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Sacramento clones

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i just picked up some clones from capitol wellness...they had three strains available...northern lights, chocolate chunk, and ishan (sp?) (green crack x blue dragon)....i got the northern lights and chocolate chunks. does anyone know which seed company their northern lights is from? i know the chocolate chunk is thseeds...but i forgot to ask them what company the northern lights is from.
Hey Bobble, Just an FYI. You will need to get your CA drivers license right away. I would also call Dr. Denney NOW and request an appointment. I had to wait over 2 months for an appt. He is the best Dr. around and the busiest. Good luck
The scene is getting better all the time due to the efforts of the cool cats around here.

Great advice its420 and Thundurkel. I was thinking of using a relatives address in the area to establish residency, get license, etc. while I am there this spring looking for a place. Midtown would be perfect except its a little pricey. Maybe Oak Park close to UCDavis Med Center is in my range. Normally I would rent an apt for 6 months until I got a better sense of the area, however mmj friendly landlords are not something I think I can count on. So this time I'm buying really low, fixing up, and living in it until something better comes along. In this market I'm just planning on turning it into a rental after I move out in a year or so. Maybe I can help out another patient that needs a cheap place to live. From a state that doesn't treat mmj patients like human beings. That's a thought. I ramble.

I will definitely look into Dr. Denney, thank you. Getting that appointment now isn't a bad idea at all, thanks. I gotta nail down a spring house hunting date range. Let's see, April 18th is day 60 of flower, so....

stoner, even if you got Nirvana Northern Light clones, you'll probably be happy. I loved my freebie Nirvana NL buds. Good stuff.

Thanks everyone for doing what you do. You represent the Sacramento area well.

Keep spreading the clone love.


yeah..to bigger and better location....i heard there's gonna be a smoking lounge, can anyone who talks to them confirm?

This is a NEGATIVE, I asked. Told them I thought they should have one.

Unless things have changed.....thats what they told me

They are already moved, the new location has the clones set-up. They will close the old white house down in a month or two.

Hope this helps


Active member
when you're an official qualified medical patient (isn't that the legal name of med user?) let me know, i'll try to set you up with clones of whats floating around out here....cool idea you have about renting out your old pad to a needy med patient when you upgrade...


Active member
too bad about the smoke lounge. i heard it was a possibility if there was space. Probably has more to do with it violating the indoor smoking laws. It's be cool if we could all meet AND burn each others gear....


You dont 'Smoke' when you use a volcano, theres no laws broken there. I think they just dont want peeps hanging out. Give up your $$$ and head for the door. I picked up some Afgh X Trainwreck last time I was there, its the worst herb I have had in years, GIVES me migraines. Its the damndest thing.

I'm still looking into starting a collective amongst ourselves, gotta read and re-read


When i'm not so well medicated....I got some PROPER meds from a friend from another site. Fn AWESOME, still high from the J he burned with me, paper dipped in hash oil, chem 4 joint. WEEEEEEE

What was I talking about? Oh well, headed to the 'fridge
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when you're an official qualified medical patient (isn't that the legal name of med user?) let me know, i'll try to set you up with clones of whats floating around out here....cool idea you have about renting out your old pad to a needy med patient when you upgrade...

Yeah, one of these days states may start recognizing the Dr. recommendations from other states, but until then better safe than sorry. I have a recommendation in my state and we have a stricter definition of qualifying conditions, so I'm not worried about being rejected there. It's pretty obvious just by looking at me that I qualify. I'm a Bobblehead. :biglaugh:

I will certainly seek out your clones once I can, thank you. Giving ICMag readers a heads up is an awesome service to both patients and the clubs, I would think. You should charge more, lol. Seriously though, I appreciate what you do and I've only just visited so far.

Looking through apartment listings out there I can tell landlords already know all about indoor grows and don't want anything to do with them. I'd take some kind buds as partial rent, for sure, so it makes sense to mutually benefit someone else in a situation similar to mine. Hmmmm, maybe then I'll get an apartment complex and install some solar panels and greenhouses and make a whole complex available for partially or mostly disabled mmj patients with its own collective open to others qualified from the public and the patients could use their proceeds to help them make ends meet and pay Dr. bills and prescriptions. Totally off into dreamland now, sorry.

One thing at a time, but Sacramento is looking more exciting every day. (And then I read the economic news, lol.) try bud I can't wait to get some of your fine work, especially if it means I don't have to wait on seeds for my first run when I get there. Awesome!

Back to the clone talk, sorry everyone.
Good luck with that Bobblehead, you really must be high!

What, you're not in the now that Obama is Pres we will see heaven on earth optimist crowd?

I hear ya, yes, I'm just having some fun. You never know, some super rich person may read this thread and figure out how to make it happen and make money and help people. Maybe even you mountain kind?

Meanwhile back in reality, I'm curious what info, if any, comes with most of the clones? Like flowering times, size tendencies, etc. And can you usually buy some cured product of the clone line?

For us clone buyers out there, what factors into our purchasing decision?

Jeff Lebowski

So where is Capitol's new location in case I can get a ride? I am looking for some heavy indica and their purple kush last time was perfect. Any have on update on their med list atm? Thanks for the help guys.
I know Obama is president but I don't trust him nor will the USA become some new Mecca for Cannabis. All I can say is that there are more MMJ states other than cali, maybe check one of them out because out here, the sign is starting to read LOT FULL with no jobs, landlords who are aware of what people like you are trying to do, so couple that with no jobs, man...the cup sure is half empty now isn't it? Yea I sound a little harsh but I'm coming off a real long day so maybe its not best to post this now but I figure you'll like a quick reply.

I've never bought clones from a club but I don't think you should expect any of that information as the clubs arent growing the clones theyre selling theyre buying them and reselling em just like the herb so who knows WTF right?
Hey Bobble Sac can be fun, rivers & parks big fun in summer.
Just a small word of caution, be careful of UC Med Center.
Worked there and on campus for 20 years.
Be proactive & question them, then go over your bill with a fine tooth comb.
They rack up charges like granny at the slot machine.
Top notch trauma team though.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Bobble- Most clones come with some sort info but not much and not always accurate. You have to see what interests you grab it then do a little research from sites like this, see what others have done as far as grow times, taste, cures, high, etc. I would advise you to simply get some gear that interests you or fills your medical needs and simply get to growin. No knowledge like your own knowledge homie!


U & 29th is new new Capitol
Try the ewe2, i wish i would have gotten it instead of Af x TW-DONT get that
ewe2 smelled like my sour bubble/bubba kush and I think it might have been the best they had at the time
Thing is they go thru SO much ganja everyday, even if you post what they had, they wont the next day usually.

Good luck


Just Call me Urkle!!
The Truth!

The Truth!

Oak Park is our version of the Bronx. Infact I recommend you stay away from Oak Park, Del Paso Heights, Rancho Cordova and North highlands. Those are the ghettos!

I must totally agree with Freedom as I grew up in Rancho Cordova, and lived in the other places as well as South Sac wich is bad as well... I've been at the light rail station in DPH and heard grimey dudes from Oakland saying how DPH was more wild! I almost cracked up I always felt it was similar but that was a cherry on top ahahha...

No offense to those that live in those places I grew up very poor and know what it's like to live in a shit area and still love it I just hate the drama..

As for cheap you can pay $925 for a 2bd townhouse in Midtown or I see 1bd apt for $600-$700

Jeff Lebowski

U & 29th is new new Capitol
Try the ewe2, i wish i would have gotten it instead of Af x TW-DONT get that
ewe2 smelled like my sour bubble/bubba kush and I think it might have been the best they had at the time
Thing is they go thru SO much ganja everyday, even if you post what they had, they wont the next day usually.

Good luck

Has anyone heard or had any form of experience with a cutting called "Purple Fire"????

Any info is good info, please! Thanks ahead!


I saw a sample of purple fire at Marconi a while ago. It was very dense, had desirable coloring, and left a dusting of trichs on the glass when dude dropped a bud on the counter. He said it was related to OGK, but I really didn't see it. It looked and smelled VERY similar to my sr71pk cut.
Sorry to say, I didn't smoke it.
Well that's a good start though, and any info get's me closer to the answer, so thank You....


P.S. Anybody else with info is very much appreciated....
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mountain kind, thanks for the sober advice. Cali was not my first choice in a mmj state, believe me, but its time to try another one. High property values was the main reason I didn't come out three years ago. They are not as big of a problem now. Don't have to worry about me making your taxes go up. I'm bringing my job and one more with me, so actually I should be helping to make things better. I've got more family near there than here, and that's the biggest reason. A kind closet is a must also, but I've got my bases covered.

OldDeadHead - wise advice. People wonder why health care costs so much and then you ask them when the last time was they got multiple quotes on their health care and they look at you funny. Pay attention when your money is involved is always a good lesson.

FreedomFGHTR - You are right to stay away from those places. I wasn't specific enough when I said Oak Park. I'm looking at a specific sliver between Stockton Blvd and Broadway to the west of UCDavis MC. That area has higher prop values than south of Broadway where the bulk of Oak Park is. Its a "buffer" neighborhood between midtown and the ghettos. Good real estate opportunities for rentals in those areas usually, which is my plan with this house purchase. No renting, landlords are unpredictable, although I would love to. So instead I'm getting a fixer upper and living in it until I can find a few acres somewhere I wanna be the next 20 years. And if the market is still crap, I'll turn the fixer upper into a rental and add it to income portfolio, no big deal. But if you see something desperate in midtown for $80-110,000 in a 2-3bd 1ba let me know. I am always on the watch for them. I may just get lucky yet.

thanks rainman, I was curious about that. We often have more control over all the variables than their genetics do, it feels like. I know I've ruined some good genetics, lol.

Thunderurkel, I would love a cool landlord for a 6-12 month lease but I don't want to chance it. I'm looking at midtown, something might happen. I've got my own timeline.

its420 - "Thing is they go thru SO much ganja everyday, even if you post what they had, they wont the next day usually."

See now, THAT isn't happening in other mmj states and for good and bad it is a big draw for people like me.

Great thread everybody. Thanks.
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