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What do yall do in between grows??


Active member
yeah i no it has happened to most of us but you should share cuttings or strains with sumone and then you are more or less guaranteed to always have sum prime to toke


i visit the growroom and dream the time when they finish up, then i will have blast for every each time when i wanted to have smoke :jump:

Smooth B

NorthernHigh said:
I am slowly building an attic growroom approx. 4ft by 20ft with 1 400watt and a rail lightmover ( Christmas gift) and that should more than provide me with enough great green to last between grows

So any great ideas please let me KNOW !!!
Get a 1000 watt hps or mh. Don't forget a large reflector. Moving lights are fun. Just to let you know, the plants won't sit inanimate. They will tilt their leaves constantly to adjust to the moving light. :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yeah, now that Bush is on his way out, you should really start rolling in the dough!
(good grief...our nation has gone mindless)

Here's an idea...maybe get a phuckin job?

(sorry, but the bush bash thing just raws my ass....people are so fucking gullible these days, and really have few clues as to what really controls their lives..;.I HOPE it CHANGES for you, but I happen to know you (we) are in for a rude awakening...and if you think you were fucked under Bush...just wait...we are fixin to get hammer phucked with no lube...mark my words and reference back to them in the future.)


"(sorry, but the bush bash thing just raws my ass....people are so fucking gullible these days, and really have few clues as to what really controls their lives..;.I HOPE it CHANGES for you, but I happen to know you (we) are in for a rude awakening...and if you think you were fucked under Bush...just wait...we are fixin to get hammer phucked with no lube...mark my words and reference back to them in the future.)"

+1. Better hold on tight. Cause it's not even bad yet.

As for the interim between grows. Two words. Perpetual Harvest. I add, and take away plants every two weeks. You have got two have a Veg room and a flower room to do this.



Well-known member
I generally keep enough from each grow to last me to my next harvest. We can't sell our meds in oregon, so I have to pad my stash cuz I can't afford nor want to purchase from others.

When the time comes that I do run out, I generally take advantage of the motivation and energy that returns and try to engage in some outdoor activities in this lousy weather.

As far as Bush bashing, I agree that we are on a downward slope and in for some real shit--and were before Bush. But in all fairness, the guy is just a dumbass.



Registered Med User
CTSV said:
Two words. Perpetual Harvest.
Thats what I was finna say, perpetual is the way to go, everytime I take out some plants Im replacen um, and they all finish at differant times, never smokeless. Also- excersise, its good for ya.


Active member
between grows i have just enough time to brush my teeth.

With all this going on.

on the side a little personal breeding program crossing clone strains above with a few males from a desirable bush strain.

`white rhino (cut) used in the X at same age

Thens theres cloneing so it never stops for me.

Harvest on friday

clean up saturday maby bomb the place OR better i think give the room a vacume clean quick spray with a hose (Btw pull the fuse or breaker before water hose) good peroxide spray then insecticide spray, hose or vacume clean and spray for bugs again hours later. power on Run fans for a quick dry and your ready togo.

Plant that arfternoon

24hour/ weekend chane over suits me basicly you need mother plants and two lights atleast big bloom room and a decent sized veg cab with flouros to house mother plant, a couple of clone domes and veg a few plants ready to grow.
hoosierdaddy said:
Yeah, now that Bush is on his way out, you should really start rolling in the dough!
(good grief...our nation has gone mindless)

Here's an idea...maybe get a phuckin job?

Look if your going to just skim through this thread (trolling) for things to criticize people for then find another thread to frequent

Go figure the only person who takes offense to the bush JOKE was a southern boy :bashhead:

i do have a great job that i have held for years i am a supervisor with the real possibility of becoming the general manager of a international company i am also only 23, married, with a 2 year old, a brand fuckin new house and that my friend is why everything is on a limited budget
sorry i am finished :rant:

anyways thanks everyone else for your compassion and great ideas i also should have mentioned the attic grow i am planning has a VERY low ceiling approx 4 ft so having a 1000Watt lamp is not a good idea (heat wise) unless i plan on buying a cooltube and better vent fan which might happen either way


Active member
ICMag Donor
NorthernHigh said:
Go figure the only person who takes offense to the bush JOKE was a southern boy :bashhead:
It's always great to see peoples misguided prejudices.
LOL...thing is, the joke is on YOU and people who think like you do.
But I digress...

