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The Tri Guy
Hi friends, hi strangers, this is more of a continuation of the Lazy growing thread, rather than the 3+3 thread. I'll still be doing the tri thing, but after having to throw a couple of plants into flower before they were ready, due to spending too long looking for tri's I like; following a seed run round, and xmas looming, I then decided not to kill my other bifoliar examples either. (A bit of background for those who dont know me). No nutes at all, lighting plans all out of the window, I aim for around 12/12 but frequently its more like 14/9 followed by anything up to 9/14 with a few 8/8s here and there. Temps.. well your guess is as good as mine, but they drop loads during the off hours, no hi tech equipment, an old ballast, one that hums, lots of years old, and an old 400w hps bulb, several years old now. I have a fan heater, which once in a blue moon I turn onto fan settings and aim in the direction of wardrobe I grow in. This one doesn't even have any mylar in it. Never do PH tests, water either when I remember or when the plants wilt due to forgetting. The one thing I do do, sometimes, is top em, but not always, and only the one directly under the light, the ones offset I leave now. Strain, indica, beyond that the details get complicated.
Pics, not the best, but taken to start the thread rather than to show off, taken about 5 hours into the dark period so dont worry about the drooping, they were well watered earlier and will pick up once they wake up later.

a closer look at the topped one
They all desperatly need repotting, I'll take care of that once the blue tub with 2 small girls come out in a couple of weeks.
Well that's the start of another thread, feel free to join me in here.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey G

Great to have ya back, people come and go, take breaks, etc, you were one of teh ones I was wondering about. It is good to see ya up and around the icmag once again

You have some monsters on your hands right now bro


The Tri Guy
Hey Major, thanks for joining me mate, my last thread died due to lack of interest, looks like this one could be a quiet cozy thread. I'll do updates at the weekends, and reply to posts as they appear. The rest of the pics I'll take care over, just wanted to get things up and running while I was in the mood.

Hey Dr, lol you posted as I was replying to the Major, glad you turned up, yeah I had some probs upgrading to broadband, all back on track now.
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GMT why don't you use a timer? Not trying to be a dick or anything, just wondering. Your plants are quite beastly.


Active member
Capn said:
GMT why don't you use a timer? Not trying to be a dick or anything, just wondering. Your plants are quite beastly.

I was curious about that too. A cheap timer is what, $4.00? Not a lot of money to trade for not ever having to remember to turn em on and off.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you guys did not see his thread lazy growing

That explains why no timer

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
it is out there somehere
but it is also huge.

GMT is know for not doin anything to them, thus the lazy growing. inspired me to be a bit lazier with me growing


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
me to.....lol....not given any nutes in like 5 or 6 weeks...and still looking dark green and lush...hehehe


Active member
less stress = happy grower!

less stress = happy grower!

glad to see you back online, GMT!! :jump:

tagging along for a smooth show... :joint:


The Tri Guy
It's good to see so many peeps joining me in here, thanks guys.
Capn, no probs, an honest question, well in the early days I did try timers, but they all blew on me, and back then the option was to go industrial, and I couldn't be arsed, so just did it manually. As time went on and I played with timings a little, I realised a few things, first that the time on any particular day wasn't quite as important as had been rumoured, the average over 3 to 4 days makes far more difference than one 24 hour period, and secondly that by playing with this average, you can do some helpfull things. Such as sexing, and prolonging that point inbetween flowering and veging so that girls can be given a little extra growing time. Also my sleeping habbits don't typically run on a 24 hour clock, and it's helpfull to me not to have a 400w light on while I'm trying to get some sleep. So I try and balance the plants needs with my own.
Hi Philly, yeah the money doesn't really come into the decision process, a timer wont know when I woke up, or when i need some sleep, or when the girls need to grow up a bit more, or when the buds are nearing completion and need a little extra darkness than 50%, whereas me peering in and flipping a switch solves all those issues quite easily.
Hey Dr, got my back I see, I wouldn't wish having to trawl through all that thread to find an answer on anyone. Got kinda big in the end that one lol.
Hey Core, yeah your garden always looks lush, and I figure plants breed from parents who can find their own food in decent compost and still produce the goods without being pumped up on plant steriods will produce healthier offspring, and looking around a few gardens recently, it seems your finding the same thing.
Hi Jack, I agree, plants want to grow, these have evolved into something that we enjoy, I say let em do their thing, if they do it well, let em breed, if they don't, cut off their line.
Hey Sleepy, we all need less stress and more happiness, I'm glad you're joining us in here, I'll do my best to keep the ride as smooth as possible, nothing worse than the driver hitting a pot hole as we're trying to roll one up.
VT, welcome, hope you enjoy the show and see a few things you like.
BR, who you callin a Yahoo, lol. Make yourself comfy in that seat, it could be a long show. At least I hope it is.

Well once again, thanks for joining me folks, I'll put some effort in from time to time.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Very nice thread you got here, Imma be here for the show, youve got me interested. Your plants do look great though I must say. Take it easy :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sup G i'll be tunin in yo.them plants that are topped look real full bro.im taggin up now.good to see a new thread goin.peace yo -T-

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Always happy to see a GMT thread - interesting tid bits and exotic girlies in your crib :yes:! Still trying to master your patented Lazy Growing Style - mellow mellow.


The Tri Guy
Hi Prof, thankyou.

Hi Ton, yeah the one in the bottom left is pretty branchy now, next update I'll have to get her out and do a side shot.

Hi MGJ, always good to have the sat cat about. Ah that lazy style isn't patented, I couldn't be arsed with the paper work lol.

Well a quick update ready for the weekend.


top of nearly bud.

big girl


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
damn G some crispy pics my man.garden lookin good,acros lookin sticky,
super nice bro.peace -T-