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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks buddy! I think I'll be able to squeeze a little more out of her next time.

Hiya 5LG :wave:
Thanks bro, dem's fine words! My favorite Mongrel? #1 - She's starting to turn purple all over her buds! Yes, Core's girls are too sexy fer shur...

Hiya T :wave:
Yes, I'm psyched - another month to go - I can't quite get my hand around the top bud on Mongrel 1 & 3 - at this rate they are gonna be FAT!

Hiya BlackRa1n :wave:
Thanks buddy - can't wait to pop some of these buds in the VaporCannon - :woohoo: :rasta:

Hiya Reefdoggie :wave:
Thanks for visiting with kind kudos! Smoke report will be in 6 weeks or so, hard to believe these girls still have another month...

Next - midweek update...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat


ECSD x STD day 38 flower

Nice tight buds on this girl...

Mongrel 1/2/3 day 45 flower

The picture doesn't show it yet, but Mongrel 1 buds are turning purple under the newer white pistils! :woohoo: Must be the cold temps.

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
great plants Mr G

Looks great. I have seena few other mongrels that have turned color in the past, could be a passive genetic thing, but regardless a great looking plant
MMMmmmmmmMongrel Niiiice!
I can see how ya cannot have a favorite simply because they're all beautiful in their own special ways :smile:
Ya gonna post a smoke-report on the Golden Skush?
:wave: Low


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
everything looks lovely bro.ur definetly puttin it down in there.i seen some mongrels purp up on here in another thread too bro.they got like a nice lavander color to them.were real nice and thick too.peace-T-


You will not be forgotten
wow things are looking awesome round here Mr G! that mongrel looks really tasty and so does the ecsd x std, just wanted to drop in and say hi and give you props on your nice lookin females. Peace

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Dr D :wave:
Thanks buddy. I'm doing all I can to encourage color this run - low temps, low N in the feedings. Very happy they are showing so early - all of them will get a try at a reveg. BTW - peeking at your garden - frosty Holidays are surely in your future:canabis:

Hiya damakkus :wave:
Great to cya buddy! Thanks much for the kudos!:friends: Maybe we can meet up soon. I can see you've refined your technique, your garden is looking like the Land of the Jolly ( HO HO HO ) Green Giant :yes:

Hiya Low :wave:
Thanks my friend! Yeah, you're reading my mind :laughing: Every day I have a different favorite :chin: hmmm - I'm coming to the conclusion this is a common event with Core's ladies :yes::wave:

Ahhh, the Golden Skush:chin: She looks great, however the taste is very mild as is the high. Luckily I have more seeds, next spring I'm going to look for a better pheno. Since she grew so well, and the reveg looks like it's taking, I'll grow her out again to make kif or butter.

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks bro - and I'm impressed with your closet work my friend - where's the beef - it's in bd's closet!:canabis:

Hiya Tonatiuh :wave:
Have I asked you this before? Hablas espanol? Creces mota que parece tamaño de secoyas:biglaugh: Yup, what more can I ask from a plant - thick colored frosty colas :yummy: Hoping to get a couple zips per plant.

Hiya DimeBag65 :wave:
Thanks for visiting with kind props! This runs looks to be one of the finest of the year for me, no major complaints from any of the ladies. Your welcome to hang - haven't seen TML in a while, so I'll ask Tonatiuh to man the vapor cannon - take a pull on that ( actually it's more of a blast than a pull :abduct: :laughing: ) eat a coupla cannadoodles - there an open lounger in the corner... :rasta:

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks my friend - means a lot! I'm really liking the look of the ECSDxSTD, have enough seeds to find a pheno leaning each way - very promising project for the new year.

Well folks - you may have noticed that I've been visiting more often - it's surely a good sign - finally getting caught up on my energy level. A great Holiday Gift!

And before I forget - Happy Holidays everyone - may your New Year be filled with Happy Moments and Fine Buds!

