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Grow Tent OutGassing / Offgassing WARNING!!


New member
Answer TO IndoorMojo and Others

Answer TO IndoorMojo and Others

Jeees, it´s been a while since I last looked into the forum, and sure enough in here happened a lot.

Well, I just go step by step and answer/reply/clarify some things here. Especially in answer to the posts /remarks/accusations from Sundace & Indoormojo alias the “real McCoy” alias Evan from hydrohuts, or better deathhuts, like they are called throughout the world.

I feel that there are many people out there thinking of buying a product like the Homebox. Be it for herbs, vegetables, beautiful plants or medical marijuana. I want to give as much clear info to all of you out there. But I also have to state that I surely do not encourage and illegal activities like growing marijuana for your personal consumption, if this is against the law in your country. Please understand that I have to make that clear.

I will be making strong comments towards Evan, for I find his posts more than insulting and way below the line, lacking any substance. Else, I will keep this very scientific, basic and down to the facts, and (try to) keep emotions out.
AND: I will not be going on and answering more and more posts in here, I don’t have the time or the will to go down that road. It is enough that Evan and Sundance are BS-ing like that.

Now, let´s start:

1. Evan: you state that I give false info on phthalates, in using info from Greenpeace? Look twice, I used links from several sources: Universities, Wikipedia, Greenpeace, etc. but I am not a rocket scientist, everyone who knows how to Google will come up with the same results.
REALLY POOR is the info you rely your newly setup FAQ section on. You want to “debunk” our information with such? You link to one site. www.Phthalates.com. this is the greatest joke ever, and it is so poor from you, that I can´t even believe it.
This site is from: European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates. And this is nothing else than the association representing European plasticiser producers.
Ever tried to get proper info from the nuclear power industry on possible risks of nuclear plants?
People, please think this one through twice!!! He basis his information on that source. I guess the Chinese milk powder industry will also give you great neutral info on the risks of melamine…

I did also contact this association myself already long time ago. They are based in Brussels. I called them, I mailed them, I tried to get reasonable info from them. But I was not successful. I guess this was due to the fact that what I wanted to know from them was not in line with their way of thinking.

Plus: you claim so loudly that you invested so much time and effort and money into research on what was the problem: where are the results??

And you also brag so much about me not knowing nothing, and just scaring people.
Let me tell you this: the people were scared because of YOUR products (the famous DeathHuts) killing THEIR plants. We had to react, and do research into the blind to be able to calm down our customers. They were and still are frightened (and had every right to be) due to the fact that your plant killing boxes were copies from ours, and with that people were afraid that maybe ours were also giving these problems. So it was and still is your shit we had to clean. People still often think the problem is related to the white inside of the boxes. Which is completely false. And they think it because of people like you and Seechance.

Evan also wants to make our tests we perform regularly look like it is not good. Well, this again proves how little he knows about such things, and shows that he never has had any of such tests done by a reputable and neutral lab.
www.sgs.com is one of the biggest and most reputable labs out there. Google them, and you will know what I mean. They would give a damn shit about a little company like us trying to abuse them for giving fake info, or using wrong limits or using the wrong methods. They have much more to lose than us as a customer.

The determination of phthalates for example: they use the method GS-MS: Evan, do you know what that is? Let me help you out here: Gas-phase Chromatographic Mass Spectrometer. Now you tell me that this is not accurate enough? You are the man. The real McCoy. LOL
To give an example: The method detection limit of the GS-MS for DBP (Dibutyl Phtalate) is 0.003% (w/w), which is about 30ppm (part per million). They were not able to detect ANY DBP in our material.
They were referring this to the limits used for children toys which are placed INTO THE MOUTH OF CHILDREN (EU directive 2005/84/EC). The limit is 0.1%(w/w)(= 1000ppm). Why did they use that limit? BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF THE MOST STRICT LIMIT FOR ANY PLASTIC PRODUCTS. Please google this directive, you will sure soon understand what I say.

The tests on the Dyes performed on our material were according to EU regulations EN 14362-1, which is corresponding to the German food law (LFGB §64 BVL 82.02.2).
The test on metals was done in reference to the directive EN 71 Part 3, which is also for children toys to be placed into the mouth. Pleas read our test to check the results, it would make this post too long to post all the results.

