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How long does 1 gram of killer bud last you


Active member
Well 2 hours maybe:D

I got a friend though that does 3 days with ONE fat joint.(0.5 grams+ tobacco)

LOL i envy him , 3 tokes and he is wasted


Active member
you guys must be rolling huge joints. i never really roll up more than .6 for a good cigarillo. and it burns for 20 mins


Active member
1 gram will normally last me a night.
single hit bong rips are all i take anymore.
i deal with heavy machinery at work, i'm not risking it.
so my smoking time is limited between certain hours.
all depends on how I smoke it. If in the volcano probly 5 minutes, if in a pipe, 5 minutes, blunt 7-8 minutes, but its hard to say how long for a blunt, i usually use around 2.5-3g's in a backwood. I will do a show and tell and come back and report!


if im using my vape, a gram can last me a couple days, and thats smoking before work, on lunch, after work, before dinner, and then before bed too. however, if im not vaporizing it, a gram will last a day at most.
Even though I'm 'currently non-toking' I cheat,(or more like gamble) from time to time, and can make a gram of kind last about 5 days.

Ghad, I'm a lightweight nowadays...
well i rolled up 2.5

smoked between 2 people for about 15 minutes and we have a bit more than half left

sorry for the foggy pics and I will see how long a gram will last in the volcano later tonight!


i smoke 7-10gs per day using my trusty 2.5" HEAVYbong.
1 gram is just enough to piss me off....


For me the amount I smoke in a day is more dependent on how much total pot I have in my possession. If I am running low a gram can last a couple of day. If, on the other hand, I have a few ounces laying around well, maybe a couple hours at best. :D


Active member
depends on strain.

(I swear i this response works on almost 80% of the threads....ctrl-v)


do love those all natural pure tobacco leaves on the backwoods man, nice lookin blunt there..
as for the gram question..depends man..if i got shit to do ill take a few swats out of the bong and have atleast .5 for later...If im good to get ripped , gime a 1.25 and the grams good as gone.all depends


New member
yepp 1 gram might cover me waking up....if i had to smoke 1 gram a day id cry

I'm with you sneaky, I'd be sobbing and crying and thats why I started to grow my own. If I don't have any weed it's all my fault. So gotta keep ahead of myself, I kinda like saving all this money because let me tell you I was putting out some bucks every month for good bud. Now that money goes for light's and potting soil.


how u gona take .5 gram swats though?? u guys got some iron lungs ? ? some 500 pounders up in here ??

i know shit!
i pack my bowls to be dusted in 2, 3 hts max. big bowls taste like ass after 2 hits...


Active member
For me the amount I smoke in a day is more dependent on how much total pot I have in my possession. If I am running low a gram can last a couple of day. If, on the other hand, I have a few ounces laying around well, maybe a couple hours at best. :D

Same for me... Only reason I could never sell pot. I love smoking it too much.


For all u people who smoke more then 2 grams a day, how the hell do you do it? and why? 1.5-2 grams of weed will have me heavily stoned non stop the whole day and im a very heavy smoker whos been smoking pretty much non stop for 10 years :yeahthats: . Heres some advice to all you guys smoking so much, it only takes one bong hit to get high! (unless u like smoking dirt :noway: )

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