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swat raids mayors house and kills his dogs, because someone sent him a package.



It's getting closer man. Obama has not brought change, or for that matter inspired hope amongst us citizens. Not a month into his service to the people, and he's moved us drastically closer to being a socialist republic. Bush started it, he's going to finish it. One, two punch. Shit. Buy gold people.

B. Self Reliant

I don't know how I missed this thread until now.

What an outrage! There's absolutely NO justification for this whatsoever. I am a Marine vet that spent 7 months kicking in doors in the worst parts of baghdad, so (unfortunately) I know a thing or two about tactical entry of residential structures, and I will NOT accept the argument that things were done according to standard operating procedures. I was in charge of a rifle squad both tactically and personally, and I understand that when looking out for your co-workers' lives, split second decisions aren't always perfect. That having been said, let me fucking tell you that there is absolutely NO justicication for this sort of tactical error. I have removed myself from the "tactical" community in every way shape & form since my USMC contract was up in 2004, but things haven't changed that much since then. I know how these things work and go down, and I'm educated enough to know that there isn't a military or LEO organization out there that teaches people to shoot innocent BLACK LABS.

My experience tells me that everyone in the dept. involved knows that shit went wrong during this operation and they're just not fessin' up to it. What a bunch of spineless pricks. Enough courage to shoot a lab, but not enough courage to say that you fucked up and that you're a pet-murderer. If myself or one of my Marines would have so much as shot through a wall in Iraq without good reason, I would have been fucked, yet on our own soil, the officers sworn to protect us can shoot a pup and not have to answer to anyone.

Just another example of how our gov't (even local ones) is bigger and more powerful than the founding fathers ever designed it to be.


ICMag Donor
My heart goes out to everyone who has loved ones murdered by police. When I read stories like this my heart breaks. I bet those were some good buddies destroyed by sissy ass pigs. Aren't swat assholes generally wearing Heavy Duty uniforms with alot of armor? .
All over pot?... POT? Wake up already!!! It's NOT HEROIN PIGS!! ALCOHOL is WORST!! WTF!!! Ima go puke. This is so frustrating!


pSi007, such a silly man. You are incorrect. The controlled delivery creates probable cause when the package is accepted and taken inside. Probable means more likely than not, not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It is black letter law. To argue that someone receiving such a package is not probably aware of the contents doesn't pass the laugh test. Anyway, I guess there's no point in going further since you're going to believe what you like. You've been presented with the info you need, and choose to believe what you like rather than what is. Oh well.

ya, i`m sure the people who were killed and maimed by the "Unibomber" intended to die. This does not make sense. You are holding people responsible for actions that are out of their hands.

Also, under your knowledge, I am responsible for all the junk mail that is sent to my house... worthless.. If a person has your home address, maybe they will send you a ton of child porn and report you to the police. If so, maybe they will arrest you and place you in prison and label you a sex predator.

Is this your idea of liberty? you sir, a fool.


if someone killed my dog under these circumstances i'm afraid i would spend the rest of my life plotting their demise...which is sad for me. but i could not live with the law just telling me thats the way it is. when is this country going to get its fukin head outta its ass.
i couldn't even open the attachment because it would totally ruin my day and i need to get some work done. however, i am deeply disturbed by this. i hope this family finds peace someday. my thoughts are with them.


I protect my house with a winchester .338 magnum with a detached 10-shot mag. and I have about 20 mags fully loaded. I follow the law and dont ever break it.

There in, if my life is under a threat, I am permitted to protect myself with lethal force.

Recently, there was an incident in my area where people would dress as police officers and raid people's houses and steal anything they want. Most times, fire arms were used and shots were fired. Listen, there are people who are not police officers and they would dress as swat team members and assault american citizens. They also wore level V bullet proof body-armor. Level V body-armor will prevent a .30-06, high powered rifle bullet but it will not stop a magnum round.

This is how I protect my life with force against people who fail to identify themselves.

on the right is an AK-47 bullet. In the middle is a .338 winchester magnum. Notice, if thieves are using level V body-armor, (which is what most law enforcement uses, or a lesser model), the 338 magnum will tear through it like a warm knife passing a stick of butter.


  • 300winmag.JPG
    47.2 KB · Views: 14


Patient Grower
ya, i`m sure the people who were killed and maimed by the "Unibomber" intended to die. This does not make sense. You are holding people responsible for actions that are out of their hands.

Also, under your knowledge, I am responsible for all the junk mail that is sent to my house... worthless.. If a person has your home address, maybe they will send you a ton of child porn and report you to the police. If so, maybe they will arrest you and place you in prison and label you a sex predator.

Is this your idea of liberty? you sir, a fool.

