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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



thanks mate :D its going to be a long project :D and i hope to have a lot of fun and stoned moments on the way to the goals :D

been very buzy today.. ill explain a bit more later - but AGAIN there is BIG changes in the PLANS.

i had to get to a drastic fast decision.. or spend lots of time working my ass off..

to be continued...




hehe :D

well ill start from the beginning..

after i had tried for 2 hours to move around plants to spaces where they fit best... i thought i would have to either go crazy, or put things to flower.. but the problem is the flowering room is FULL!

so i decided to re organize in the grow space - take away about 400W of fluoros and get rid of one of the fluoro spaces .. and afterwards build a new flowering room with a 600W instead.

i got 16 BIG plants i just gotto flower right away.. so its gonna be a bit of a mission to build the space around the plants.. but i think its gonna go ok..

but it means im going to buy tomorow a hellalot of stuff.. and hopefully i get time to build it all during the night.

this means im going to have 2 spaces with 600W.. so for a while im going to have a lot of fun.. hehe but when i have flowered all the big plants i got now, and later when im left only with moms of the new keepers etc.. i will put both lights in one room.

at the moment the plan is like that anyway... i will take the next step later when time comes.. because i will need a good space for moms etc.. so im not sure yet how things will really work out...

but still - tomorow its gonna be a hectic day :D

and atleast i know i will have lots of buds in a while..

the plants that are going to get flowered will get re organized tomorow to best fit the space (1,8meters x 1,2m) and im going to cut down a lot of undergrowth..

in this whole room will be 2 big SSHxPTK moms, 6-7 clones (about 30-40cm tall) of same, a few CTxPTK, and a new sshxptk and clones there off and a couple SSH x LP..

the space to get PIMPED up with a 600W

the plants

and this the rest of the veg area left; and ill have to re-organize this better also in the future..

this is the male SSH x LP flowering under crap light and cold temps.. i cut away 80% of the plant when i put her to flower in this room.. so this is just really the bottom branches left.



Man, you sure do have some nice space to build shit in. It all sounds like a good plan, hope you get it built asap so you don't go crazy from moving your plants around.

Me, I'm thinking about taking down the tent and just use the spare room that the tent is in. Means I could hang a few more lights too =)


i finished building main part of the new growroom - put up a bit of framing to fix the plastic to, and put up a circulating vent in the roof, and also i put in a fixture for the lamp.

all this without making holes with the drill - its 3 in the morning and it would be too much noise... so i got now a 2nd growroom that can be taken away when needed. although honestly i think its gonna stay for a while..

tomorow im going to ad flexible tubing to the air inlets( - the inlets are really the outlets of the other flowering room.). the thought is the intake is going to be under-neath the canopy. im also going to ad one more small inline fan to push air out towards the veg area.

the only part left a little bit complicated will be to hang up the plastic. but besides that its a quick thing since the electric cables are allready there, and i really just need to cut them and connect the new equipment.

this space will not have a "table" since im going to have the plants pretty much on the floor in their pots, but im going to use smaller trays for each pot. i just cant aford to buy big trays rigth now.. alternativelly i might end up using thick plastic to just line the floor with it. i think i got a tarp laying around somewhere...

to make sure the light from the veg part wont reach the plant in the flowering part - i will put up a few curtains.

i wonder if 2 flowering spaces is twice as anoying when you are out of bud and waiting for harvest..

peace all


metamorf - go for it :D hehe

it would be cool to have a room with 4 x 600 or something.. but it would be crazy :D too high electricity bills :D im just thinking of the huge veg area that would need..

i think as soon as my new rooms start producing i will be sorted.. should have a lot more consistent smoke..

im dreaming of the day im not going to buy any hash anymore :D hehe..



just a funny pic i saw today on the web...

jamaicaqn ganja business in ocho rios :D jeje

foto by dominika
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So, how many flowering rooms are you running all total now? It's nice to hear that you have too many plants for what you've got going on. That's far better than the alternative. haha :joint: Good luck with the new little space you're putting together here. Those vegging plants look super healthy.
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:D my grow setup is small :D hehe i just have one flowering space now - and with the new one its going to be 2 for a while.

as soon as i can im going to go back to one room for simplicity.

thanks about the healthy plants - i try to make a point out of keeping the plants in as good shape as possible - over nuting is just the worst there is for the buds as i see it :D

i normally have a lot of trouble with mites - its my achiles heel - its a continuous fight. im just waiting for the next attack.. hehe

be back later with an update of some kind..

peace all!