TO CONCLUDE: our products are better than demanded for children toys than can be placed into the mouth of babies and children (Evan: about your temperature issue: how warm is it inside a baby´s mouth? How humid? Hope this is not too much science for you now…), and better than the demands by the German food law.
WHY DID WE NOT USE A TEST LIMIT FOR INDOOR GROW BOXES? Because there is NO SUCH LIMIT available. As I stated before, I was looking everywhere, but these are the most suitable and bet fitting limits we could find.

I had this discussion already with Neuroherb. I think he will be able to proof that I have done my part of the homework as much as possible.
But think yourself: if a product meets food law regulations as well as baby-put-in-mouth toys regulations, will it be safe to grow consumables in there? Will it be safe to stand in your apartment?

2. About our products: we never ever had 1 box causing such problems. The cases described here or in the other thread about spain are not true. It is same story like with you. Eltac (Ruben) was copying our boxes, he even copied our logo, and they were killing the plants. They are still. Go out and ask people from Spain. I know, I am in close contact to Spanish people, wholesalers as growers, and I know what is going on there.

And Evan states in his post that the Homeboxes did not have a problem in Germany because it is not HOT as in Spain… This was the second time I was just laughing out loud and my wife giving me a strange look. Jeees, Evan, you discredit yourself soo much, unbelievable. What difference in temps are you talking about??? 3°C? Ever had heard of most plants growing best in temps between 20°C and 30°C? Ever read posts of people growing in Sweden, Norway, or else. Go out ask them, and then ask Spanish people about their temps. Oh, I forgot, go back to www.phtalates.com and check what these Temp differences (if you found any) are making for a difference. You really proved yourself to be so much less credible than I even thought you were.
To repeat myself yet another time: the only problem we have with off-gassing is people like Evan, Ruben and Seechance.

3. About copies/competition in general (also to answer cannabislocators post #117 in “Grow tent offgassing”):
we don’t mind copies nor competition. Well, in the beginning it was annoying for sure. But we fast came to the state of mind: only good ideas and good products are being copied, so it is actually a way of giving us credit. And we were fast learning that copies always are only copies, not the original. Sadly, the customers, due to irresponsible businessman like Evan and his soon to be called “Death Hut”, had to learn the hardest way possible. Normally, competition is good for the consumers, it keeps innovation up, and makes prices be most competitive. But this is not true if the basic rules of business and ethics are not kept. Just one example on what was really ignored by all the “me-too”-copy-sellers like the deathhut or others. They as importers are responsible for the product safety. This is the law. Seems like they did not really care.

I can exactly tell you how Evan was doing it. He received a Homebox from our dutch wholesaler. Evan sent it to Seechance (which he now claims to be such a unethical company) and said: please copy. I guess he sure was happy to get it even cheaper. But the history shows that he was missing out some major points. Looks like he was out for the fast buck, putting the health of his customers at stake.

It is this kind of copying which I hate, which makes me really get angry.
And to all the customers out there, I can only state:

4. A comment to Sundance: you call the Homebox a Homobox. This tells me so much about your character. Thinking that relating our box to homosexuality is insulting me or the brand or whoever. Way beyond prematurity. Get a life, grow up, but do not expect me to ever answer to you again, this is way below my level of communication.

5. We have not been really strongly present in the USA and CA market, due to the fact that we are a small company, having started from scratch, and never had any big money backing us up. So we had to grow slowly, being really busy all time, and also we never were looking for the fast bucks, but for the long lasting good business.
Now, we teamed up with the former distributor of the Secret Jardins in the USA, and developed a completely new product line for that market together with them. They contacted us and asked us to team up with them, due to several problems they had with their former supplier.
The first container has been arriving in Oakland harbor on Friday, so be prepared to see the Growlabs by Homebox very soon. Check out www.everestgardensupply.com soon for all the info and news, or contact them directly. All stores selling Darkrooms will soon sell the Growlabs by Homebox.


drehahn said:
Jeees, it´s been a while since I last looked into the forum, and sure enough in here happened a lot.