So it is your submission that most packages of illegal drugs sent through the mail are not in fact done so with the knowledge of the recipient, because people receive other stuff in the mail without ordering it? Your argument is a straw man argument. Bombs and junk mail have no relation to commercial products being received. You are correct that no one orders these things delivered, and a search warrant issued for these things would be an heinous event. Your argument wrt someone getting arrested for kiddy porn is specious. You'll notice that the Calvos weren't arrested and convicted.

What does my 'notion of liberty' have to do with reality? Reality is, probable cause means there's a 50%+1 chance that something is happened. If you don't think that standard fair perhaps you should work to change that standard. It is the current standard nonetheless. Like it or don't, that really doesn't matter.


Your argument is a straw man argument. Bombs and junk mail have no relation to commercial products being received.

Criminal, I am repeating myself for you. The mayor had not received knowledge of a crime taking place. Law enforcement failed to produce evidence that a crime had taken place by any person other than whom knew the contents of the package.

If the mayor had time to open the package, he would have reported it to the police. If he did not report it, you can say that is criminal intent.
you are failing to acknowledge this comment

sending an unknowing person 30 pounds of refer is a crime.
sending an unknowing person a bomb is also a crime.
sending an unknowing person child-porn is also a crime.

You failing to see the fact that items which are sent are often known only by the person shipping and not the person receiving the package. The contents of the package does not matter. It could have been nuclear secrets, does that make the mayor a drug dealer? does that make the mayor a spy against the United States government?

since you are holding people guilty for actions that are beyond their control, I am labeling you a fraud and a criminal who abuses the actions by the modus operandi, in which, your motives to plant evidence have become clear.

If you ever became a police officer and were required to testify against other citizens in a court of law, your opinion will become void by your Modus Operandi to plant evidence and destroy the crime scene from valuable information.

Why are you hell bent on planting evidence to convict and destroy the lives of innocent and unsuspecting civilians?

You sir, You are UNAMERICAN.
Your lies seek to destroy a country built against slavery and you destroy the fabric of liberty, in which, our founding fathers tried so very hard to attain.

You are spitting in the face of liberty. If you came to my house to kill me, I would tear you into pieces, bro... I`m not a dumb man.


Old news. There was no set-up, rather the traffickers used his mailing address to send drugs then intercept them the instant they arrived. I would say said traffickers made the smartest move they could- obviously no one would suspect a mayor of drug dealing, and in this case they would be right not to.

The sad thing is this wouldn't have happened if the cops simply checked out the person residing there and wouldn't have made the news if they didn't erroneously raid the mayor.


What does my 'notion of liberty' have to do with reality? Reality is, probable cause means there's a 50%+1 chance that something is happened. If you don't think that standard fair perhaps you should work to change that standard. It is the current standard nonetheless. Like it or don't, that really doesn't matter.

im sry but fail!

Nik Dynosaur

Active member
Old news. There was no set-up, rather the traffickers used his mailing address to send drugs then intercept them the instant they arrived. I would say said traffickers made the smartest move they could- obviously no one would suspect a mayor of drug dealing, and in this case they would be right not to.

The sad thing is this wouldn't have happened if the cops simply checked out the person residing there and wouldn't have made the news if they didn't erroneously raid the mayor.

well that's good to know. It was a scary thought that mayybe someone was using our favorite medicine to set someone up. I guess if that was what they were trying to do they could have used heroin or cocaine for a more dramatic effect.


too bad with those dogs, labradors are the most placid family dogs ever, sounds like he may have had some issues with the local police mafia.

they're telling me that they sent a swat team in a small town like this and they didnt know who the mayor was? not very likely, afterall the descition to send a swat team has to come from up the ranks at the police station.

no high ranking officer in a small ass town walks around and doesnt know who his boss is! thats nonsence.

sounds like a power struggle affair imo!


sounds like he may have had some issues with the local police mafia.

thats what i`m saying.. lol

police dont normally raid a mayors house and start shooting shit.. :1help:
need to remember, the only reason there is a FED is b/c they are made by the states in an assembled collective. If the states went into anarchy, the fed can assist if possible. without a popular opinion the fed would not exist. Think of this, if there was rogue police mafia around the country, who the fuck could you go to for help?

I would like to think if 25% of the country is bad with federal enforcement, maybe there is 75% that are great. shit, i grow some weed, i`ll tell a fed right now i got 6 plants, rather than, messing with a mafia police-local, shit-heads.


"We're not in the habit of going to homes and shooting peoples' dogs," Ellis said. "If we were, there would be a lot more dead dogs around the county."

anyone know of recent raids, say past 3 years, that they didnt kill the dog in the house? police are getting away with more shit than ever, they been going wild with tasers lately too
if someone killed my dog under these circumstances i'm afraid i would spend the rest of my life plotting their demise...which is sad for me. but i could not live with the law just telling me thats the way it is.

Yeah I feel the same way...and agree it is unfortunate that I wouldn't be able to let it go :mad:

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