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Obama: Don't bother me anymore.


Active member
Hey PB, I get what you're trying to do. Instead of explaining why you're doing this (which you have done to a point that cannot be unclear), I think you should explain the data you have on diabetes so it doesn't sound like you are making things up. Provide a link or two. I've read the reports on cannabis killing cancer cells in 1974 and stopping brain tumors while protecting surrounding nerve tissue; how they were covered up by the US gov.

Here is a link to a vid of a PhD explaining cannabis as a cancer cure.

The other links (some fixed) from "more info" on the right of the vid are info on studies and gov suppression of studies .

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n31Nuj_AvTg




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Thank you so much!!

I need to relocate a couple of studies.

1. The study where they discovered that cannabinids increase the effectivness of chemo drugs. Some chemo drugs have their impact increased ten times when used with cannabinoids.

2. The studies that show THC stops the cancer causing effects of cigarette tar.

It seems that there should be one single thread just for medical study information on these two: cancer, diabetes.

Yes. This thread is cluttered. And I agree 100% that my presented collection is somewhat jumbled.

Let's try to put together the clear presentation.

There are many medical studies that present hope.
There are many examples of these materials working in humans.

These two need to be brought together. To gain a better view of the complete picture.

We currently are short of clinical studies. This is entirely because of government repression. The human "examples" that I mentioned are all that we have to run with.

With the exception (as far as diabetes) of the clinical trial in GB where they are using an extract of marijuana to treat human diabetics.


I agree that not every single person will be saved. I think that I said that before here.

So exactly what is the number of dead Americans? When I use the number 4500 I include the number of people that could have been saved but it is now to late. They hit a tipping point and they are going to die now no matter what.

This will be my last post on the subject as to not dirty up the thread.

This is my problem. You are blaming a man, who by your own admission wouldn't really be able to save the 4500 you fault him for killing. More so, as others have pointed out, even if Cannabis was legal, that 4500 number you have wouldn't be saved as not all of them would be using the plant because of one reason or another.

My problem is that you are blaming a man for the murder of 4500 people. You are basically saying he is responsible for the genocide of over 4500 Americans. That is just plain wrong. It's wrong on so many levels I can't even put it into words. I was accused of getting a woman pregnant I never had sex with and it about ruined my marriage, ruined my life.. now imagine if I was being blamed for the deaths of 4500 people I never met, and couldn't save regardless of what I did.

you won't ruin the presidents life, but in the end, we are supposed to be better then those who spread lies and misinformation, not just as bad.

Anyways Ive said my peace. I hope you see my point. You have nothing to lose by throwing out blanket accusations, he has everything to lose by not thinking through things before he acts.


He is the single person that make a change right now.

That is the "responsible" person.


ZomG Obama has been president for 5 days and there hasn't been any change yet!!!!!!!1111

Impeach the bastard!


who knows where obama stands on weed. he's flip flopped more than all the sandals combined on the beaches of miami in june


Added this to the first post on this thread:

We have medical testing data. Based on test tube and animal studies.
-->> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-52S...e=channel_page See what I mean?
What we lack is human testing.
Human testing has been forbidden by the government.
As long as there is no human testing data, people say "it needs more testing."

Then we have existing human application information like Simpson's.

I submit that the human application data is good enough, given that the government refuses to allow human testing.

Now then .. good enough for what?

I submit that this is enough proof to require the government to get out of the way so that medical science can save lives.

Further that this is enough proof to claim that the government is, being generous: unknowingly, forcing innocent Americans to die by denying them access to this life saving medicine.


Added to the first post:

The DEA has refused to perform their job for more than twelve years. Namely to allow rescheduling proceedings to begin. Schedule 1 drugs are required to have no acceptable use in medical practice. The state of California decided to accept marijuana for medical use in 1996. Since then the federal controlled substance act has been in violation of itself. The proper course of action would have been to conduct rescheduling at that time.

The only thing that has stopped the rescheduling process is the consistent refusal of the DEA to perform their function. This refusal to do their job allows them to keep their jobs and budgets in place at the expense of innocent Americans.

One single order from President Obama would force the DEA to perform their lawful function.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Obama hasn't flip flopped! Just hasn't made MMJ one of his top priorities during his 7 days in office! He has said all along that he will not go against states and voters on the issue and wants some kind of rational application to the laws already on the books. Sounds fair! Where is the flip flop? He has much more important issues than this and frankly any sane person would wonder why he was even dealing with MMJ in his first week and not 1,000 other much more important stuff for the country. Relax people and lets give the guy some time and a chance to screw the pooch before you start trying to throw him out of office.


I'm not trying to throw him out of office.

Relax and wait .. OK .. I'll do that just as soon as you can get people to put off the time of their deaths.

Otherwise waiting is costing innocent American lives. And I understand that may not be important to the President. But it is sure important to those who are about to die because of it.
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Again PB!? Doesn't your head hurt yet? So Obama has killed another 1500 people today? Aren't you tired of that overly dramatic rhetoric already? It has done nothing to further your cause and has alienated anyone who was halfway on board with your veiws. It is unrealistic and plain crazy sounding. Again I guess MMJ was the only treatment that would have saved those lives in the last 24 hours and all the doctors out there are basically useless in their treatment of both diseases other than with MMJ! I hope their isn't some cat on the Paraplegic friends website site shooting off about how Obama has killed 20,000 people today because he hasn't signed the stem cell research bill. Or the Friends of Life site screaming Obama has just ordered thet executions of thousands of babies by giving money to the international orgs that teach birth control and endorse a woman's right to choose! He could go down as the biggest mass murder/serial killer of all time!


Active member
LOL...Dont forget my garbage cans.......all it would take is one call to the Department of Sanitation:wallbash:


Again I guess MMJ was the only treatment that would have saved those lives in the last 24 hours and all the doctors out there are basically useless in their treatment of both diseases other than with MMJ!
They died. Plain and simple. Their doctors didn't save them with the medicines they had to work with.

Federal law forbids them from even trying to work with mmj.

Your comment seems to suggest that these doctors could have saved these lives with other medicine. Why didn't they?


I have to address something here.

I don't see it here, but someone suggested that for every study that shows benefit to marijuana there is another that shows that there is no benefit.

That might have been true ten years ago. but it isn't today.

In 2006 the NIH, a government agency, published this report:

If you go to http://www.pubmed.gov and enter a search of medical studies looking for the words "marijuana" and "cancer" or "marijuana" and "diabetes" you will start to get a list. Then substitute the word "cannabiniod" for the word marijuana and you will get another set of studies. If you do that you will have to sort through thousands of publications. Simply reading the NIH report will give you a snapshot of the status of these researchers efforts.

I say snapshot because the information is old. It doesn't include information about diabetes. Information about the impact of cannabinoids on diabetes only began to surface in 2006.

For many years studies were not allowed to be conducted if the purpose of the study was to show marijuana in a positive light. If a study was for the purpose of showing bad effects then it was allowed.

Studies were done to show the safety and effectiveness of THC. That is how we got the FDA to approve THC as a schedule 3 substance. As a schedule 3 substance, a doctor can prescribe it for anything the doctor sees fit. If your doctor thinks THC will help your skin rash, then they are allowed, under federal law, to prescribe it.