Hi Dirk

Before I read your drivel ... I thought I would put up your last words to me ... which also turned out to be your last post ... before it was you who ran and went hiding

drehahn said:
@ sundance: in my opinion and from what i read, you are Evan, or closely llinked to HH: which is not a problem to me, besides the fact that i do not understand why you have to hide.

Just for laughs - here was my reply

Sundance said:
Dirk .. now your being a jerk

I am not Evan ... not closely linked to him, or Hydro Hut

I am here at IC nearly 3 years now .. check out my posts before you go shooting your mouth off, and making stupid comments ... Oh, I forgot, after reading your previous posts and comments above, you prefer to shoot your mouth off first without knowing the truth, and/or all the facts

I am no different than any person on these boards - except for you ... and a potential customer

I own 2 Hydro Hut tents that need to be replaced ... have been caught up in this ... and did a little homework too

I never hide ... never even think that shit

With your attitude - I am more inclined to stick with Hydro Hut

What other stupid shit you got to say ?

That was November 14, 2008

Welcome back from hiding

Care to elaborate ?

I'm gonna read your post now .. perhaps I have something to say later ... prob-lee

Whoops - I see you did

drehahn said:
Well, I just go step by step and answer/reply/clarify some things here. Especially in answer to the posts /remarks/accusations from Sundace & Indoormojo alias the “real McCoy” alias Evan from hydrohuts

Even is here .. I am sure he will chime in .. and answer for himself ... as he is quite capable of doing ... he dont need my help

This is a pleasure for me ... You turned out to be a major jerk ... your testing procedures an absolute joke ... and your not even close to being a nice guy - it all shows in your posts

Hydro Huts problems with toxicity are over - history .. why continue blabbin your lips ?

Hydro Huts brand new silver series kicks ass ... and I saw an Hydro Huts ad for the new Insulator Stealth - IR Blocked and Thermal Insulated ... a fantastic idea

I am gonna read the rest of your post in a bit ... gotta start the day .. make money - looks like a long boring post .. but just for laughs ... I am sure I will reply later
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New member
I added sundace to my ignore list as I said I would. I made the mistake reading his post and now I have more than enough. he is only capable of 2 things: swearing and bragging about hydrohuts in an absolute unpropper manner. too much for me. byebye sundace. enjoy your pitiful life. Thank goodness this "ignore option" exists in here.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I wasted nearly a year and 3 different brand tents white plastic and mylar and over 600 dollars of quality seeds with these stupid f#!*ing tents my conclusion THROW ALL TENTS IN THE BIN and build my own friggin room or else grow outdoors these so called companys should test their products b4 selling them ahhhhh im getting angrier as i write this post might hafto suck back on some nice outdoor jack herer 2 calm my nerves...dodgy tent companys wasted so many peoples time its not right..


New member
Benji: It is exactly people like you I am referring to in my post, point 3. i feel really sorry for all the troubles you had to go through! Sadly there are many out there who had the same experience and came to the same conclusion. but also due to forums like ICMAG, the real problem makers have been identified.


drehahn said:
I added sundace to my ignore list as I said I would. I made the mistake reading his post and now I have more than enough. he is only capable of 2 things: swearing and bragging about hydrohuts in an absolute unpropper manner. too much for me. byebye sundace. enjoy your pitiful life. Thank goodness this "ignore option" exists in here.

Hi Dirk

Thats the funniest thing I have read yet

First you insult me ... then I guess you cant take the truth

Tell ya what ... I will reply and rip your post to small pieces with the truth .. against the lies you have said .. and the rest of the world can read it

Dont answer - less work .. and perfect for me

Man - this is fun
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Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
drehahn said:
Benji: It is exactly people like you I am referring to in my post, point 3. i feel really sorry for all the troubles you had to go through! Sadly there are many out there who had the same experience and came to the same conclusion. but also due to forums like ICMAG, the real problem makers have been identified.

Thats true but but i tried 3 different brand tents 2 with white plastic then i switched to mylar so its been fuck me once with 3 different companys not all the problem makers have been identified ezi-tent and grow lush have you heard of them ?


