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F.U.C.K.E.M. members only (or aspiring members)

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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
lmao, w/ the manties!!!

ZERO, its cool brotha, no malice intended.
access likes to drink, alot
and he's got anger management issues.
get back on your meds!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sounds like zero smoked a bowl.... right on Zero :headbange

bruh bear,that quote makes me look like im all serious and shit LMAO ....thats crazy...

i thnk im choppin the tent tonight 73 days,im gonna throw the 3 bpp's i have in there,in the room to finish the last week or so up...the higher watts will prolly kick them in the ass for me a lil bit..
i have like 7 flavors i never smoked yet comin down...good days ahead...

Green Force

Active member
I know Green Force is being a t00lbag right now, but isn't anyone at least remotely curious about this picture he posted? What the hell is going on there at the top.....rather extensive root system growing upwards into what?

Looks like some sort of David Blaine magic trick.

I will say that Green Force is a totally unwanted intrusion into this thread, as well as being a giant-ass-flapping-roastbeef curtain, that likes to have an entire sperm-whale sack inserted into his gaping mouth while mongoloid children urinate on his back and call him daddy. Greenfarce you can take your negative rep. and shove it so far up your assh*le that an Ears, Eyes, Nose and Throat specialist would have to assist. You are the Walrus, the eggman...coo-coo-ca-F.U.C.K.I.N.G.-choo d00shbag.

I don't know why every single member of the F.A.M. just doesn't follow this guy throughout the threads giving him negative rep until he's a muppet....
It worked on Yummybud, this clownshoe is no different...

Now let's not all get ower panties in a bunch, how am i offending any one:S i posed pics n apologized get the fuck off me i gave big bear bad rep for my own reasons not hating on any members or any thing at all the message he leaves and all this negativity you all are portraying is pure bullshit we are all growers and all in it together so buck the fuck up and get over it i posed some pics i thought u guys might like not trying to be a tool or a doush.......................................

Why all the hate? hmmm must be Americans......... why cant every one just grow up =) n smoke a joint lol

btw thats what under a scrog looks like you dumb ass not roots lmfao how about you dont talk shit about me tell you learn some things your self and maybe actualy grow a tree or 2 and see what the fuck stems and stocks look like are you actually that stupid?

btw all i try to do is say sorry im not gona post here any more not trying to stir shit up just thought u might have all gottin over it ohhh welll each to his own have a good day alllll

Above the screen ..................

Under it ..............................

keep giving me bad rep for speaking my mind............... i will return the fave:)....................
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This FUCKIN thread went crazy.three pages in 1 day! WTF?
Congrats to WT420 and TG! did it really hurt? hahaha
Philly that room is on fire.
Cocktail Frank I think the Movement is in full swing!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A-hemmmm...'Reading The Riot Act'....

....Look....if you guys can't agree to dissagree and get along I will be forced to close this thread.....please refrain from all the potty-mouthed testosterone induced use of mudane verbal profanity and obscene pics.....and post stuff that is interesting and usefull to growers (or those that might grow).....

....We are all growers together here on www.icmag.com and I don't like to see a pack mentality that fractionates the site and alienates its members.....

There is a point where good humour gives way to bad taste......


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
still confused on what I did here...and why I need to learn web code?:wallbash: some people...
And on that note, I would like to apologize for entertaining the troll. I should have ignored it completely and got on with the good news.
Thanks for the warm welcom Krush!
anyways...some more shots..
group shot different angle...3 weeks from bean

Nice querkle

FAT fucker Sour Diesel...anyone else have SD with leaves this wide?

Quadfoliate Querkle...(will continue to call it as such till corrected...lol)

Good vibes F.U.C.K.E.R.S


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Much respect out to Gypsy. You could have been markedly less kind, but in your own gentle way...you've given the thread a nudge in the right direction.

I will say that all the negative rep. being thrown around by the disruptive and beligerent individual is undeserved by any of the frequent posters in this thread....and in your own words does in fact: "fractionate the site and alienates its members". Mainly the people here that have come to know and love this thread, this site and its' hosts.

