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i really suck starting from seed!! help mes please


hey hey, its the wayward bob here with another go around. ive got 3 white rhino and an ICE going at the moment. still very young little ones, only about 10 days since they broke the soil.

but right now im concerned about their health. 3 of the 4 plants are showing their 2nd set of true leaves, but they are looking pretty puny right now =[ on all three, their original 2 fan leaves are going yellow from the inside outward on the leaves along with the first set of true leaves being curved upward on the sides like a V, and the ridges on the leaves are a redish purple. i wish i could get some pics up, but i cant ATM. they are being incubated in soil, foxfarm ocean forest, and are still in their original beer cup 'pots'.

ill try to get some pics up. for that i apologize. if this doesnt make sense please ask some questions, im high :jump: hows that for an emoticon :rasta:

heres a little porn from my last go around

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
its the soil......its to hot to start out with....especially for seedling and clones
its best to start with a lighter mix.....

but this is a educated guess on my part...need more info tho...fill in the infirmary questioneer
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Registered Medical Patient
Hey bro, Core is right...and i have had the same problem until I realized my soil was too hot, it needed MORE perlite, and it wasn't warm enuf....check all those things, including pH, and ur problems should be solved...also, dont feed them too soon...Peace

- Z


yeah it probably is the soil. whats weird tho is one of the 4 is completely healthy, and its actually the smallest one. can i just keep giving them water when needed to get thru this litttle burn or should i buy some different soil and repot?

btw thank you guys for the time


Non Conformist


WaywardBob said:
their original 2 fan leaves are going yellow from the inside outward on the leaves along with the first set of true leaves being curved upward on the sides like a V, and the ridges on the leaves are a redish purple.
Yellowing from the -inside- outward doesn't sound like burn. Are ya sure yer not over watering? That soil is kinda heavy if it hasn't been cut with perlite, esp for seedlings. Ya might wanna try lettin em dry out some before watering again. Throw up a picture when ya can. Also, next time cut the soil in half with perlite and make a ton of holes in the bottom of yer cups. Once the seeds have germinated they only need a lil bit of water. Good luck! BC
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ok well i have a whole new set of problems that are probably stemming off of the original problem of the soil being "too hot". these 4 plants i have going are basically stuck... AND IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! i want to toss them all and say fuck it cuz this is getting ridiculous!

right now what i have are 3 white rhino and 1 ICE. what is happening is a new set of leaves have come in since my last post, but the older (first) set of true leaves have browned at the tips and worked its way inward killing off the original leaves, so its back to just 1 set of leaves. i jacked my T5's 6inches above the plants but there is no stretch. the plants are basically stuck. it makes no sense to me, this has never happened. i have started skunk#1 in this same soil with no problems what-so-ever.

with these 4 babies i have mixed 40% perlite into the soil when i transplanted to help because the soil was "too hot." all 4 plants now look like shit, only have 1 set of leaves and its only a single blade on both sides, AND arent growing. in my original post i had 1 plant that looked excellent. it was a Rhino. it was perfectly green and had no problems, but now since i transplanted to a bigger pot with 40% perlite and 60% fox farm ocean forrest, it has become like the others with the older leaves browning at the tips and crumbling away...

this post might not make any sense because im an idiot and my head is a mess right now because of how fucking frustrating this is..........

please dont like my terrible attitude discourage you from helping me. im normaly a nice upbeat guy :)

btw i got a few pics of my babies in my gallery.... well i uploaded them there at least, but they dont seem to want to appear there? idk...... !!!!!!!#(*$HF&*H#$F&*#^*&@#*@#^$*GH*&$@G*FG#

ill try to get some more up in a bit. its hard to get a clear shot when they are so small. plus with this crappy canon powershot camera with no macro, i really cant get a clear shot....................................

did i mention im dry at the moment too???????? :badday: x1000

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when i said i started Skunk #1 in the same soil, i ment the same soil but with no added perlite. it was straight from the bag into the pot. from seeedling to chop time.....


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Hey Wayward,
I feel ya here. :cuss:

I'm not a soil man but sometimes I do start my seeds in soil. I personally use a "seed starting" mix. (Miracle Grow) Scotts is good too. I mostly use GH Rapid Rooters.

I would agree that your problems most likely stem from the soil being to rich.

Why don't ya try washing as much soil away as you can without damaging the seedling and transplant into a seed starter mix. (available at any garden center). Just use plain water for a couple weeks. FLUSH out those nutes that are stunting your new babies.

