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Playing music to your plants?


New member
Right i have heard that plants like to hear music when they are growing.

Has any one played music to there plants? does it work? doe they really like it?

And if so what kind of music? I was thinking Bob Marley.


I DID try it, played some classic rock station 24-7. They got huge and had lots of buds, but you can only do so much with mexi-brick seeds.....


Get two birds stoned at once
So whats the mechanism?

Wouldn't the wattage be better spent on more lighting?


I play music for my plants when I'm in the garden, and sometimes leave it on.... can't say the plants care to much in any conclusive sense, never seen the trichromes dancin' the jig or anything. But hell, do you honestly think it can hurt??

I did see that episode of the mythbusters... and consider it interesting, but have I started playing death metal for the ladies.... no.


i should mention that since the mythbusters episode I make it a bit to bring a different tool/apc mix each time i visit the garden.

at worst if the sounds do nothign for the garden, its still benefitting th gardener


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
what ive heard is plants like to hear sounds in the morning or when the lights kick on that kinda lets the plants know its time to grow,some research has shown that the birds chirping as soon as the light peaks out in the morning is like an alarm clock for plants to wake up, i play JJ Grey & mofro soft yet gets upbeat in some songs i alternate to different styles of music such as jack johnson,ben harper,and to music like lamb of god and demon hunter and so far the mofro makes em wana bush up the most..


I have always been under the impression that it was the air movement that benefited the plants, so a fan would work much better.

My flowering plants get nada. My vegging plants get some Metallica, Eminem, Disturbed, Too Short when it comes clone time. I just leave those CD's in the room


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
air movement from the music or just air movement period? i think its the harmonic vibrations from the music that stimulate the plants,subtle but dense tones, I think that's why mine reacted so well to the mofro its kinda bluesy yet a lil rockin at times with lots of drums and harmonica, i highly recommend it,not just for plants but for your ear holes.
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Pull my finger
Mine get vibes all the time 24/7

Right now the rotation is...

The BOB collection
Black Uhuru
and a little Lost boys. They love Renee.

I firmly believe that music helps. Might not make your buds bigger, but I DO think they buzz is better. I mean music is dope for the soul. It stands to reason the the vibrations would have an impact on all living things.

Matter of fact, I am so serious about it, they have a better system than the family does. Remember those old school Marantz amps?? The good ones?? Since it didnt go well with the decor, but still kicked major ass, I put it in the room with some Bose 901s (old school too) and a pair of ultimate ass kicking Pioneer speakers. The sound quality rivals that of mega dollar sytems today, but the design is out of place. The plants get to enjoy it now.


good vibrations

good vibrations

in my studio room(dj room), my houseplants are thriving in there,,, i think its the vibrations!!!:rasta: peace djxx

Chef Dude

i asked the same question about a month ago and decided to experiment with it. so i did a little research and found most opinions to sway toward classical music. so i decided to take note of my babies growth over a 3 day period without music and then to add music and see what happened. Now mind you I am a huge skeptic on this issue, and was not expecting to see what actually happened. All of my plants over the three day period with 24 hours of classical music almost tripled their flower girth and foliage size. I wasn't quite sure I believed what I was seeing so I continued the experiment, three days on and three days off, and astonishingly enough my children all grew exponentially faster with the music playing. I did this for a total of 24 days at the beginning of the flower cycle so as to have data spread out through the first month of flowering and to further reassure myself that what i was observing was real. Also during this time I did my best to ensure that climatic conditions remained constant for both control and experimental days, so as not to corrupt the results.

As far as imperical evidence, I'm sorry I can offer you none, but as a 7 year experienced grower I will stake my next harvest on the fact that if you play classical music for your children, they will respond positively. I would be very interested to hear back from you after a few weeks and get an update on whether or not the music helps your kids.

Happy and Safe growing,
His Dudeness


Active member
I had clones show roots through rockwool cubes in 5 days whilst playing nothing but reggae vibes for them. That was really fast for me.

I think they really do benefit from the vibrations music makes.

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