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600 Watts 8 Strains 25 Plants



yeah, organics is the way to go. get that neem oil and start working with it. it is the safest and most effective way, i believe. let's hope your plants recover, good luck!


her dankness
I've been using permethrin bombs on my plants for a couple years, never in flower past the point of bud-set of course, but have not seen any problems from it. However, the combination of a dose of Avid plus a second pesticide might have put the plants over the edge. Rule out soil pH as a possible cause, and adjust if needed, but from here on in, you will get the most effect from hot shot no-pest strips (dichlorvos) hanging in the cabinets.
On plants that don't have bud mass, neem or coriander oil as a leaf surface treatment, combined with a silica supplement to strengthen cell walls, prevent any pests you do have from feeding.


Grinding extra.
Stinky - You have used permethrin bombs for years and have seen no adverse affects on your plants. You're saying that the adverse affect if possibly from applying AVID prior to use of Raid bomb? Why then would you recommend introducing a third chemical to my plants (dichlorvos)? Although you may have used it by itself with no adverse affects, do you have experience applying it along with AVID and Raid bomb? AND Neem oil AND a silica supplement? And is it known that a silica supplement would strengthen the cell walls enough so that a mite could not penetrate? Thanks in advance.
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Grinding extra.


This is them before the bomb and AVID application. Week 1 and they are looking nice.




I hatched a bunch of seeds. SSH...


Now here is the what the damage is looking like. It's affected every space. I'm almost positive it was the bomb. And I think I see some slight mite damage on this guy too...


All of them. There's also some Sour Diesel IBL X DP Orange Bud and Sour IBL X Sour IBL I made. They'll get better, but you'll notice how the smaller things are affected more.


Here are the Uptowns that I revegged (thanks Vermonster) and they have been affected as well. Everything will survive I think, it blows though. Notice new growth is already looking better. The bomb was about 4 days ago...



Here is the 250w cabinet. I have mixed in there now some Cheese, Dabney Blue, Blue J X Bogglegum, and MSS. I have a few experiments with many cuts per pot. We'll see...lol.


And here is the big cabinet just taken now. It's getting better as new growth, even on the sensitive Orange Bud is getting better.








And this is the updated MOM LIST. Thank you to everyone that contributed.


I'm done applying anything to the plants. I'm going to wash them with some water with a drop or two of dish soap and wipe each leaf dry as best I can. It's going to be a long day. :joint:

Frank - Yea man I used it at about the exact rate of dilution. I'm sure it was this fucking bomb...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice mom list yo... i willing to bet that it was the raid bomb that did it yo,on the can did it say anything about removing household plants?im thinkin it might have yo :confused:
got a long work day today huh?...the things we do sometime for our gardens eh,but when they turn around and start lookin great again you will be smiling like a clown.;)
also ive really had no issues after resorting to avid man,and in the future if you have some of it left....if/when you get any clones from anyone spray them with the avid sullution and then do ur thing with them,it wont hurt them yo and youll be playin it safe...ive taken fresh gifted clones out the bag popped them in the easy clone and never had a problem.
Hey ART....I hope you've got those little bastards under control...you win some you lose some I guess...if it wasn't for losing, what would make winning feel so great you know..anyways, love the mom list. Lotsa luck to ya man.

That Girl

Art, I think T's absolutley right. I'm of the opinion it was the bomb. :badday: In the directions to use the stuff;

Preparation and Directions for using: Room Preparation: Open cabinets, cupboards, drawers, closets and doors in the areas to be treated. Remove or cover exposed foods, dishes, utensils, food processing equipment and surfaces (newspapers may be used). Remove plants, pets and birds. Tightly cover or remove fish tanks and bowls. Turn off air flow systems in aquariums. Close outside doors and windows. SHUT OFF fans and air conditioners and temporarily disconnect smoke alarms.