BENJI said:
I wasted nearly a year and 3 different brand tents white plastic and mylar and over 600 dollars of quality seeds with these stupid f#!*ing tents my conclusion THROW ALL TENTS IN THE BIN and build my own friggin room or else grow outdoors these so called companys should test their products b4 selling them ahhhhh im getting angrier as i write this post might hafto suck back on some nice outdoor jack herer 2 calm my nerves...dodgy tent companys wasted so many peoples time its not right..

Hey Benji .. your right .. it sucked .. but it was not done intentionally ... and to this day .. Hydro hut is the only company who admitted their problem .. did something to try and fix it - at their own expense .. didnt work .. pulled product .. didnt sell a single tent for over a year ... and now have great new product out called the Hydro Hut Silver Series

Hydro Hut is replacing their tents for free - if you have a toxic Hydro Hut tent .. and a legitimate claim .. then get in touch with Hydro Hut .. and I am sure they will sort you out

I have 2 tents of the new Hydro Hut Silver Series .. Environment correct .. plants doing great .. I am very happy with all - including construction quality of the tents

Toxic Hydro Hut tents are history

Hydro Hut is moving forward

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WTF - lets play

drehahn said:
1. Evan: you state that I give false info on phthalates, in using info from Greenpeace? Look twice, I used links from several sources: Universities, Wikipedia, Greenpeace, etc. but I am not a rocket scientist, everyone who knows how to Google will come up with the same results.

Wikipedia - very impressive .. we all know everything written in there is true .. and fact ... NOT

drehahn said:
This site is from: European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates. And this is nothing else than the association representing European plasticiser producers.
Ever tried to get proper info from the nuclear power industry on possible risks of nuclear plants?

Nuclear power industry ? .. Possible risk of nuclear plants ? .. what does that have to do with tents ? .... and plants ? ... not nuclear plants .. pot plants

drehahn said:
I did also contact this association myself already long time ago. They are based in Brussels. I called them, I mailed them, I tried to get reasonable info from them. But I was not successful. I guess this was due to the fact that what I wanted to know from them was not in line with their way of thinking.

Or maybe the problem is with you .. besides - why criticize something you don't understand ... don't know the truth about ... or all the facts ?

drehahn said:
Let me tell you this: the people were scared because of YOUR products (the famous DeathHuts) killing THEIR plants.

People were afraid of the unknown .. and from false rumors .. of which you put out a few yourself

drehahn said:
due to the fact that your plant killing boxes were copies from ours, and with that people were afraid that maybe ours were also giving these problems.

ROL .. it was NOT just Hydro Hut that was affected .. many makers were .. and fact is .. at the time ... you .. like everyone else .. did not know what was up

drehahn said:
Evan also wants to make our tests we perform regularly look like it is not good. Well, this again proves how little he knows about such things, and shows that he never has had any of such tests done by a reputable and neutral lab.
www.sgs.com is one of the biggest and most reputable labs out there. Google them, and you will know what I mean. They would give a damn shit about a little company like us trying to abuse them for giving fake info, or using wrong limits or using the wrong methods. They have much more to lose than us as a customer.

The determination of phthalates for example: they use the method GS-MS: Evan, do you know what that is? Let me help you out here: Gas-phase Chromatographic Mass Spectrometer. Now you tell me that this is not accurate enough? You are the man. The real McCoy. LOL
To give an example: The method detection limit of the GS-MS for DBP (Dibutyl Phtalate) is 0.003% (w/w), which is about 30ppm (part per million). They were not able to detect ANY DBP in our material.
They were referring this to the limits used for children toys which are placed INTO THE MOUTH OF CHILDREN (EU directive 2005/84/EC). The limit is 0.1%(w/w)(= 1000ppm). Why did they use that limit? BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF THE MOST STRICT LIMIT FOR ANY PLASTIC PRODUCTS. Please google this directive, you will sure soon understand what I say.

The tests on the Dyes performed on our material were according to EU regulations EN 14362-1, which is corresponding to the German food law (LFGB §64 BVL 82.02.2).
The test on metals was done in reference to the directive EN 71 Part 3, which is also for children toys to be placed into the mouth. Pleas read our test to check the results, it would make this post too long to post all the results.