Keep in mind that all strains will react differently to certain conditions.Just because the skunk was able to handle the FF doesn't mean that all strains will. You probably got lucky with that one.

If ya baby them you could probably save em.

Don't trash em and don't slit yur throat either.



M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
this is what i end up doing:

-use paper towel method (i actually prefer nonbleached coffee filter paper) and seeds have tails within 2-3 days.
-plant seed in (pre-wet) peat based seedling mix (more than damp, but NOT soaking) by making hole with pencil or ur finger and lightly covering it. i usually fill cup halfway
-then, cup is marked and placed on outskirts of veg area (so its not getting full lighting right away)
-once seedlings pop above surface and show first true leaves then i put under more direct fluoro lighting.
-this whole time, ph'd water in a spray bottle is used to keep top of soil slightly damp each day (do not soak)
-once seedling starts stretching and getting lanky, i fill in top of cup with my soil mix as high as the cotyledons are.
-from this point plain water can be given directly to soil, again not too wet u want roots to "seek"
-once cot's are yellowed/brown and falling off i start a very mild nute regime

after plants get 4-5 inches i transplant to larger container and seedling stage is over!


germination is no problem, 9+ out of 10 everytime. but these damn seedlings are another story.... never had a problem until now. it makes no sense to me how a seedling can be totally healthy, but then start browning when i transplant to a bigger pot with more perlite added to the mix.... blows my mind


ok sry guys im back. the transplanting went smoothly. i tipped the pots upside down and placed them in the bigger pots.

i went out and bought some BioBizz light mix last week and transplanted the little ones again, although this time i crumbled away as much dirt from the root mass as i could and spread the roots around as best i could. yet, today, the plants are still the same size and same color, looking very very small and in very poor health. another thing that hasn't changed is how much this problem is blowing my mind, and how i have no clue why it is happening. 90% sure the roots weren't ripped went i was removing some of the old FoxFarm soil. should i maybe give them a 1/8s strength dose of CalMag or something?? micro nute problem possibly?

i might just do that and see what happens. im going to throw some beans in some paper towels tonight. so if these first 4 die on me, good riddance!!!!

whatchyou guys think?


Hey WaywardBob

I just learned the same painful lesson, i started them in Bio Bizz All Mix and then got all eager and started supplementing them way too early. That was four weeks ago and now they are looking fine.

I have used light Mix before with excellent results and i wouldn't worry too much about light damage to the roots they will be able to take it as long as you haven't ripped them to shreds.

Personally i wouldn't add any additional nutes just yet, let them get acclimatised to the new soil and they should soon pick up.


well this is getting very frustrating because the size of the seedlings hasnt changed for close to a month(or whenever i made the first post in this thread). they aren't really growing anymore. they are just getting a little more yellow everyday. a new set of leaves rising from the middle will eventually appear but by the time they are set, the older pair of leaves will have yellowed, browned, and dyed off by then. MAKES NO SENSE TO ME AT ALL!!! i have 3 grows under my belt and i understand how plants work, but this just doesnt make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the soil is BIO BIZZ LIGHT MIX that i added 30%+ perlite to.

an passage from www.biobizz.nl

"Light-Mix is an ideal potting soil for organic gardeners who want to have control over the growing process through the application of liquid fertilizers. Slightly fertilized it ensures a fast development of roots and vigorous new growth."

i dont know of anything being lighter than what im using, other than going to a soilless mix........ at any rate, this is a waste of my fucking time. SO im going to let these bitches go for another week and see what happens. then its going in the garbage. i have 6 skunk#1 germinated. all 6 popped in 18hours which makes me feel good. im goign to put them in the same biobizz mix with a littel more added perlite.

my last go around i used this same strain, skunk1, and they THRIVED!!!!! in the Ocean Forrest mix with NO ADDED PERLITE. i mean it, they were absolutely gorgeous!!! and actually wanted MORE!!! so ill go back to that strain until i figure out WTF is going on.....

its been a long day for me and its only 4pm, sorry if i seem a little irritated... ive been dry for almost a week now :violin:



Hey WWBob. Whats going on with the plants? Ive been keeping up with your thread bc I am having the same probs with the same strains. I have burnt up about $100 of seeds in the past 2 months. I also got a couple of grows under the belt but was with hydro. I tried FFOF once with good results, so I wanted to try a whole grow in it. I wasted so many seeds that I have gone back to hydro and the same thing is happening with plain PHed water. I think it might be time for me to call the sleezy dealer for some smoke cause I have been spending more for seeds than it would have cost for good smoke :violin:
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