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Feminized Seeds EVERYWHERE, why?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
How come everytime I go to any seed bank all I keep seeing is more feminized and less regular seeds?

Are they trying to go towards a mostly if not all female seed line. Or did I just smoke too much of this ak I have right here?

It seems harder and harder for me to locate strains that are NOT feminized lately. I don't care for fem seeds and never will. I enjoy choosing my own phenos as well as having a male for seed production. Which I think is why this push for fem seeds. Kill the f2's or something so people will have to buy seed stock versus make their own.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
That does seem to be the new trend now. It makes it easier for new growers, but I agree with the idea of regular seeds so you can select your own phenos and make your own seeds too.

I did get some Strawberry Blue which is only available in fems and it is outstanding.

I wonder if you can reverse the fems.
It's most to make it easier to upstart a grow for "beginners" and ppl. with more exp. i think it's a good idea and a trend in these times.. But it's still more normal to buy seeds that mixed with females and males :) i'm gonna buy 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 feminised seeds here next time, different stains. save 2 seeds from each package to save em like a collect item..

But hm, it's allso "Easy" to make femi. seeds your self so why not do it and save the bucks?
Well, I would guess that the proliferation has to do with 2 reasons:

Breeders are able to charge premium prices for feminized seeds
By creating a type of pot grower who is used to and relies on feminized seeds, they create regular demand for their product because once that plant runs out, there's no clearcut way to make new seeds by yourself...

kind of like cell phone companies: "This phone can connect to the internet. You have to pay us this much more to connect to the internet; you can't use it as a regular phone if you don't pay for the internet." blah blah blah

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
You pretty much hit the nail on the head IMO.. The larger seed banks, the ones who make the real money want it so that when you want to grow a certain named strain again, you have no choice but to reorder another pack of female only seeds from them.. For them doing away with males, and home production on any kinda level is a huge huge increase in revenue. It's blatant, anyone can see that their phasing out the standard bred offerings, and pushing more and more of them only in feminized form.

On top of that, bottem line, it's because people are fucking buying em. They dont realize the noose that is slowely tightening around our necks as time goes on, and more femization is done, and less standard breeding. All they see is female plants, and for a good majority thats all their growing for.. a closet, tent, small plot of female plants. They dont realize half the elites or clones being passed around and coveted were created and found in the closet hacks closet who took it upon himself to toss a lil pollen from the genetics he purchased from those large/successful seed banks...

Sure you could make more by feminizing a femized plant, but I personally hate to rely on chemicals for something that used to be, could be, and probably should be done natural. I certainly want to make the best possibly selections for my home breeding, and to do that it always took selecting a solid male worthy of the cross. I personally didnt start noticing hermis in my population till I started growing out feminized beans, or strains which came about from a sexed reversed female. Sure hermis always existed, but ime not at the rate they are in todays genetics.
Had the same idea :) but homegrowers like us would not support the firms in the end.

And the idea of only buy one stain would never hold water cause many ppl. like me allways save at least 3 - 5 seeds out of 10 - and in my contry it's legal to swarp seeds

So underground / Homegrowers would support each other in a bigger scale than they do today.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Had the same idea :) but homegrowers like us would not support the firms in the end.

And the idea of only buy one stain would never hold water cause many ppl. like me allways save at least 3 - 5 seeds out of 10 - and in my contry it's legal to swarp seeds

So underground / Homegrowers would support each other in a bigger scale than they do today.

Lets hope ColoritGreen, lets hope. For sure, the smaller time under ground pollen chucking homegrowers arn't going anywhere:noway: I know I try my best not to support the female seed movement with my money, but in the end if the strain you want is a no longer availble or being released for that matter in a standard form, you really have lil choice other then buy, or grow something different. Buying fem seeds is the same as supporting them. A few seeds saved from a seed pack is only going to last, and take us so far down the road. We need/rely on those large breeder firms who have the ability to choose from 100-1000's of male/female plants when developing new strains to then release them to us in a form we can breed with, and take further in our individual seed ventures.

There are hundreds of newbies born everyday, and in the places where it's less legal to deal in marijuana, alot of the times these folks rely on these larger cup winning LOL overseas seed banks, and most are now choosing the convience of all female seeds without seeing the whole big picture of how it was, and how it could be down the road if the movement continues towards feminizing everything.. It is these folks who will fuel the feminized movement with their new money, as us old standard seed growing heads die off relying on eachother LMAO.


The real deal to closet/smalltime growers are the great price that are being offered for these seeds. If an individual can get a 5 pack of femmed seeds for a quarter the price of normally priced regulars, they will go with the fems almost all the time. I know that there are good deals out there from NEW breeders, but that usually means a low supply. Since it is easier to make regular seeds, why don't popular seed strains give an option to sell smaller packs for less money. One thing contributes to another, a company must evolve with the economic times to remain in the game.
year you'r right :) we are relying on eachother if it ends up like that, but i really dont think i would gonna be like that, it would take the freedom away from the growers and the passion out of the "Hobby" if i may call it that? :) when i started i bought a package of "Four Way" seeds from SensiSeeds to germinate and clone, but it all went down cause of my skills at that time, after that i bought a pack with feminised seeds from Royalqueenseeds and where thrilled that i could grow 10 seeds and get 10 awesome plants to smoke in the end. But year, after growing some time it's not only the product you smoke, your wanna get better to improve it, make it "Kind a your own" and enjoy the grow and show others in here what you are doing, for homegrowers like you and me and most others in here it's about the respect for eachother, and showing :)

Have you never bought a package with femi. seeds in a time or another?

If not i give you my fully respect.. i did :)


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I am not trying to start a thing against fem seeds, hell my FIRST pack of fem seeds was gotten by me this past week. It was the Super Lemon Haze, I want the strain and didn't see a regular version. If there was a regular strain available I would have gotten that instead.

I don't want fem seeds, never saw a point in it BUT I do believe that if they stop producing great strains in regular form that we will end up buying the fem version just to get the strain. I however also believe that it will simply lead to even more crosses using our males and the many fem strains just so we can make seeds versus having to keep buying more fem strains.

I just see fem strains killing the gene pool or whatever is left of it. Odds are most of our crosses come from a few lines at most.

As long as we can protect and continue landrace seeds I don't see us having an issue. Keep new strains coming out by breeding old school genetics.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
It's kind of like having a clone only strain.

Are femmed plants OK to breed with?


There are still different phenos with fem seeds.
I don't want to breed, but if I did, there are millions regular seeds available.
I don't want to deal with males.
I make mother plants out of my favorite fem phenos.
I'm not a big grower either (maybe 30-50 pounds a year).
I run clone only strains as well, they are all fem, too.

Oh the horrors of fems...



Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
dongle69, You sound like a feminist. Just kidding of course.

I agree, for small growers and those that don't have the time to find out what sex the plant is going to be, feminised seeds are cool.

Indica Jones

Active member
Yeah, but if they don't reverse using chemicals, you can pollinate a whole crop. Soma and others use the late banana tech. and pass on the hermie trait.


OverGrow Refugee
i just DON"T see a point in growing a plant and throwing away so much potential...so if you don't want males you do what most people do you cut them down lol....why f....k with a good thing( NATURE)



I've popped over 500 fem seeds and never had a hermie.
Can't say the same about "regular" seeds...:mad:

I don't know what people are so afraid of.
There will always be plenty of all kinds of seeds and the numbers will increase each year, so everyone should be happy.