Peace -MGJ


Registered Medical Patient
What up dude!!!!Your stuff is fuckin amazing dude.....Mongrels look great, what day are u at??The purpling I think is def a genetic trait...not temp related...
The Skush is my new love of my life bro, I gotta get my hands on her at some point!!!
Everythin else looks killer dude, keep it up and congrats on the new harvest...Peace and Merry Xmas

- Z

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Zeus :wave:
Man, you know how to put a smile on my face. :friends: Thanks for the kind props and holiday wishes mate! The mongrels are day 46 and the ECSDxSTD day 39 so another month more or less to get their chubbiest! I know you love the Skush, next run is what's in veg, after that I'm going to germ the rest of the GSkush, making some seed with a branch would be a good idea. :wink: Someday I'm gonna fire up the transporter and beam on over for a smoke out... :canabis:

I forget if I mentioned it earlier, but with the current economy I had to simplify my feedings. Age Old ferts, Stay Green, blackstrap molasses, monthly Seabird Guano tea. All of them are close to neutral pH, so no pH adjusters. The plants are happy, can't ask for more than that!
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup MGJ,it was Z thread i saw the purty mongrels in bro...
hablo poquito cardnal, yo trato de aprovechar al maximo el espacio para mis arboles :wink:
esté a salvo mi amigo
paz -T-


Active member
"Well folks - you may have noticed that I've been visiting more often - it's surely a good sign - finally getting caught up on my energy level. A great Holiday Gift!

And before I forget - Happy Holidays everyone - may your New Year be filled with Happy Moments and Fine Buds!

Peace -MGJ"

glad to hear such good news!!

happy holidaze!!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Tonatiuh :wave:
Yeah mon - the Z man knows his way around mongrels :smile: We're about even on the spanish cardnal... :friends: Be safe be happy!

Hiya Sleepy :wave:
Thanks old friend! Hope you have a grand shindig next week - have fun!


Registered Medical Patient
Hey brother GreenJeans...its so good to hear ur feelin back to ur old self, you couldve fooled us bro!!!LOL...Sorry to hear the Skush is kinda weak, hopefully you'll find a better pheno...Ill be waitin!!!Take care brotha and have a very Merry Xmas....

- Z

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Z :wave:
My brother - your and others kindness and friendship during this year was worth many harvests to me. You are generous saying I could have fooled you. Now that I'm on the mend I can mention - for a LONG time I only had 8 hours a day for everything I had to do with family, chores, plants... The rest of the time was dealing with my body. With much less time to spend here, my friends made sure I had good company in the garden, I know I'm stating the obvious, but wanted to express my appreciation for good friends :smoker: . To celebrate I'm setting up a round for everyone on the Cannon. Jelly made from GDP kif and Blockhead Honey Oil - way pretty. The surgeon general is warning it's a gut busting lung popping expansion - by the time you start coughing tho you're into something way more pleasant :biglaugh::bongsmi:

No more :violin: , back to talking buds with buds - I feel extra lucky this grow, I'm impressed with how all 4 are piling on calyxes and frost so early, the 2 diesels are starting to foxtail. The mongrels are impressively thick already, they'll end up like dwarf footballs! :yes:. The fine lavender color is striking now on #1, and the smell in the cabinet is - bowl me over with a garden of earthly delights shampoo - only much more pleasant - reeking like an over ripe organic roadside fruit stand!:yummy:

Inspired me to germ a couple Pollen Chucks. That guy Core knows a thing or two ( :bow: Core )

Ummm - maybe I shouldn't have tugged on that last load of GDP :laughing:, I'm rambling. Your current harvest is some present to yourself - watch out - I heard Santa is tempted to lift a couple of your cured spears!!! Have a Wonderful Holiday!!!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Core is ballin' out the damn gym with those dank crosses...anything that impresses you must be good. You got that Mongrel lookin' mighty fine :yes:
Glad you're back safe and sound, MGJ.
The garden is lookin' great. Happy Holidaze, brotha :wave: