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Active member
BTW, is anyone else having trouble with PMs? I can't send any and the notification that is usually under my name in the top right is no longer there. Plus, I can't see who's repping me. Anyone else having this problem?


Wake and Bake!!! what FAMS! yea FP I got the same thing going on maybe so updates
or something.
Tona sounds like you got it together brother. I would think that the ffof is nuteless by now.
I would start the bigbloom 2-3 weeks in once the stretch slows. the lime thats all about
your water mang:)


yeah, no pm's..no people on the rep bar..I'm sure Skippys workin it all out..


Howboucha, F.U.C.K.ers? I got to keep a straight head for a bit as I start a work project here. First job of the new year. I can't wait for break time. <G>

l8r, bubs

fred norris

my 1/2 gal white rhino from nirvina @ 61 days. about to chop down



thats a plump lil girl.very nice.


Pull my finger
I may be headed off to the bathroom like SD if I don't!


Sometimes, lotion and magazines is all I am left with..:fsu:

Which one of you FUCKERS sent the arctic blast down here. I mean cmon, 28 degrees is a little ridiculous. WTF??!!

All the necks are pouring into town for the annual "SNowballs Derby" I guess I am going to lock up and hide for the rest of the week.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Morning F.A.M.! Tona, Ive been using FFoF for a minute, left ya some info in your thread I think...It is very hot stuff though....be careful..
TG- Always getting fucked with huh. Farley lover....lol
Not much going on, starting fabrication of the flower room this week. Pics up when thats done, and pics of the babies, shit they arent babies anymore...Pics of the veg tomorrow.
good vibes


whattup F.A.M.?
well things are going good, its cold as fook
outside but fuck it! well just dropping in
for a smoke and a brew, i find it nice to
catch a lil buzz in the mornings, makes
the rest of the day go by faster and smoother!
makes it seem like life is easy sometimes :p
well hope everyone is safe and stoned, grow HARD



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
whattup F.A.M.?
well things are going good, its cold as fook
outside but fuck it! well just dropping in
for a smoke and a brew, i find it nice to
catch a lil buzz in the mornings, makes
the rest of the day go by faster and smoother!
makes it seem like life is easy sometimes :p
well hope everyone is safe and stoned, grow HARD

I hear ya F.A.M! It was fookin 39 deg here last night!!! SOUTH FLORIDA! jesus fookin eh....oh well, like GP said, a FAT bowl makes the day go nice....
good vibes


damn right whiskeytango420!
getting medicated makes me more
confident and motivated... well at least
mentally motivated! hahahaa

tona: i used to use straight FFOF and found it a bit hot
for some of my strains, like those in the blue family and
low feeders / finicky strains like haze... added some promix
and lime to balance things out, but otherwise FFOF and perlite
was great for me for a long time. now i prefer adding my nutes
manually though as different strains have different preferences.
i use less FFOF and more promix and feed using the Organicare
line now. as far as using those other products together, feed at
quarter strength when trying new things to see how they adapt
for the first week... i find it is easier to over-feed than underfeed
and i actually get to see the results of the products i use when
i start less when i'm unfamiliar with a product or the mixing of
products....WHEW that was a long sentence... well hope you
have FUN whatever you do T



Active member
what's going on all!

hope everyone is doing well...

the pics look great, keep em comin'..

is the soap opera war over now? :noway: lol! :joint:


xoox :rasta:


Active member
as an aspiring member of the F.U.C.K.E.M. family i thought i'd post a pic
of some Legends High End i'm growin' thanks to my generous young friend

having spent time in the real world with c-dubb, IPiT and ThatGuy and
ThatGirl i can't think of a better group of growers to belong to, lol, they
have all treated this old fuck better than friends i've had for 40 years!

anyway, heres a shot of one of my HE's, like, 29 days in i think.

i'll try and get some shots of the RKS i got from ThatGuy as it is startin' to
look really frosty and the pistils at the top have a pink core that looks real

lol, and the Pure Kush i got from c-dubb is gettin' fat as hell and it looks
like it's covered in powdered sugar.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hello my F.U.C.K.E.M. friends :yoinks:

I send a few pics of my bloom part at 19 days 12/12.
Have a nice week. :wave:
Group photo



donny darko

Nice plant Lune and very nice garden philly especially for its size. Yeah xOOx I am glad the soap opera war appears to be over as well as FANK is I'm sure.

Peace all and stay safe darko


hey radvan in a can. I'm at day 21 so we should be looking about similar. I have 3 NHaze that look much like your buddies. photos early next week.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Ever since my 360 got the red rings again, and I got this new comp, I decided to try some PC games.... Iknow, I know...still a 360 boy, but I gotta get my fix.
Have any of you seen The Witcher? I got the 64 bit version, and it is SICK. Blows the graphics outta 360 and PS3 all day....

Just thought I would share that. Now yall know why Ive been slackin on pics and my threads, lol....
good vibes


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Dam nice pictures everyone.

Here are my babies 10 days on 12/12
2-A11, 1-afghani-,1-g13xburmese

the 2 a11's are in the back and the g13 is bottom right and afg
is on the bottom left, and center botom is a bagseed soon to be finished.





Stay safe and high.
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