects the way it does as opposed to this one, etc. Such knowledge can only trickle down and have a positive effect.

So if that sounds at all interesting, go down there and put a bug in their ear about it. The more of us present the idea, the more seriously they'll consider it.


Active member
we just need that safe meet up spot. I'll do whatever it takes to get this off the ground....i think a good idea to maybe get CW to let us meet is to make use of their classroom space. we could volunteer time to teach people the basics/finer points of medical gardening in exchange for letting us have our 'fraternal order of the water buffalo' meetings on their property. im also down to help there (i bet i could teach people the cloning and i have more than average experience with greenhouses) whatever it takes, just need to get together


Lokes - Absolutely, I think anyone willing to take the risk and put in the work to do a good job on a bigger garden should be duly compensated. That paradigm and the growing of quality medicinal strains are by no means mutually exclusive though - they can co-exist nicely with a bit of knowledge regarding strain selection.

One of my main beefs - far too many indicas, and way too little variety of sativas. When I go to most local clubs, it seems like the same things are almost always on the "sativa" side of the menu - Trainwreck, Super Silver Haze, OG Kush and/or Chem D. Or a pollen-chuck with one of the above. Occasionally there will be something different, but for the most part that's what a lot of people think "sativa" is all about. All 4 are amazing, amazing strains, and I enjoy each one of them. There is a definite reason why each is so popular. E32 Wreck will be in my garden as long as I can keep her alive. But there's more to the sativa side of the cannabis gene pool, a LOT more, and people need to be able to explore it firsthand in their bongs and their gardens.

It's not all about flat-out potency. For some, that's their thing. But for a lot of people, many of the "elites" are just too overpowering and unsubtle. There are many, many people who use cannabis for mental and emotional symptoms (myself included) and appreciate the subtleties that a less-potent herb can possess in its high.

I'm definitely not one of those who can't handle the 'strong stuff', FYI... I'll take a fat tulip of anything you've got right to my head if it's the right time of day.

Trybud - Word on the volunteerism. I absolutely love to share the knowledge I've picked up with others. I'm almost 100% self taught as a grower. Which means I've made almost every single mistake you can possibly make at least twice. It took me years to get it right. I can't imagine having had a resource like a live, human grower with non commercial, indoor personal-grow experience to rap with. Plenty of peeps can tell you how to fill a house with plants. I started in 1990 at age 16 with a 4 foot shoplite, a 1974(!) printing of the Mel Frank/Ed Rosenthal book, some Supersoil I nabbed from the side of the house, some Miracle Gro, one decent seed and a coffee can with a few holes in the bottom and the lid for a drip tray. Watched it for months and harvested about 7 grams of premature but potent Humboldt green that lasted about 2 days.

Greenhouse skills, eh? Awesome... I literally dream about being able to grow in a greenhouse someday, not for mad quantity but for the ability to take something equatorial like Zamal or a pure Haze all the way to February with natural light. Someday...


Try- My concern is if we get with CW before getting organized they will be all up in our business to early. My house is open to all, I don't have a current grow, so its as safe as any.

Ponde- I'M with yah on your comments of potency and selection to a point. A good head for me is really strong, long lasting, up, and not couchlock. Stawberry cough, and Medicine Woman have fit this bill pretty good for me. The problem with the clubs is they charge for elites without really having them. There are lots of Elite's out there that will foot your bill, while still maintaining elite status. Its really just strain selection. You can have a really high THC content without the couchlock, by choosing the right strain and harvesting early. What the elites bring is bag appeal, aroma, taste, and longevity. I'm using the term Elite loosely here, as it often is. A true elite is just that. Not many have the pleasure of ever seeing it let alone grow one. A true Elite should be able to harness a straight $400oz price and no one would bitch. It has Rapper status and no ones handin out cuts. Clubs definitely don't have shit that comes close to that but they'll charge patients like they do, that's my beef.

I'm not sure if we're all on the same page here, but I think we can formulate something meaningful putting our skulls together.

Personally I'm very resourceful, and my goals are simple, bring the medicine to the people in a compassionate way. There's really two sides of the fence here and I happen to live on both.

The side I'm interested in at the moment is doing something with my knowledge that can help the greater good, while meeting some like minded peeps in the community, and trying to maximize the great laws CA has given us to one day become self hemployed. (that being the other side of the fence) which has the self preservation part built in.

When and If can find where these two sides of the fence come together, that to me is Nirvana.

Here in the Sac area, I've been exposed to the large commercial monster where quality at a reasonable donation has been lost in translation due to greed and stupidity.

I'd like to see that change. You don't know how many times, I've had someone cry on the other end of the line, because I offered them medicine that they could actually afford at a reasonable price.


None of my business, but... Yes I will. In July.

Again, none of my business, but I think lokes made a good point with "My concern is if we get with CW before getting organized they will be all up in our business to early."

If your group ends up competing with them down the road, then that might cause future friction. Although, I'm guessing CW is an place to meet where they would verify everyone was a patient, so that is a huge bonus. If I may, perhaps there is another place out of the area but not too far, where you could meet that verifies patient status and you really wouldn't have to worry about directly competing with them much in the future.

Just a suggestion from someone who won't even be there until July or so. I must say the ideas being shared are inspiring though. A patient grower's collective makes a lot of sense, with a relatively limited private membership to start out at least. How many non-growing members could be supported by the growing members? Not open 7 days a week or 12 hours a day, just what the members can handle in hours to start out. It sounds like starting small is what you want to do. Build up a good group of dependable exclusive patient growers and go from there. I might suggest trying to avoid growing too fast. That's probably how all the other clubs ended being just like each other it seems. You are looking for something different, so not doing it exactly how they did might be a good idea.

Start out small and exclusive. Build a good, decent, reputation, and stay true to the mission you're laying out nicely here. Sounds like a recipe for success for me, and success in more ways than just dollars. Inspiring. You can do it.
Canna crap just turned down my Bog Lifesaver & Bogglegum cuts.
Apparently if you mention a breeder by name, your a fake.
Even if you have the breeder packs.
So Asian Joe, kma.
A private collective is badly needed.
Great work pulling this all together you guys!


Bobble thanx for the kind words, they ring true. Hopefully we are not looking to be a club at all, just a collective to cover our ass, with a focus on the 'real deal' and sharing the fruits of our labor with the great folks we meet along the way.

Personally I grow to medicate myself, but that doesnt' stop the passion for the plant from taking over and wanting me to breed, share ideas, and seek the best of the best along this great road. In doing so I end up with excess I would gladly and lovingly share with those who don't have the know how, and would do the same for their fellow man if they could.

During our journey, patients will reciprocate to help us fund. the compassionate acts we offer them to help us continue our journey toward perfection, compassion, and botany.

How'd I do?

Edit: Ponde- IMO thats a HUGE part in forming this collective. HOW DO WE DO THINGS BETTER, THAt BENEFIT THE COLLECTIVE.
Luv to have yah bro.
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