OK...you are brand new home owner..that is only 23 years old. Wow. Must be nice to be able to afford a new home, being brand new to the workforce and all. Not to mention a new husband and parent.
Yeah, it is a damn shame that someone isn't looking out for your benefit.

But to get back on point...it is obvious that you don't have much of a grow to tend to, so instead of sitting around playing 360,and whatever else you said you did with your time, why not try spending some time with your wife and kid? Or maybe put in the hours it should take to become upper level management?
Sure hope the boss that promotes you isn't from the south, he may see right through your hollow demeanor, and may actually sense your disdain for him?...Naw...being he's inferior to your razor sharp northern instincts, and intellect, I'm sure you'll have him just where you want him.

AGAIN not reading my posts and making uneducated guesses is not why we are here we are here to learn from each other and work toward the same goal

new to the work force??? i have been working since i was 12 at first for cash on my families farms and then later "on the books" at age 16 so there is one thing i have learned that money is everything and if you dont have money in todays society then you have nothing i also know there are always going to be haters out there who are jealous of what you have and they dont!!!!!

no matter how "poor" i think i may be i totally realize how lucky i have been in my life to have a handsome son who looks just like me and who loves me to death and wont ever let me rest as well as how lucky i am to have survived a very HARD CORE meth addiction ( cannabis played a vital role) which swallowed approx. 5 years of my life without me even knowing so if there is ANYONE on here who thinks they know where i have com e from OR what i had to do to get to where i am today they are Sadly mistaken

there are thousands of facets to my life my family always comes first and work a close second and so if your not here to help i will again ask you to politely LEAVE next time i wont be so nice

:off2: :off2: :off2: :off2:


Never could figure why anyone would ever use Meth, knowing what it is made of. But I digress as well.

I have not ran out per say in ten years at least. I recommend doing at leats two grows a year, if not perpetual, also scout around and do an outdoor run as well. You have the highest percentage for loss out doors, but every plant will produce 3 to 10x more weight than indoor as well.


meth.. lets not go there, fuck that shit. been there, and left it waaay behind. that shit will take lives, trust me.

perpetual is the way to go imo, in my eyes, any second spent with the room empty or half empty is a fortune lost or a potential disaster if i have to go on the market to get my shit. dont get me wrong i dont enrich myself from my grows, ill take some money for equipment and nutes and such but lets just say what i charge friends is way less then anything you find in amsterdam. and i only charge the rats who have been sleeping on my couch since way before i started growing anyway. beyond that i dont distribute a gram.

but if i have to buy at market prices ill go bankrupt.

so, no time in between grows. its more like blessed time to sit on my ass and surf icmag baked as fuck inbetween the damn trimming. i cut every 14 days or so, and i got juuust enough for myself and the rocksteady crew (3-4ppl), i allways run almost dry in between cutting so that i never sit on huge amounts of weed or plants.
arcticsun said:
meth.. lets not go there, fuck that shit. been there, and left it waaay behind. that shit will take lives, trust me.

but if i have to buy at market prices ill go bankrupt.

Its one thing i will never touch again :bashhead: but it was a life lesson learned i guess

SFC said:
Never could figure why anyone would ever use Meth, knowing what it is made of. But I digress as well.

Tell me about it and yet alot of people i used to hang out with are STILL hooked its a life taker for sure ....and yet the US gov. throws meth and cannabis in the same category ???? weird

So i guess perpetual seems to be more in my future ... i have one question how hard is it to keep a mother ....i am assuming they need less nutes and water but what about taking cuttings every couple weeks isnt this hard on the mother.....??? thanks for everyones input your all helping out more than you know



Active member
In Between Grows ?
Complain about why folks buying up all the plots to build houses on....

Now if I can get her to grow sideways with some rope pull 'er down or aluminum wires to scare ufo's. :muahaha: :bashhead: :jump: :dueling:

or the smell. :asskick:

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