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Tonatiuhs' Oasis

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
K+ for the eric b and rakim joint.
old schoolers and their thick ass rope chains, lol

training did that cheese sweet man, ffa too.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
che-thanks bro.cheese is stinkin already yo...the spider aint too big,he just hangs out,takes off hidin when im lookin at the clones.hes aight with me.peace.

aca-dubb-hehe dont act like you dont like insects with that big ass prayin mantis you had.:yoinks:
sample is a mf yo,cant wait to see it in a week when i chop the rest down.

sublime-yea man the tent is shapin up and still with 40 days to go.
cheese tastes great.i smoked a J of it with a homie and he was lovin it,i cant wait to get a propper dry on some gonna be amazing.it has made the keeper list for sure.peace bro.-T-

CF-thankyou bruh...yes yo Rakim is my all time favorite emcee.it dont get no more hip hop the rakim and grafitti.
thanks bro i think the cheese definetly likes to be trained rather then topped yo.i did a side by side this time to see and the one i topped dont look nearly as good yo.

my homie gave me a bud of some kind of purple weed and i found 3 seeds in about 5 grams of weed.i didnt need the bud but they like to hook me up when they have somethin nice...i aint turnin nothin down but my collar.:joint:

bump this while we roll yo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T1j...85FC037F&index=46&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL



made some sift today...



and this was in my break down box so i jarred it too before i spill it all over...




Active member
Word, you could join the Bag Seed Growers Association if you pop the purp. beans!
That dry sift looks melty :)


love the spider pictures. spiders are bad ass---only one I am scared of is Brown Recluse they like hanging out in the leaves in the woods you don't wanna get bit by one of them.

i was thinking exactly what Frank said bout the cheese and the music

if I was you I may be tempted to twist up that stuff from your b-down box.



Tonat- you say 40 more days is that based on 60 day flower or how many? Thanks they seem real frosty for 3 weeks thats why i ask

awesome grow


but even if she bit me, I woulda never got sick from it..btw, she lives in a jar now and forever...too bad the cops took her egg sack..dumb fucks thought it was hash..that is soooome purple though, how'd it smoke?
So what's yer fav? dry-sift or the bubble?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Lookin fine as frogs hair as always, T!
I'm about to a point I need a dedicated momma cab. Nothin like going to the shelf to pick out the next run, and knowin what to expect.

cd, lol...leo is gonna have some fun with hundreds of those lil phuckers crawlin around the station. I had one of those beasts in my cab this summer, but there wasn't much for him to munch on, so he got set free.


yeah, hd, thats what I was thinkin, but I think the evidence bags are airtight. But, I also know that mantis younguns are almost microscopic too..sad part is, I'll never know what happens!
I'd like to think there'll be chaos though! :muahaha:
...and I helped! :laughing: :laughing:


Pull my finger
Ha! That's fuckin great! I hope those little fuckers cause havoc. Dumfuk LEO. Too bad it wasnt crotch crickets.


Hi Tona! Just passing through, I like to lurk here....

Got a good laugh at the invasion of the preying mantis.....


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
foot-fasheezy brotha.

che-the sift is super clean and melty bro...i have a somekindabadass kush bag seed goin right now:D. it was the only one so im really hopin for a fee fee.was bad ass smoke yo.

arctic-wattup homie,thankyou for the + vibes my man.
just tryin to keep them happy and healthy.:joint:

jip-dude you aint lyin i seen a kat that got bit by a brown recluse a long ass time ago in a juvi hall.mf got bit on his foot and his whole leg swelled the hell up like a balloon yo.crazy as hell.i would not f with one of them yo.
thanks for the ups on the cheese and the tunes yo...rakim never gets old homie.
i always roll up outta the box yo, but i just jarred it cause ill end up droppin the mf and spillin it all LMAO.peace bro.-T-

moses224-based on a 70 day flowering period homie.

C-dubb-hehehe yea bro but this spider is so small bro.its just a lil guy tryin to survive.he wont stay long there aint no food for him on my cloner.its good to have him playin patrol every now and then though ya know...
mmmm prayin mantis hash :muahaha:
the purple smoked the bomb bro.tasted super grapey,i think i have a decent chance of a good fee fee too bro the seeds are big and dark ass tiger stripes.3 of them to up the odds too.and im way more a bubble hash dude,the sift gets me blowed but the ubble is on a whole nutha level yo.peace F.A.M. -T-

hoosier-wattup homie homie dontchya know me!
how you been yo.yes bro exactly i love havin the moms in there to just pick and choose the runs i want to have.i will also be gettin a mom room together real soon.
...lol @ hundreds of mantis at popo station...that id love to see.


swamp- :wave: :joint: :friends:

moses- :joint:...its a dont ask us we'll ask you type of thing yo.
nice pics though yo,not a bad way to introduce urself...whats the strain of the tall sativas in the second from last row,the 1st 2 pics?look pretty nice my man.
F.U.C.K.E.M. always keeps an eye open for talent,do you have a thread goin?that would be a good start yo,you can show off ur skill over there and we will see what ya doin ya know.peace.

lola-hey lola how goes it yo.lurk around anytime homegirl,although its good to see ya post too.peace-T-

update,the breeder of the life saver x mothers finest has come up with a name for them so from now on we will be referring to these as "MOFO" and let me tell you they are some sexxy MOFO's...so my friend they are labeled up as requested.they are freekin striving too.all of the lings are ready to be topped and transplanted into 1 gallon pots.one quick question....is it ok to top these lings before they have shown sex or will it slow down the process?...i will get some pics of the lings up soon.they are veggers now for sure.thanks in advance for the knowledge fellaz.


It hawaiin snow by GH I just have harvested one at 12 weeeks and still have one at 131 weeks its pretty dank. I pulled that arjans 1, ssh and strawberry. I primarily grow indica but they lined the back of room nicely
It hawaiin snow by GH I just have harvested one at 12 weeeks and still have one at 131 weeks its pretty dank. I pulled that arjans 1, ssh and strawberry. I primarily grow indica but they lined the back of room nicely

well you've got a nice looking stable bro... are you in the south?


Active member
O, hope all is well with you and the fam!:joint:

Tona just dropping by homie, im still kickin it:joint: got a lil update in the group:laughing:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
always a pleasure going through here. always something new to look at! the tent is lookin ill yo and the sift is callin ya i think


My brother T. How goes it my man? Just stopped by to give you a shout. Everything is looking as it always looks. Fuckin Awesome. Anyway, thought I would give you a little update on what's goin down in my neck of the woods. I was supposed to get some cuts of some of this, some of that, something old and something new but it just didn't work out. But it's cool, one of my buddies is gifting me 10 cuts of some BlueberryDiesel that I plan on staging out while I get my Bean on. And my first set of beans going to be my "Red Eyed Bride" So I'll see you on the boards soon enough my friend. Later -ShutterBug-