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Russian/Ukrain brides????


Active member
ok i just got off the phone w/ a good buddy that lives back in colorado

he is breaking up w/ his G/F of over 5 yrs because he has been talking to a girl from the ukrain that he met thru some internet bride svc.

he's actually paying for her to fly out, and plans to marry her :bashhead:

i am pretty shocked, and he said not to tell anyone, but since he doesnt come here he wont kow i told you guys.

his G/F is cool as hell, and he is retarded for doin this.

he said they arent gettin along, and that this chik is way better....said he's talked to her on the phone, and that she speaks ok english, and even tho she's over 10 yrs younger (he's 36 shes 25)...that they have alot in common.

besides the plane flight he's gotta pay like 5grand for the arrangement thru the service.....he's gettin takin to the cleaners.

has anyone ever heard of this scenario working? and how do i convince him against this?

im still sorta shocked, so i was just like ok cool man hope it works.



donut engineer
Something else is going on with your friend for him to make this kind of drastic life change. Dumping your current girlfriend for a potential mate you have never met and paying absurd amounts of money to do so is a big leap.

GReen dreAM

Well-known member
Maybe she is very lucky angel... or clever devil... ? who knows

but at firstuhave to be very nice and polite to her, please


Dude, I would:

1) Point out that he has a cool GF now and you think he's making a big mistake
2) Point out that mail order brides are just looking for a way out of the godforsaken country that they live in

If that didn't work, I would say fuckit and let him make his own life decisions/mistakes


dude this is totally cool imo, hell that russian chick will have a hell of a ride around the world and that friend of yours is gonna get laid and learn some shit about a strange culture. have a blast imo. i got friends from way backcountry they go get themselves some exotic bird because .. well they need the inspiration and whatnot.. whocares.. usually it turns out fine. sometimes when two people are too much alike its too boring, mix it up abit imo.


Active member
arcticsun said:
dude this is totally cool imo, hell that russian chick will have a hell of a ride around the world and that friend of yours is gonna get laid and learn some shit about a strange culture. have a blast imo. i got friends from way backcountry they go get themselves some exotic bird because .. well they need the inspiration and whatnot.. whocares.. usually it turns out fine. sometimes when two people are too much alike its too boring, mix it up abit imo.

thats kind of his way of thinkin, we just talked again for about a half hr and i asked him what was really goin on?

i guess he got caught cheating on his girl, and at the same time looking at the russian bride stuff...so he decided to go thru w/ it.

he thinks it'll be a good thing.

ive known dude since elementary school, and the only problem im seein is that he's the type that ALWAYS MUST have a GF.....if he is single for 5 seconds.....then there is no other priority other than the next GF.


ICMag Donor
A friend i did some work for did this He's a pretty wealthy guy.Married a Russian woman,He ended up marrying her having a kid .He then caught her cheating on the computer with some guy,love letters and shit.I installed the software that recorded all
keystrokes and phone conversations.

Now there getting a divorce.

Another friend of mine.Runs a intoduction service for men to meet Czech women.I spoke with him about Russian women .This is what he had to say

In Russia youll find some of the most beutiful women in the world.Knockout blonds like u wouldn't believe.They usaully live very hard life.He mentioned out of all the different types of women.Russian women were the coldest.

Like one day you come home and all yours and her shit is gone and she is as well.That was just a experience he relayed to me .But hell the women are gorgeous .That counts for something right?..


Active member
Take it from someone who has traveled all over the world, there are better ways to meet foreign girls. Many services are out there that somewhat legitimately introduce you to girls in their countries. You go and meet lots of girls at arranged gatherings and find one, two, three you like and keep dating. What your friend is doing is more than likely a way a girl/group/mafia conspires to take people's money. It's a very bad idea. Take the six grand and go on two world class vacations to Brazil, Colombia, or Eastern Europe to meet girls "legitimately".


Active member
NOKUY said:
i am pretty shocked, and he said not to tell anyone, but since he doesnt come here he wont kow i told you guys.

He does to come here and his name is Yummybud. You better be careful.


Active member
AbbieDoobie said:
He does to come here and his name is Yummybud. You better be careful.

lol...lots of dif between him and yummy tho....the main 1 bein ive never seen him w/out a GF

...yummy on the other hand :confused:


Ive got a buddy who did this, and it worked out. although she was from japan, but still a mail order bride. he drives international trucking linesand she got her cdl and they travel all over together and shes a very cool girl, but then again shes not russian. im all for it, id just let him know to be carefull


Well-known member
Mid-life crises?

I'm sure they'll be happy for weeks, if not months. But wait until he finds out why Ukrainian men drink so much vodka. And what happens when you bring prime steak into a piranha tank and try and keep it to yourself.

I'd like to bet a pack of seeds on DOOM-ED please. With a side of heartache.


Snagglepuss said:
A friend i did some work for did this He's a pretty wealthy guy.Married a Russian woman,He ended up marrying her having a kid .He then caught her cheating on the computer with some guy,love letters and shit.I installed the software that recorded all
keystrokes and phone conversations.

Now there getting a divorce.

Another friend of mine.Runs a intoduction service for men to meet Czech women.I spoke with him about Russian women .This is what he had to say

In Russia youll find some of the most beutiful women in the world.Knockout blonds like u wouldn't believe.They usaully live very hard life.He mentioned out of all the different types of women.Russian women were the coldest.

Like one day you come home and all yours and her shit is gone and she is as well.That was just a experience he relayed to me .But hell the women are gorgeous .That counts for something right?..

how many friends do you have with american women who cheated on them? anyone have a story about that? i think you'd honestly get someone with more to loose then most ppl, so id say you could probably trust them more. its all in your intentions imo.

one would have to think about what one puts into the institution which is marriage.


Active member
nice posts some people, good advice on watching out

these women, ouchieee, their crazy

but one can always dreaammmmmmmmmmmmmm

and russian women, cold ? russia is a -very- cold country..
you couldn't imagine..


ive never heard of send us money well send you the girl. Like virgin harvester said you go to thier country on your dime and meet them. I did know a guy who had a fillipino bride they were together for 10 years. Ive met and like a lot of czech poles and ukrainian girls but they were really all fucking nuts, but maybe it was because they were all in their young to mid 20s heh, nuts is a symptom of that age group regardless of where your born


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
last i heard about this stuff, once the chicks got to america, they would end up killin the guy that brought them over after a while.

i agree with you yukon, the guy's bein a real ass. in any relationship shit is gonna be up and down. and ofcourse your gonna have shitloads in common with someone that needs to get out of their situation, since they are both in the same boat; shes there and wants to leave, hes here and wants to leave (his girl).

misery loves company, you all know how it goes.