ROL .. I am no rocket scientist either .. and dont care to be .. but whats funny is - your testing your product against " Children's toys " and " Household Goods " ... what does that have to do with 1000+ watts of light .. and constant high heat being run in your boxes ? .. or plants ?

drehahn said:
TO CONCLUDE: our products are better than demanded for children toys than can be placed into the mouth of babies and children (Evan: about your temperature issue: how warm is it inside a baby´s mouth? How humid? Hope this is not too much science for you now…), and better than the demands by the German food law.
WHY DID WE NOT USE A TEST LIMIT FOR INDOOR GROW BOXES? Because there is NO SUCH LIMIT available. As I stated before, I was looking everywhere, but these are the most suitable and bet fitting limits we could find.

ROL .. but it useless Dirk .. Wasted time, wasted money, for bullshit

drehahn said:
I had this discussion already with Neuroherb. I think he will be able to proof that I have done my part of the homework as much as possible.
But think yourself: if a product meets food law regulations as well as baby-put-in-mouth toys regulations, will it be safe to grow consumables in there? Will it be safe to stand in your apartment?

Then .. because you think .. it must be so .. fact ... and true for plants

drehahn said:
2. About our products: we never ever had 1 box causing such problems. The cases described here or in the other thread about spain are not true. It is same story like with you. Eltac (Ruben) was copying our boxes, he even copied our logo, and they were killing the plants. They are still. Go out and ask people from Spain. I know, I am in close contact to Spanish people, wholesalers as growers, and I know what is going on there.

I know nothing .. cant comment ... but where there is ... smoke n fire ... and all that

drehahn said:
4. A comment to Sundance: you call the Homebox a Homobox. This tells me so much about your character. Thinking that relating our box to homosexuality is insulting me or the brand or whoever. Way beyond prematurity. Get a life, grow up, but do not expect me to ever answer to you again, this is way below my level of communication.

Yes .. I did ... it was a typo at first ... but your gay friend Bojangles thought it was funny .. while I had no further comment or misspellings .. he kept hamerring .. and hammering me on it .. and then had the nerve to say .. " skeet, skeet, skeet in your face Sundance " .. ROL ... While I am NOT gay .. or even close to being gay .. in all my years on this planet - I have never had a guy say that to me ... I asked everyone ... and I ask you too ... what kind of guy says that to another guy ? .. he must be gay

Well anyway ... thats how " Homobox " got its origins .. and now ... its a new word ... maybe it will find its way to Google and Wikipedia ?

Also Dirk .. apparently English is not your first language .. but you should have thought more about the name you chose ... and how much fun kids of all ages would have messing with it just a little bit

We have a saying in America .. if the name fits - wear it

Well .. thats about it

This got a little personal for me .. as I have been personally attacked by fools like Dirk and Bojangles ... and chose to engage .. rather than be a pussy and look the other way

Anyone interested in tents .. should do their homework ... look at everything out there ... then pick the best ... and what they like best

I just happen to prefer Hydro Huts products ... The new silver lined tents kick ass .. Poles, corners and ceiling are made of steel - strongest on the market ... the guys at Hydro Hut have been absolute gentleman throughout this fucked up mess .. and are now making a much better product because of it
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New member
@ benji:I did not hear of these 2 yet, sorry. and yes, there are still more "new" copy tents coming on the market, and the problem is in full effect.


New member
Hello Dirk, always a pleasure! I’m glad you are back with us. Nothing I’ve written to you has been below the line. I have nothing personal against you, I’m not sure that you can say the same thing. Ready for our little lesson on Ass-Whoop today?

There are inconsistencies with certain portions of your reporting, testing and press about those issues. I am addressing those and that might twist your panties a bit but I do understand why. I won’t address most of your bullshit claims about my company, I’m done with that.

Clients are asking for truth and clarity in this tent situation and there is definitely a group that doesn’t hold my products in a high regard but I believe that to be do partly NOW to a lot of badmouthing based on a relatively few amount of people in the demographic who chose not to ever understand. I have a right to express myself, defend myself and products and rebut some of the information that you put forth as fact that we totally disagree with; little things, you know like that science stuff.

