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Sneak attack critical
@swapdank and cellardwellar:

I haven't ran Kali or Satori before. I've heard too many good things about Satori to pass it up and I just got the Kali on a whim...

I agree with swamp on his review of Hashberry: over-fucking-rated. A friend of mine did a Hashberry run and it was mediocre at best. The high was disappointing and there was little to no flavor.

If I remember correctly he ended up pawning most of it off to some college kids who wouldn't know good bud if it jumped in their bowl and lit itself.

I've heard about the new Mandala genetics, but I've been so busy with my current grow that I haven't made the time to do any research. Maybe soon...


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i too was very dissapointed in hashberry. i ran it 3 separate times.. the only good thing i can say was that they smelled great and had good tight bud structure.. other than that they were a pretty big flop. i had high hopes for them to.. you win some you lose some.


Pull my finger
Ya man, The hashberry got scrapped quickly. The satori, I still have folks ask me if I can get that stuff. I really like the candy flavor of it. Great yields too!

I am kinda axious to try these new mandala flavors. It might be a little while though, I got waaay to many irons in the fire right now. One of you guys might beat me to it.

I wrote the president about marijuana laws today. After hearing about that raid, I felt compelled to give the Whitehouse a peace of mind. I bet they got a satillite watching me smoke this bowl now!

I sold all of my assault rifles today. I just felt they didnt belong in a home with children. I feel really good about it, it is like a step in the right direction for me. I have always been a gun buff, but those were a little too intimidating to keep around. I still have a kickass air rifle though. You guys should check em out, Air force Air rifles@ pyrmid air.com. I got the SS. Look out squirrels! LOL!


Sneak attack critical
Swamp, what kind of assault rifles did you have?

I've had my eye on that Beretta CX4 storm. However, it'll have to wait until I pick up my Glock 21SF...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Swamp- the wife and I watch 100 corpses and devil rejects RELIGIOUSLY as well...lol. Funny shit about shit the bed! We say that shit all the time when we have a good idea pop up while stoned...
Access- Im sure I was too stoned to hit the shift. Buddy brought some goodies from cali...canna-honey, and some strain called black diamond....DAMN I was spinnin...lol We got KFC and COVERED the biscuits with the canna-honey....good times. Rolled a few fatties...ANd yes...watched the rob zombie trio. Love his take on halloween too. Not so much as the other 2, but good he kept all the same actors...
good vibes
whats up F'ers. ok so i guess im not down with the squad just yet then. I can wait on the top dogs to ok me. I'll keep puttin in work like money mike told me. Well in other news i chopped 1 white rhino and jock horror before i posted those pictures from earlier. well they are fully dry to dry :-( oh wells. I got 2.4 oz off 2 plants. 1.4 off the rhino and 1oz from the jock. i think its safe to say im the master of 1/2 gal growbags in coco. the pictures that i posted will be more that 2.4oz cause they were bigger
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Active member
Bozo: How is that Highend? I never pulled the trigger at Legends for those. I hear something about Renee. What is she like man?? I am curious.

hey bro, this is my first time growin' it out my man but i did get a chance
to smoke some grown out by IPiT and if mine comes any where near as
good as his, it'll be a keeper for sure. lol, and i got a junkies heart man,
a very high tolerance, so i want the most potent stuff i can find. any
middle of the road shit won't last long in my garden i can tell you that, lol.

which leads me to panopticist as i've not had a chance to grow out the
Kalichakra yet either, my cuts are in the cloner, but i did get a chance to
taste some grown out by cellardweller and man, that shit was tasty, a
keeper for sure as well.

peace everybody!

oh yeah access, bozo's good enough, i'm just another clown on the bus,
i gotta keep tellin' myself that or i start to get a little arrogant and then,
even when i feel like a piece o' shit, i feel like a BIG piece o' shit, lol.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Few pics for ya F.A.M

Bubblegum#14..lookin LOVELY, throwing pistils already!

Said pistils

Group shot

CRAZY fat Sour D..is this normal for this strain guys?