We all know we'd be incapable of pursuing our fraternity here without your generosity and tolerance. However, it would be difficult to rationalize the continued efforts of one person to imbalance, upset and generally spoil a good time that's had by all here.

In that regard, we responded in the manner we thought was the most appropriate. Had the initial warnings issued by Old Pink been heeded, there'd be no need for you to intervene.

Sorry if we offended you. We do our best to stay within the prescribed rules, and our continued presence here is indicative of our love for ICMAG. You of all people I believe understand this at a core level.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Long Island Old School: Phenotype 1

Long Island Old School: Phenotype 1

These young ladies are almost ready to pull. The odor is overpoweringly strong. I was just moving the girls around earlier while changing the hydro reservoir....then I had to go food shopping. I thought I cleaned up rather well...apparently not...my wife and I kept getting huge whiffs of this sticky animal...I'm fairly certain that anyone within eye-shot could smell the delicious aroma also....










Green Force

Active member
A-hemmmm...'Reading The Riot Act'....

....Look....if you guys can't agree to dissagree and get along I will be forced to close this thread.....please refrain from all the potty-mouthed testosterone induced use of mudane verbal profanity and obscene pics.....and post stuff that is interesting and usefull to growers (or those that might grow).....

....We are all growers together here on www.icmag.com and I don't like to see a pack mentality that fractionates the site and alienates its members.....

There is a point where good humour gives way to bad taste......

Thanx Gypsy only point i wanted to show oh and btw i love all the -k i get from every one <3 have a nice life guys n hope all ur grows go well enjoy your club and all its perks =) peace out !


I'd just like to add that there's a shy prospect for F.U.C.K.E.M.....I'll let his work, his thread and his past experience speak on his behalf. There's nothing I could say that would demonstrate better what has already been displayed in his thread, as well as here on occasion..
His name is FreedominPhilly. If you take a look at this cat's 9K grow.....it's impressive to say the least. I know some of you F.U.C.K.E.R.S. have been in that thread.

I second that motion..and I also second the motion that you bring a big fat bud of that LIOS right up here right now!! lmao..not..

..and I had some choice words for the local troll, but I don't wanna upset GN..


New member
One question: does a carbon filter eliminates all the odor? Because i wanna grow a smelly one but i'm a little bit affraid :\



Pull my finger
BMW: your answer is....

sometimes. It really depends on the age of your carbon and that actual strain that your are growing. Some strains just cannot be contained. I do know that using a few different odor control devices together works better than the sum of their parts.

Sup er'body!

Just stopping in. I will be back when the trash has been taken out.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
BMW: your answer is....
sometimes. It really depends on the age of your carbon and that actual strain that your are growing. Some strains just cannot be contained. I do know that using a few different odor control devices together works better than the sum of their parts.
Sup er'body!

Just stopping in. I will be back when the trash has been taken out.

What he said...I use 2 carbon scrubbers AND an ozone generator...Better safe than sorry man... FL reprensent! Been cold asa hell down here huh swamp?
good vibes


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Sharing the sandbox with a-holes.

Sharing the sandbox with a-holes.

I second that motion..and I also second the motion that you bring a big fat bud of that LIOS right up here right now!! lmao..not..

..and I had some choice words for the local troll, but I don't wanna upset GN..

Cella bro, this strain was put in rotation for you specifically. Whenever you're done with the dirty deed of proby....I guarantee it's gonna be there waiting for ya'.....
And if I get this "tissue culture" thing down.....who knows what mayhem will ensue?

By the way, I appreciate Gypsy keeping his head screwed on straight when coming in and moderating the difficulties with public enemy #0.....
But by the same token, he's now tied our hands to respond to any of the B.S. this mofo slings. I think Gypsy is evenhanded, but this particular thread is not really a "public" thread. It's for F.U.C.K.E.M. members and aspiring members. Once we've firmly established that someone is neither, and they've obviously been acting in a trollish capacity, why don't we have the latitude to deal with that on our own? It's not spilling over into the rest of the threads like : "Who likes salami sandwiches?" or "Grandma vs. the mailman", or "When will my male plant produce flowers?"....

I'm not stroking our egos or anything, but there are people that look up to and respect F.U.C.K.E.M.....it's practically a brand name. And when a vast majority of our roster likes a particular strain or endorses a particular method of doing something: like ordering from Seedbay or Seedboutique...or even a particular vendor....guess what....people listen...and they often emulate (which translates to sales and $$$) Didnt' Frank even mention that High Times wanted to interview him about the group? He could have been joking, one can never tell. But it's not outside the realm of possibility. A few members have also been on or in some large well-known publications.....PotParty on the cover of High Times....Tona's pictures on an Ed Rosenthal produced book for Stitch...

My point I guess is that there's something to being a "member" more than just the nominal. It's not just something you drop into your signature line and call it a day...it's transcendental.

We do our best to support IC Mag by our continued presence here. We are firm advocates of what Gypsy wants for the world....and demonstrate that everything can change with just one seed.

Why then do we have to tolerate people that obviously want to f*ck that vibe up? Why do we have to take it in the ass without question when some clownshoe continues to give us bad rep here and elsewhere for the mere fact that he doesn't have skills or manners?

This isn't a "Gypsy is wrong or mean" comment, in fact I believe he's been more than tolerant. But to some degree, we have to be able to police our own thread and call out a troll when we see one. Our recent visitor has been in violation of the TOU consistently.....Old Pink told him to watch his step. Then he started lobbing red dots at everyone. The behavior is beyond rude, and I think our responses were appropriate for THIS THREAD.

Once again, if it were in "How do I get stains out of my underwear?", or "How many teeth do you have?", "Should I sleep with my cousin?" thread, it may not be the best choice.

We do consistently post things here that are not only funny and entertaining but are informative and contribute in a VERY LARGE WAY to the community.

I will always be of the impression we should not have to tolerate intolerable behavior but will respect Gypsy even if his actions leave us victim to undeserving and dubious people. There are some individuals you just cannot "play nice" with. They don't understand anything but their own brand of insanity and stupidity. They need to be handled on that level or put in a place where they cannot harm anyone.

Well, I'm left with 1 alternative: the ominous red-dot. It's the last vestige of subjective opinion I have. I can respectfully disagree with the content of any post by merely saying "I disapprove". I can guarantee that every spare bit of rep. I have to give will be given with the most care and TLC to the one that deserves it most in the red...hope you enjoy rooming with the muppets bro.
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Access i want to know what your tested IQ is. Cause I know you know it and I know it ain't low. The only thing you and I would disagree on is type of response. I prefer a more, shall we say, non-violent response. I gave positive K and explained whats what. I would expect to see no more of Green Force in this thread.

Those pics of LIOS look sick. Pushed well.

I also want to comment on Carbon scrubbers. So far my experience has been Pull, with extreme overkill, meaning I have a scrubber for double+ my real space equates to odor control. Before my borg problem I had very large bushes in my space and total control of odor.



Active member
I'm kinda with you on this one access. But I think Gypsy was being very British in his response.

It's not that we don't like green force or want him gone ( I think ), but rather how we are going about doing it.

Now, I'm the "F.U.C.K.I.T., you asked for it" type. But we're in Gypsy's house here, and I believe that he doesn't want all the " fuck off you c**t stain" comments in the grow forums.

But I also hope (and believe) that he respects the intent of this thread, which was (I think) to gather a like-minded group of growers from a specific geographical area to represent the fact that anyone can do it just as well as anyone else, regardless of location (read Cali ego-havin dicks), and to try and contribute what we can, where we can.

So I think he really just wants us to be a little more civilized when dealing with folks like GF. And I'm perfectly willing to do so, as long as we, as you said access, have the ability to police(aaaaggghhhhH!!!!!!) our own thread.

All the best,
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