Dirk, Greenpeace is as biased as one can get. They are an extreme group and nobody would expect them to say anything other than plastic is the devil. We humans however live in the real world were plastic is everywhere. The organization that I put forth as but once piece of our research, the European Council for Plasticizers and Intermediates certainly counter-balances the radical group you put forth.

This plant/plastic problem has nothing; absolutely nothing to do with the Chinese milk powder industry, why go there? Your attempt is to link an EU council who has responsibilities to uphold and to help protect citizens is hardly a comparison to greedy companies making milk! You are comparing apples to oranges. No go.

I would like to add that this was not our only source by far. Ridiculous for you to think so sir. One of our main sources is a series of three studies, on the same problem, but from different decades. I gave this info to Neuroherb for posting but I’m posting it here again.

The Plant/Plastic problem explained exactly

Please read the link Dirk and tell me why you claim the problem isn’t the white plastic, or perhaps not only the white plastic?

Part 2

Dirk, you complain about having to clean up my shit. Very tiring argument. If your tents have never hurt or killed plants, then you have no shit to clean up. You point to the product, you point to satisfied clients, you point to science and you keep selling. Certainly there are numerous tent brands on the market now which hurt plants. Reading you, one would think that the HydroHut was the only one. You attempt to deflect the problem onto me using nasty methods such as saying we don’t care about our clients or calling my old HydroHut the Death Hut (I see you’ve been spending time with Gabby, that is his euphemism), but that is in the past now and you currently spreading hyperbolic lies around isn’t going to change the fact that my old tents are gone and a new product is now being sold and we are illuminating the problem to the world, not you. The problem is that you don’t have the science you need, you do not understand it and in fact most people wouldn’t either, including me, but I have one advantage. My only partner in my business is a PhD and teaches physical chemistry at university level. This particular university is linked to JPL. Every heard of them? He teaches me (it takes him forever as I’m not a science major at all, you know just a dumb American), he studies what you offered as evidence and he has explained to me how you are attempting to fool the world. Perhaps you may not know the mistakes you made or perhaps you do and you are counting on what you’ve done to make people feel better. It is wrong! Placating people is not science. Scaring them about their health is criminal when you should know better.

The lab you chose is well known and their results are 100% correct. I’ve never argued that your lab made a mistake as they did not. They did exactly what you asked them to do and they gave you an answer. The problem starts here. You did not understand the real toxic problem, you did not understand what to ask your lab to do, you did not understand how to interpret the results and therefore you posted the results giving them meaning that they indeed did not have. That makes your test useless! Like it or not, you messed up. It also means that you are actively misleading the plant growing public.

For exactly the reason that you put so much blame on others incorrectly so, the fact that you called me out using a bunch of names, the fact that you have whether intentionally or not intentionally totally misled the public world-wide, I will, through the help of my partner, prove you wrong and expose your mistakes. Thank you by the way Dirk for explaining the Gas Phase Chromatograph that is a big word for me!

Dirk, you state that you use PE to make your tents and that PE doesn’t need to use plasticizers and we agree with you 100%. So why then did you go to your reputable lab and order a test for plasticizers that you and we already know are NOT in your tent? If we all know they ain’t in there, what does your test show us? That you do not use them! That is it, nothing more. It doesn’t scientifically prove that what you do use in your tent, which thus far nobody really knows isn’t harmful in some or anyway to plants? We know that your tents, which don’t have those specific plasticizers in it because they don’t need them for PE don’t exceed the EU standards for those plasticizers in children’s toys! Now is a good time to mention melamine in the milk in China! What the fuck do we care if your tents don’t have plasticizers in them and if they did, the child won’t get hurt? Help me out here? This is a plant growing tent last time I checked unless you’re going to start making portable glory hole tents? See what I mean about confusing the public?

Remember, we already agree that your tent is made of PE. So why then did you NOT test the PE itself to give everyone a test result on something you DO use in your tent? If you had, we would at least know that your PE is good for Glory Hole Boxes or that if your child wanders in and plays on the floor for month, he too wouldn’t be hurt by your PE. But, we still wouldn’t know if your tent was safe for plants!! Do you get it now?

You said all confidently that there is no standard for plants yet! CORRECT! There is no fucking standard for plants yet! There should be, but there ain’t! What the fuck are you testing for then??? I’m very curious, please help me out.