Active Ingredients: Permethrin (12.6%), Other Ingredients: (87.4%)

Who exactly knows what the other ingredients could be besides permethrin.
The new growth is promising, they will recover im sure. BTW, love how your mommy list just keeps growing!
Sending good vibes your way dude!


her dankness
I double checked with my mentor, who has himself actually tank-mixed permethrin and avid, and applied them systemically. He said he has never had toxicity from that combination either. He also noted that permethrin and pyrethrin can be used essentially interchangeably. Yes, I have applied both simultaneously, and Rotenone at the same time- the only problem I have ever seen was physical damage caused by drops of the Rotenone, which is mixed in a petroleum solvent, sitting on the leaves, resulting in perfectly round droplet-shaped burns.

You don't apply dichlorvos directly to the plants.
Silica supplements are indeed known to strengthen cell walls.
SMC is just coriander oil and is harmless.

If I were you, I would look for the cause of the existing, but mild, lockout problem you already had- Places to check include:
-The residence time (check the date you originally planted in those pots; watering at 6.5 over the course of several weeks WILL use up the lime and your runoff has probably dropped) in wet pots of peat-based medium
-The pH of the runoff, and its conductivity
-The salinity of the water you have there by the sea- the damage to your flower chamber looks like salt toxicity to me.

I wouldn't waste your time washing the leaves. I'd be looking very hard at the condition of the water and soil.

-Pour enough distilled water through the worst-affected plant to get runoff. Catch the first cup. Me, I taste it. You just bombed, so don't. But at the very least get a pH number and if you can have the EC tested that would be excellent.
-Get a gallon of water out of the tap. Do the pH adjustment to 6.5. Let it sit 24h. Does the pH of JUST the tap water plus the pH up hold steady, or drift? Which way does it drift? Record that number.

I fear that you are chasing what appears to be the source of the problem and ignoring the symptoms (Calcium/metals lockout) you had BEFORE the application of either the Avid or the bombs.


Hey ART those flowering ladies dont look as bad as u said!!
Ive seen worse!!! They look like they will rebound nicely!!
GoodLuck Bro



Freedom's advice regarding using neem was spot on. the only two things I would add to that are---buy your neem in concentrate so you can mix it yourself. go double or triple strength of the directions.

second--you may want to take cuts from your moms and worry about managing them with the neem--way easier and smaller area no place for the borg to hide. i lost six months of solid grow time because of this, but I have no borg anymore

finally wash down your whole grow space with neem oil, then give a good vacumning and cleaning

good luck



Man sorry to hear about the mites.... they scare the hell outa me, I got a few brown spots on a leaf, but its only on one plant and i think is just minor nute burn.

Have you seen my current grow thread? I'll have to dig you up a link. Or u can find it by searching for bubblefuck, or going to the grow diaries.

From what a friend said, and what people in chat said, those hot shot strips really do the job.
what do you mean by hot shot strip....is it one of those hanging strips like a fly paper strip?
I have a few spots too...they were just on one plant, now on more than one plant....I'm thinking and hoping its a cal deficiency but I wanna prepare myself and also develop a quarantine treatment for new cuts....thanks in advance..


what do you mean by hot shot strip....is it one of those hanging strips like a fly paper strip?
I have a few spots too...they were just on one plant, now on more than one plant....I'm thinking and hoping its a cal deficiency but I wanna prepare myself and also develop a quarantine treatment for new cuts....thanks in advance..


The general consensus around here are these are generally pretty safe to use, however DONT use them the last 30 days of flowering or in an area of the house where people live... Basement is fine, Attic I would be a little more worried about because the fumes are heavier than air.

Although most said they only work on smaller mite problems....


Grinding extra.
King - Thank you! Now I know the package to look for. I'm going to hand one in there for a week or two. I'm already on Week 3 now, so should I even fuk with it? I mean I can see lots of trichromes on The White already...

I dunno.... I just went through the whole cabinet REALLY well last night. I fed them with only 5ML of PBP Grow and 3ML Liquid Kharma. PH to 6.5. Spread them out a bit. Thinned out some leaves. Removed lower shit growth. Raised the light 3 inches or so. Soaked them nicely. I suspect they are going to react well. I will post pics in 3 or 4 days.

AVID was last applied 7 days ago. It can stay in the plant for a maximum of 28 days. So round Week 6 I will be clean. Hopefully, the mites do not resurface. I would only be able to hang that strip for about a week, until Week 4. 30 days later would be Week 8ish...

So it's a waiting and watching game at this point...

Wish me luck.