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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Elmanito,

Funny, you talking about politics.
I just came back from a local coffeeshops where Boris van der Ham (parliament member of D'66 (democrats) visited a local coffeeshop.
D'66 (and some other political parties of the opposition) are in favour of regulating (legalizing).
They were the first to open the public debate at the governement to regulate (Boris Dittrich).
I was glad Boris van der Ham came to the shop and let himself be informed by the manager of the shop.
I think this guy has a purple heart :smile:

I can only tell you that I bought back in 1993 at an auction of Positronics the Viking cutting.
I crossed it with seeds brought directly from the Himalaya and after adjusting I crossed it in 1993 with the Viking.
The children came out Purple.
Next generations and crossings came out 80% purple and 20% green.
I called the purple ones Purple Peace and the green pheno Green Ambassador.
Since 1994 I crossed the Purple Peace with all kinds of strains (Powerplant, Skunk11, Early Girl, NLX, White Widow, Afgan and Erdber Purpurea Trichicensis and Danish Delight).
I only got a view seeds left from the original strain Purple Peace.
For background information you can contact the best Wernard, the father of the Viking in the Netherlands.
I will find out for you how to reach him.
Also Karma Genetics (Icmag) knows the background and maybe knows how to reach him.

Keep on growing, take care and stay safe folks!

Green greetz from The hague (city of Peace)..

Peace, Darpan.

What if god smoked Cannabis?








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Hello G.A.

Thank you for your reply.I know Boris van der Ham is doing great things to give the Dutch drugspolicy a next step forward.I have sended him in the past a document about the Canadian drugspolicy for medical issues and this had to do with the case of Mr.Moorlag.In Canada you can get from the Health Canada a licence to grow marijuana for medical purposes.As you know by yourself in the Netherlands you don't have a regulation which give patients the permission to grow their own medical supply.The Dutch government can offer through a doctors perscription medical marijuana.They only have three strains, two of them with a high THC and an other with high THC & CBD in granule form and thats it.As a phytotherapist i'm more involved in the medical issues of Cannabis and i know that every person can react different on a herb or medicine.In Chinese medicine and classic Homeopathy they also use not the same medicine for every person which have the same condition.

about the Viking strain.
I asked you about it because even Wernard doesn't know what sort of genetics is used for the Viking strain.He probably lost it.

Have a good time and tot horens (Oh oh Den Haag mooie stad achter de duinen ) :muahaha:

El manito


Green Ambassador
Hi Elmanito,


Very bussy at the moment with the preparations for the upcoming Cannabis Tribunal coming monday and tuesday
here in The Hague..
The debate can be followed live online at: www.cannabistribunal.nl
Tonight The Hague Johny and I are guests at Club Fresh at www.fresh.fm
The show starts at 11 pm and will continue till 3 am.
If there are people in Holland that like to come tonight, they can drop a pm, or mail.
I will take the vaporizer with me.
Tribunal visitor and dj Roger Martinez will give a live set!!

I also visited Amsterdam the last 5 days with all it's Cannabis activities and the High Times Cannabis Cup.
Karma are you still alive??... :smile:

I made some "impression clips" at YouTube:


Take care and stay safe folks..

Peace, G.A.
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Wernard was cultivating new types of weed (mostly with Old Ed's), and used nr2 and nr10 for Viking. If you cross it with Skunk you will get Holand Hope. A quarter of those seeds give purple plants, purple power.


Green Ambassador
Hi Luki, welcome to the thread and thanks for sharing.

Whazzup, was nice to meet someone I clould talk to :smile:
That picture! That's how I look like 5 days Amsterdammed and a lot of smoke. :smile: Soma looks so good with those dreads!
Thanks for the info on the Viking.
See you monday at the Cannabis Tribunal.
Sweet dreams world...

Peace, G.A.

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Karma Genetics

Yes i am a live (a Litle) Did the whole thing there tested every entered sample plus a lot more. Need a litle time to get my things together now that i got back home. Its hard to stay away when you got multiple grows to take care off. Was good seeing you GA. It shure was a blast


whazzup said:
Wernard was cultivating new types of weed (mostly with Old Ed's), and used nr2 and nr10 for Viking. If you cross it with Skunk you will get Holand Hope. A quarter of those seeds give purple plants, purple power.

Thank you also for the info about Viking.Which strains stand nr2 and nr10 for?


Thank you for the reply.The judge had spoken negative about to continue the sell of magic mushrooms.This means that the prohibition of the mushrooms will get to active next Monday.A positive thing is that it will be not come active in Amsterdam, according to the mayor J.Cohen.
I'm convinced that the Cannabis Tribunal will give a positive wave to the establishment (CDA, CU) in the Hague.

Namaste :canabis:

El Manito


nice flow of good here! this thread is outstanding in its cannabis culture and lifestyle way, love you guys!

speaking of the viking, heres the version i got from karma bro. i cant tell if this is the real viking. smell is mostly citrus at the moment, high is daytime najs and relaxed. old school stuff for shure
















Karma Genetics

I want one of those..... are they for sale yet ? The viking from me is probaly not the real deal afther a lot of talking with werner and the persons they came from. They are the bomb do. I bought the all there where left.


GA Awsome pics. That purp is so amazing wish it was readily available. Its the type of sativa you put under the 1000 for months. What a beauty. Anyways mad props and I hope oneday to have such unique gentics


elmanito said:
Thank you also for the info about Viking.Which strains stand nr2 and nr10 for?
Those were the numbers on the packages of the seeds of Old Ed, the ones he brought to The Netherlands. I don't know what their origins are.


Green Ambassador
Hi guys,

You are never to old to be educated...

No saviers, no holy books... :wink:

Looks like a very nice book Esben and such breath taking pictures!

Great to see all friends gathering again sharing their insights.

I almost started a wintersleep :smile:

At the link below a new clip of Michael Franti "Barack Obama" last week in New York with a bush on stage!!

Will their be a High Times Cup in New York in 2014??!!


Marcelino, friend and hairdresser made some trib(un)al art out of that little bit of hair that's left on my head... :smile:

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dont go to sleep darpan, time is short! today election in swiss. i was told that private growing will be completly free if they say yes!


Swiss have final say on drugs and pension Yes or No? That is the question voters are answering Image caption: Yes or No?

The Swiss have cast their votes on the government's drugs policy, including the prescription of heroin to addicts, and a proposal to decriminalise cannabis. Also on the agenda were plans aimed at easing early retirement, tougher legal provisions against paedophiles and moves to curb the powers of environmental organisations. Polls closed at midday and results are expected shortly. Of the five issues at stake only the vote on enshrining the government's four-pillar drugs policy has a realistic chance of winning the necessary majority, experts say. The official drugs strategy is based on prevention, harm reduction, therapy and repression. It was devised in response to the open drugs scene in Zurich and other Swiss cities during the 1990s. Supporters, including a majority in parliament and many drugs experts, say the policy has helped reduce the number of drug-related deaths. They argue the prescription of heroin under medical supervision allows addicts to live a more normal life and even integrate into society. There are about 3,000 registered addicts who benefit from the heroin distribution programme - some of whom later switch to a methadone-supported treatment. Switzerland was a pioneer in 1999 when it introduced the scheme - restricted initially to a ten-year period. But opponents, notably in the small ultra-conservative Federal Democratic Union and the rightwing Swiss People's Party, challenged parliament's decision to a referendum. They say the official policy has failed to reduce the number of addicts and leaves them in dependency, instead of promoting abstinence-based methods. « Switzerland was a pioneer when it introduced the heroin programme. » Dope A separate plan, supported by centre-left and some centre-right parliamentarians, seeks to decriminalise hallucinogenic hemp for personal consumption, while trade and cultivation would be subject to state control in an effort to limit access for minors. "Bans are the worst form of health prevention," said Christian-Nils Robert, professor of law at Geneva University. The initiative was launched in the wake of parliament's refusal in 2004 to adapt legislation to widespread practice. An estimated 500,000 people in Switzerland say they regularly or occasionally smoke dope. Opponents warn of the health hazards for cannabis consumers and fear Switzerland would attract hemp consumers from across Europe. Ten years ago Swiss voters rejected a proposal to decriminalise cannabis. What's this?What's this? * Old age insurance Pensions Trade union plans to introduce a flexible retirement from age 62 are the latest attempt to reform the state pension scheme. The scheme has also been under review by parliament as it tries to secure the long-term funding of the social security system. The unions, backed by the centre-left Social Democrats and the Greens, want to allow people who earn less than SFr120,000 ($99,700) annually to stop working with no loss of benefits. "A flexible retirement age must no longer be the privilege of high income earners," said the Trade Union Federation. At present it is mainly the well-off who take early retirement. The construction industry has also introduced a scheme for employees from age 60. Men officially retire at 65, while women are eligible for a pension at 64 in Switzerland. The campaign focused on the costs of the reform with opponents pointing out the risks of the pension system getting out of sync because of the ageing population. Crime and planning At stake on Sunday is an initiative by a group of parents aimed at extending indefinitely the statute of limitations for paedophile crimes. Supporters say sexual abuse of minors is often underestimated by the public. The government and most political parties – except the Swiss People's Party – have come out against the scrapping of the time limit. They argue it is disproportional and would be difficult to implement. Currently a person suspected of a paedophile crime can be prosecuted for up to 15 years, or until the victim turns 25. Parliament agreed a compromise to extend the time frame to the age of 33. Finally, voters will also decide on a plan by the centre-right Radical Party to curb the powers of environmental groups in major building projects. The initiative pits the interests of business against those of environmentalists. It was launched in the wake of a legal battle over the construction of a new football stadium in Zurich four years ago.

heres a link for "an open letter to obama from the danish ppl". please watch it guys and learn about our racist hate govenment




happy sunday all purple peacers!
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Your country is bigger than the Netherlands and yet the Netherlands has 1 million of muslm residents.The situation was explosive in 2004 after the killing of Vincent van Gogh by an extremist.What i just have seen is fear from some political individuals.There are some Dutch which are proud on what your government is doing, but the most of us haven't forgotten WWII.
January 1st 2009 a new mayor will be ahead in Rotterdam, not born in the Netherlands, but in Morocco with 2 passports.Thats is just 5 years after the dramatic murder of Vincent van Gogh by an extremist, which also came from Morocco.

Where your government is afraid of is the orthodox site of the Islam.There is also another site of the Islam: Sufisme, the spiritual site of Islam.

Namaste :canabis:


i think you have 17 million ppl and we are 5 million bro. im so sad embaresd to live in the most foreign ppl hater country in the world. out leading government party(liberals)has to do deal with this "danish peoples party" all the time to get its own policy through. "danish peoples party" methods to get votes is by creating fear and hate among some part of our polulation. unfortunally every 5 person(20%) i walk by is a "danish peoples party" voter. the last decade, starting from 9 11 i feel our unick common soul in denmark has changed. its actually okay to say in public that you are racist.

btw from google translation.


"The people have spoken: The hemp initiative is, unfortunately, been rejected but it has a respectable YES-consumption can share. Thank you very much! We would like to warmly thank all those people, who with her commitment, her confidence, her voice the Hanfinitiative support. They have their affirmative vote expresses that the problem must be addressed. Unfortunately, it is not managed at the level of the proposed initiative model for dealing effectively regulated to communicate. The hemp issue remains unresolved, and from a technical point of view totally unsatisfactory. The legal uncertainty continues and instruments suitable for minors missing. It is now feasible ways and approaches to legislative level, because the problem must be solved. We would be pleased if you take this route in the future we go! Yours sincerely Swiss Hemp Coordination CSC / SHK"

so sad to hear, keep it up swiss peace and cannabis loving ppl! 66% voted negative, that means that 44% was positive!

amnesia haze
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There fear is that they will lose their identity as Danish.As you know most Danish has the Christian faith (Lutheran state church) and they react perhaps like the Americans in 1920s when the Mexicans came to work at the orange plantages. One of the habits of the Mexicans was smoking marijuana after work.It looks like if history is repeating itself.The muslim minority have other habits like we do and some people are just frightened for that.Memories are passing by when i think about the holiday in Denmark (Jutland) with that delicious food. :muahaha:
BTW i love your pictures.Do you use a special camera?

Namaste :canabis:


interesting thoughts elmanito bro! also muslims like a fat for recreation as they dont drink alcohol.

remember to visit paddi next time your in jutland! he make some najs frikadellers!

on cams i have an expensive canon d10 with lots of lenses, also macro and tripods. but i must admit that i like most to use my hand held canon a470(around 100usd)

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