Plants and humans use two totally different standards and in this case, it is the plant that is much more sensitive than the human, period! This is why I earlier mentioned the difference between 10 to -3 and 10 to the -12! You tested to 10 to the -3 and you tested exactly what you knew wasn’t present. Congratulations! Everyone can suck your tent in their mouth and not get what we know already isn’t there. Whew, I feel better now about your scientific method. Should we revisit milk and melamine again?

Dirk, we can safely say that if your tent ever hurts plants, it isn’t from any plasticizers that you tested for, there aren’t any.

Most tents in our market will probably pass whatever country’s test for children’s toys. Only problem is, like we found out, the test isn’t good enough for plants.

Part 3

When you make a white tent, you use something to adhere or attach the white plastic surface to the canvas surface, even you Dirk. Heat works, but it works in conjunction with a glue, or plasticizer, or an organic solvent of some sort (gasoline, alcohol, take your pick, there are many of them to choose from). The white doesn’t stick itself to the canvas and this process is different from using the Mylar type surfaces with canvas. So, what did you use to attach the white to your canvas? Did you test whatever it is you used? Do you even know what the factory used? Can this substance be put into the mouths of children? Better yet, is this substance toxic to plants if introduced to them?

Dirk, I have no idea why you told me about the best temps to grow plants in? I mentioned that it is hotter in Spain and I will add for most of the year, than in Germany. People often travel to Spain to enjoy the sun. People do not travel to Germany generally to enjoy the sun! Heat plays a part in the release of plasticizers. Go tell your wife that if you’re laughing by the time you get home. Most homes in Germany are not air conditioned as they do not need to be save one month or so each year during the height of summer. Contrarily, it is hot much of the year in Spain but most people still do not have air conditioning in their houses. Therefore genius, more growers don’t have their rooms properly acclimatized to growing under perfect conditions. Heat is a problem. You never quite understood this in your designs.

The company is Spain that you attempt to discredit will answer for itself. I do not speak for them. That being said Dirk; I do not believe you are telling the public the whole and truthful story. You were the ONLY tent mfr for growing purposes around during that time. I don’t believe you had any competition yet. I wasn’t selling into Europe at that time. I came later and I only sold into France for a little while. I’m coming back to say hello to you though, get out the blood sausage and put on your lederhosen!

Once again Dirk you got my history wrong. I tell you this because you obviously think that I got your tent from someone in Holland and you’re wrong. Whomever you’ve been hating all these years in Holland is innocent. Our Huts were never made at Seechance in China. That is my enemy! That is where the Habitat, Biofloral and the SunHut are made and if you look Dork, they copied my tent, not yours—steel poles and corners, flanges, more vents etc.! Get over your issues.

Everyone who actually pays attention to the market there knows I have my own factory and it isn’t open to other business. Check your facts on Seechance or not. It matters not to me. Seechance is unethical and they are hurting our market and the world. Sorry to “fuck you” a third time Dirk but you just don’t have a clue about that which you speak. We are based in Tianjin. Ask David if you don’t believe me. Your new partner is a good guy. Which leads me to your new move into the USA with the Darkroom boys. That is the best thing you’ve done in a long time! It is seriously a terrific strategic move. Bravo.

What happened to Darkroom? They had such popularity, this is a very strange turn of events but it is a great move for you, I admit.

Dirk, I think it is against this website’s rules to out people. I can out myself but you really shouldn’t out me. Shame on you a fourth time.
This gets funnier, the hydrohut guys are out in force.

I can put up pics of healthy grows in white lined tents but others claim their day is over, well that'd be because some manufacturers substandard manufacturing caused problems, I don't think Homebox was one of them, still have to see some proof, apart from handbags at ten paces. Sundance, you have not offered one shred of proof yet, just substance free posts where you mostly call Bojangles a moron, very productive and informative that one.
You have a type of proof as Lionel Hutz would say, "Conjecture, that's a type of proof."
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I can put up pics of healthy grows in white lined tents but others claim their day is over, well that'd be because some manufacturers substandard manufacturing caused problems, I don't think Homebox was one of them, still have to see some proof, apart from handbags at ten paces. Sundance, you have not offered one shred of proof yet, just substance free posts where you mostly call Bojangles a moron, very productive and informative that one.