Good vibes F.U.C.K.E.R.S

Delta Force

Hey FUCKEM crew.....though I'd share some of my recent work.....just gettn er done.......:yeahthats:joint:

1st some pics of the ebbngro 18 site i got running....CO2....FloraNova 2.2EC....4 feeds a day...res swap every 10....9 kksc, 9 white widow.....FUCKEM!:moon:

day 10-14 dont know


Then some of my coco stuff...day 28ish Shit is coming along.....i tripped 15 more GDP in 1gals today..and some other stuff including some new beans i found in a 2007 crop..i think one is ak x giesel and one is KKSC x giesel(i think). added a 600w too.....:dueling:



And some DJ's Blueberry finished and cured.....yum


whiskey those plants are indicating serious indica to me....whose bubblegum is that?

Swampy ----Just say No to Squirrel killing---they are kind little guys just trying to live. :joint:

As CF said, some folks waited a long time to be asked to join.

BB was that thread you posted the one that I had posted asking for more information?

No matter what I always say Rise Above.

and Cocktail Frank that poster is so funny. it works on multiple levels. I wanna know who took the time to photoshop that bling so nicely. was it you or was it the White Boy Crew?



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
JIP- Talk to Cracky/shovelhandle...He sent me these. They are an OLD school NE Bubblegum that he and I think stinkyattic ran a bit....got like 4-5 phenos outta the batch, but the one in that pics looks SERIOUS...lol
good vibes


Pull my finger
Ha! Squirrel killing must go on in the swamp. I got pecan trees that we got no nuts from due to squirrels. The little fuckers even ate my peyote cactus!

Bozo: Please keep us updated with that Highend. Sounds like a winner for sure.

Panopticist: I had a couple of SKS, AK47s, and a really fun Tek9. Although I love collecting guns, these were a little too intimidating to have around the babies. I had those things since I was like 16 years old. Time to move on. I got my eye on a Baby Eagle and Micro Eagle for the misses. We love going out and plinking with the 22 and the air rifles. Matter of fact, we have more fun with the air rifles than anything else.

WT: Ya man. I am an official fan. I wonder what happened with EL Superbeasto. The animated joint from Rob. It seemed that would have been really funny. It's cool you guys find the humor in those two movies. I laugh my ass off during the whole thing while recieving disgusted looks from the ol lady. She is coming around now though. After forcing those movies upon her so much, they have grown on her. Karen Black kicks ass too. Ever seen any of her old flicks??

On another note, the movie Hellride pretty much kicks ass. Quentin does his thing again and I was glad to see Mike Madsen doing his thing again. Some of the bike in that flick are just amazing. Makes me want a chopped Indian.

See ya'll later FUCKERS! Mrs. Swamp should have some pics up later of her first solo endeavor. Look out for em.




IcMag Resident Comic Relief
anyone else still having problems uploading pics? i tired and it just takes me to a log in screen and when i try and log in... it gives me an error/page not found message... any ideas?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
That purple spaceship is looking pretty dank man....
Where you been hiding that stuff Az?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
endo,load them into ur new album and they will go...go to albums and galleries,then to ur album...up in the corner it says add pics,hit that.you can only do 4 at a time though yo.





copy paste the


Active member
i lost this pheno for awhile an had to run the second pheno...but just got her back an i got 5 of em vegging as we speak....but what do i know...im a weak ass'd grower....lol....i'll just go back an enjoy my 14 week herijuana....mmmmm....peace az
but hey look at my pics to compare.
i hear that.....but we all cant steal an flower out someone else's moms....
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
F.U.C.K.E.M. Clash of the Titans...

F.U.C.K.E.M. Clash of the Titans...

I just NEVER get enough opportunities to post pictures of Spock and Kirk fighting in "Amok Time"

I would invite you to do the following: re-read the last 3 pages or so, and have this window open in the background playing the appropriate music:

If you don't sh*t your pants laughing, I don't know what it would take to make you smile.​
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