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the best burger of my LIFE! *crazy burger thread*


Wow. As a result of me reading this thread about 45 minutes ago, I have created what I will from now on refer to as the "F**king Awesome-Burger" (Awesome-burger said as one word:joint:)

Recipe for a "F**king Awesome-Burger"

Ground beef of your choosing
Jack Daniels Origional #7 BBQ sauce
Minced garlic
Adobo seasoning
A little bit of basil
A little bit of ground cinnamon
A fat slice of onion
A slice of aged cheddar cheese
1 egg
A tiny bit of butter
Hamburger roll (Next time I gotta try something better than the regular old buns)

Preheat grill (or whatever your gonna be cooking on) to medium heat, turn skillet on medium/low with a little bit of butter

Prepare ingredients (If your like me at all and are running around as fast as you can while cooking its good to have everything right there and not have to rummage through the fridge while you're trying not to burn anything)

Take generous chunk of ground beef and "open it up" on a plate

Evenly spread a little bit of the BBQ sauce over the beef, add a scoop of the minced garlic and spread evenly, then sprinkle a bit of Adobo seasoning, a tiny bit of basil, and a bit of ground cinnamon

Smoke a few hits of some sativa-ish herb, get the plates and spatulas out and get ready to hustle

Take ground beef and shape into a fat burger, gently mixing the stuff you just added

Cook burger for 4 minutes on the first side, then flip it and throw a fat slice of onion on the grill next to the burger. You can heat up your roll at this time too.

Run back inside, crack egg over skillet, and be back outside to the grill 3 minutes later to throw a slice of aged cheddar on the burger.

Go back and turn off the skillet and then run back out to throw the onion on the burger, put the burger on the bottom part of the roll, and bring everything inside and slide the egg and the top of the roll onto your "F**king Awesome-burger!"

WOW. All I can say was that burger was ORGASMIC!

And I owe it all to you guys! A bad case of the munchies, this thread, and a kitchen full of supplies just created my new favorite burger!!!



Alright guys,

Theres this place in Quebec where they do a burger called "INTERFROMAGE" it's not fancy or anything but after the first one you get you want to get another one the same week, you just keep thinking about it.

So, fromage in English means cheese. They just take a regular bread, put ketchup, a slice of cheese, patty, then 2-3 onion rings, they put cheese curds inside the hole of the rings and top it off with fries.

I like mine with extra bacon but I don't know I long I can keep up eating it like that.

Man I wish they were closer to my place just now.

edit: I found a picture!

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Your intro into tha thread made me laugh " Dudes!" . Sounds like me, lol. Burger sounds crip, yer doin it over easy or ....? May just have'ta try it. I dig my burgers with blue cheese.



no wuckin furries!
i have to post to book mark this to come back at a later date (licks lips) :D

hmmmm i dint know here in OZ egg was our thing....well others are missing something...

the mix of a runny egg...cheese and onions are the best!

with the added tom's ,lettarse , and tom sauce burger and what ever else is around..

man...why do i have to see this thread now when im too lazy to cook(too hot here)...will come back later when im ready.HH. =]-~


Active member
the best hamburger I know is found at my local fries joint(they call it a friture)

It's a burger of 45 cm long , 2 mexicanos(type of meat snack) laying on a bed of salad , onion tomatoes , eggs, pickles , and then on top loads of fries.

Next time I order i will post pic, didn't know that hambrger and fries went so well together


Registered Cannabis User
I was watching bizzare foods the other day and he ate a 'goober burger'. it was a burger with peanut butter and mayo...thats it. sounds gross but he said it was damn good. anyone else ever try that?

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Ground beef, italian dressing, garlic, salt pepper, and some spicy brown mustard..Mix and grill to your likings, add cheese n other toppings to your likings.


the best is a cheeseburger with over easy eggs, bacon, and fries on top of it.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
there's this place around here called CheeburgerCheeburger and its pretty badass. they have like 120 things you can put on your burger, including eggs or peanut butter or whatever

their milkshakes are the shit too



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
we have a pub here that sells a 1/2 lb kobe beef burger with avocado motherfuck this burger is one if not the best burger i have tasted.. yumm yummm bishes.. peace.

I've had both Duane's Ono Char and Bubba's many, many times. Duane's is much MUCH better, definitely the best burger I have ever had that I didn't make myself. Restaurants can't do medium rare so they can never compete with your own. I've never thought much of the fries though...


Local MomnPop place has a burger. Basic bacon cheese burger but they add a slice of ham to it. With lettuce onion tomatoe it is wicked!


Registered Cannabis User
pizza burgers yum yum burger with marinara and mozz..hell even make it a supreme pizza burger


not usually red meat eater

not usually red meat eater

Had some nephews visiting for a week and went to all the gourmet burger joints in town as a comparison with them the whole week:1help:...the buffalo and ostrich burgers were good tasting...the guy said they have to add fat to the ostrich meat as its from the breast meat and would be very dry without it...suppose it was beef fat they use:1help:

the heavy diet made me feel sluggish by the weeks end...once or twice a year is my red meat usual

whatever floats the boat tho...peace:joint:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
buffalo burgers are the shit, i love them!

if you go to a nice grocery store (read: not walmart) you can get buffalo and bison burger patties, grill them yourself they're awesome!

i remember when i was broke in college, i had a george forman grill and all my buddies from school would come over and we'd have a "cookout" in my shitty apartment...yeungling, mids, and bison burgers! talk about good times



Active member
there's this place around here called CheeburgerCheeburger and its pretty badass. they have like 120 things you can put on your burger, including eggs or peanut butter or whatever

their milkshakes are the shit too


i used to like it there...the whole family got sick last time...never again...


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