Correct ... as I have said several times, including in my post right above you - never had anything to say ... and still dont on the matter

But thanks anyway

As for the rest - very well deserved

Personally - I would not buy a white plastic tent - good luck with yours


Dont mean to go off course here but I saw someone state earlier in the thread that they had problems with their SUNHUT. I recently bought a SUNHUT with a silver lining and the store manager swore that this was a new design and has no off-gassing issues. Can anyone confirm or deny whether this is true? Are the silver lined SUNHUTS free of issues??? Thanks for the help.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
If it has a white plastic floor, either return it or chuck the floor part.

They have hopefully stopped using the white plastic floor by now but I don't know for sure.

If it has a silver material floor, you're good to grow man.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
does anyone know if black and white poly might have the same problems?

It doesnt say if it contains pvc or not.

Panda does off-gas.

I can't believe that these huts are still an issue. I bought a Jardin last year and never looked back.



I appreciate the fast response Mr. Bong. I purchased the SUNHUT over a month ago and it's the newer version....the "SUNHUT Silver." It has a silver lining and a silver floor, but they are still selling them with a white PVC floor covering. Without thinking, I installed the white floor covering which I think has caused all my issues. I ripped the floor out last night and tossed it aside. What should I do now? I have about 30 un-rooted clones, 3 rooted clones, and 10 seedlings in the tent. The seedlings, as well as the 3 rooted clones are showing the off-gassing issues. Now that the white floor has been removed, should the plants turn around or should I scrap the SUNHUT and try to get a refund? Do I need to remove all plants from the hut even though I removed the floor already?

Thanks again for the help,
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Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
If the floor piece is gone, just keep giving your plants TLC and they should recover.

Do let us know if not, but to my knowledge it was just the white plastic floor cover thing that was causing problems.

The refund thing is up to you, but I bet they might just send you a replacement floor cover thing if you ask, but if not, yeah I imagine a refund would be in order.

Good luck man!


I posted this in another discussion...but here it is as well.

I have some news that might be of interest.

Plenty of people know I am a licensed medical grower and make no bones about it. Some of you know me from other discussion groups and some know me from the medical community. I have quite a few friends that are indoor veggie growers.

I call it as I see it and if a product is a failure (whether by design or the manufacturers failure to back the product) then I spread that around. Because no one wants to see others fall for the same mistakes. With that said...

I ran into a friend of mine at a local hydro store when I flew out to southern California. After catching up on the local gossip we got on the subject of grow tents (since there was an assembled tent in front of us). Of course the subject of off gassing came up. Unlike me, he had issues with his plants using a HydroHut. In his case, even using a high exchange rate still affected his plants to a certain degree. So he contacted HydroHut, last week, and told them of his issues. HydroHut asked him for his address and told him to be expecting a new tent, to replace the old one. That was it...no quibbling, no argument, just give us your address and expect a new tent. Needless to say I was floored...I mean seldom do you hear stories of a manufacturer taking care of the consumer and rectifying past mistakes, so easily. My friend was so impressed that he is purchasing two more HydroHuts. His reasoning is that he knows that he can go to HydroHut if he has any issues...and HydroHut will take care of it.

So, I contacted HydroHut to see what the deal was. And sure enough, they were willing to replace my tent at no cost to me. I also asked them why it took so long to bring this about. HydroHut stated that it took over ten months just to test their new model...making sure that they were not experiencing any issues with that model. It also took a while to figure out if it was truly a tent issue.

So, I am going to place an order for another HydroHut. And here is my reasoning:

1) Jardin is having problems with their distributor and BGHYDRO is already dropping them. That worries me...
2) I know HydroHut will try to make me a happy customer. They were willing to replace my tent, no questions asked. I have no experience with the other manufacturers, so they are an unknown quantity.
3) I was very happy with the build quality of my HydroHut. I experienced no wear issues.

So there you have it...the Darkroom is out of the picture and I will be going for a HydroHut. I will post some pics (let me know if there are pics of certain items that you want) when it arrives and give you the low down on the build quality. The size of the one coming is about 4x8...
