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is anyone getting ready for IC Mag 420 in 2009 ???


18-20 april is confirmed!

Now....here is an opportunity for any and every member or guest to contribute to the site and the costs of the up-coming 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup in Amsterdam this coming 18th-20th April 2009....

As this site grows and grows the costs of running it, maintaining it and paying for the servers and bandwidth have been mounting ex potentially....

After some thought I have come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea to ask the membership if they would like to contribute..... WITH SEEDS.... that could then be auctioned off thru www.seedbay.com to raise some funds to help pay for the server bills and also the not unsubstantial costs of putting on this years 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup in Amsterdam...

So if you have any good seeds hanging around that could be sold in favour of the fundraiser then please send them in to us by post.....CLEARLY LABELED as to what variety/cross they are in a crushproof package and with your member nic (if you want to be thanked) to:

Unit 415, Reaver House
12 East Street
Surrey KT17 1HX
United Kingdom (UK)

NOTE....Please make sure that any seeds sent have been properly cleaned and do not have any cannabis residue in or around them or the may be confiscated by the powers that be.....

Thankyou all for your kind Indulgence....

Gypsy Nirvana


So far all I can find out is that it's in Amsterdam and taking place from the 18th-20th and theres lots of 2008 info. Can someone give me the main link or website with the info


Active member
Sorry Megas dude but you now know as much as al the other members do. Really the only piece of information I want to know is the price of the ticket but I hear that gets announced pretty late. If anyone could give me an idea of the price of previous years that would be col.



Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master

It always depends on how they are split up and that depends on the ammount of probable entries..
Last year I think it was announced late(could have been year before LOL)so there were not quite as many samples as previous years(still a bunch though) and they did the judes pass for all entries...In previous years with many more entries it has to be broken down by catagory(indica sativa and hash)...

Last year was 200 euro which is very very fair for all the kill buds you get...

Will have to wait and see how it will be broken down this year..................................CC

See you all soon...Theres a few I just can't wait to see and chat with....Also may end up staying for a month or more myself...Capt needs to get some fun time in......LOL....Import resin anyone?


Flights just went on sale with northwest/klm you can fly from the midwest right now for 299 round trip plus fees.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
yea bro my ticket dropped 320+ dollars....It's now about 600-620 right into my small home town...That is cheap...Through CheapOair..

Thanks for the updates brotherman!
People should def be able to go with those prices...1-1/2 Z's....LOL...Can't beat that...............................CC


you are correct ,,,usually the festivities occurr beetween the 18th -21st with the main event being on the 20th,,i'm sure there will be an official announcment as soon as the powers in the know have finalised stuff,,
:woohoo:see ya there

lol $1500 plane ticket. Hey guys sorry only 1 thing planned... DOH!!! I hope next year theres more info I hope to have more cash to gamble on a trip. But if cheap tickets come up maybe. I guess I'm confused how this all works, I've been to conventions and such but I figured this be more like a 3 day long pub crawl but I'm confused on where things even start. I've never been to Amsterdam so I have a pretty big fear of getting lost and missing everything.


lives on planet 4:20
Hello everyone,

well I started this thread with an idea of bringing into reality a major goal of
mine...to attend the icmag cup 2009!

and due to the financial global crisis--I will not only attend it, I will also move
to the Netherlands at the same time

I will not go into any details in this thread as to why I am moving, since I have
another thread for that


...but I will be there to celebrate with the rest of the fine folks from icmag
the 4:20 date, which many of us consider to be sacred, and to be a symbol
for the love of this wonderful plant...that produces those THC crystals that,
so many of us....love

...from the first time I arrived in Amsterdam I knew that I will eventually will
move there, to live year round...the fact that I love cannabis and the fact
that it is tolerated in this country, has a lot to do with it...of course

...but this is not the only thing...it is the whole *atmosphere* that I enjoy
being a part of. I have been to the Netherlands three times in the last two
years, and this is the first time I will attend the icmag cup

...so I look forward to meeting everyone who will be there, and hopefully I
will make new friends and start off on the right foot with my new life in a new

...I have travelled all my life, and have lived in America, Mexico, Germany,
and many Eastern European countries, and have travelled to many other
places in the world, so this move is not something out of the ordinary for me

...I look forward to this years cup, and look forward to sampling and sharing
some fine herb, with everyone that will attend




lol $1500 plane ticket. Hey guys sorry only 1 thing planned... DOH!!! I hope next year theres more info I hope to have more cash to gamble on a trip. But if cheap tickets come up maybe. I guess I'm confused how this all works, I've been to conventions and such but I figured this be more like a 3 day long pub crawl but I'm confused on where things even start. I've never been to Amsterdam so I have a pretty big fear of getting lost and missing everything.

Judging from what I've found out of previous years, passes will start to be sold on 15th/16th-ish, availabe in the city (location TBC). On Sat 18th you take your pass to the first venue, collect your samples, and then can choose to attend a bunch of events, talks, etc - I'm assuming, if you want, you could just go your own way and do the judging alone.

Judging probably will end on Sunday 19th, with the winners being announced at the final meetup on the evening of 4/20.

I could of course be totally wrong, but this is what I've worked out from reading the old threads!

Karma Genetics

I think the time is getting short. Is there going to be a Official icmag420 2009. When is the deadline for the entry's.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
....with all the donations made......they can trow 2 party's....i'm shure it will happen :smile:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Party is still on...
Someone will post up some info soon I'm sure.........................CC


Active member
Are there gonna be many tickets for the cup or is this gonna be a case of waiting for them to drop like seeds? Maybe I missunderstood but I thought I read that each entry has to be of an Oz, if the judges packs come with samples of ech doesn't seem liek a oz will go far.

apologies for possible obvious questions