Oh yeah, I did the calmag thing now Bone... Shit's looking tight again. In veg I see some spectacular greens just one day after. We'll see how things in flower develop.


metamorf - cool -

tobaaac - no pest strips dont exists in spain..


i just finished the 2nd flowering room - i did everything, put up the plastic on the walls, curtain/door, ventilation and entrances of air, extraction etc... also i used a big fat tarp for tray so i dont need to worry too much about spilling a little bit of water..

the electrical stuff is solved in a bit neater way in this one, also im particularly happy with the air entrances, they arr hidden behind the plastic - there is a inch gap between the wall and the plastic so the air enters the room in a lot of places, also i added a few bigger inlets.

the extraction is an inline fan strapped to the roof, but fixed inside a tubing. the door is a 3 pieces thing that closes light tight.

this room kicks ass - i hope i dont get too much stretch.. but it should still be cool - lots of head spade for the plants since there is no tray.. this room is also prepared with fixtures behind the plastic so i can later ad a netting and do scrogg etc.. although i `dont know if i will.--

all in all about 8 hours of work including watering all the plants.. its 6.54 in the morning and im VERY tired and im just gonna eat.. and sleep bit..

pics tomorow



i was looking around in the floewring room and i see a bit too many brown hairs suddenly in one area.. so on went the male flower hunt..

after a while of search i found 2 male flowers just about opening up - obviously some pollen had time to escape.. i picked them off.. if the plant gets more it might become an issue and i might put it to flower to finish off in the new room.. there i will have better controll of her.. or i migth just move her in the room she is in - to a better spot where i can easilly controll it..

a few nanners is not a problem.. i can handle a few seeds too... no problem.. but i dont want to have something hermie up on me in a sneaky manner - so gotto keep my eyes open..

the plant with the nanners was rigth in front of the fan, and it got a lot of cold wind on it.. stress in other words.. same plant had also burnt it self a little bit with the PK in the beginning of flowering.. ther other pheno is cool this far. i gotto plant more of this to see whats up. got one more of same cross in the new flowering space - and its been a stinky plant all thru veg so i hope that one is not gonna have problems.

i know one of the parents used in the cross is a result of an reversed female used as male.. dont like tht stuff really.. but this plant smells so NICE and got goood resin coverage..

im talking about the cheese/trainwreck used as mom in the CT x PTK - the pheno i used was ok but it might have been latent. PTK has no fame for having hermie tendencies so i opt for the CT part..

anyway that cross is looking particularly resinous and its nice smelling.. so im not gonna cut any untill i GOTTO. i might even take em away to finish of in some window or what ever. .. would be a shame to waste good smoke hehe.. but im not going to REVEG it as far as i know now.. gotto keep checking on her - because if there is no more nanners - i might reveg - its resinous, productive and got an excellent aroma..

been preparing coco today for transplanting the ones put to flower right now in the new room.

im actually still tired - but im going to upload a few pics of the work..



hehe yeah man... hehe

its been a few during the years.. - before in the flat i lived in i had to take down the growroom and rebuild it almost once a year - because of different reasons :D but the best one was family visists :D hehe i ts fun each turn you learn something more.

the cement glue (mortero cola) i use to fix the wood to the walls is great. strong - its used for tiles and for fixing tiles to wood.. so u know what i mean... then i just use the wood pieces on the walls to hang up the plastic. i put same kind of system for holding the plastic on the lower side also.

this is the first time im using a tarp. if there is no problems with humidity leaking thru and causing problems - i will continue with using tarps - its one tenth of the price of the hydro trays..

ah in the pics where u see the finished grow the extraction is on the rigth upper corner - and the oposite side has the electrical instalation. all in the roof. im bit by bit gonna get rid of the cables on the floor.

peace all


Throbbing Member
That looks awesome. Great attention to detail. Hope you are rewarded with a bounty of beautifull flowers :D

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