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4 x 600, Promix, here we go again

Woah bro. That's one awesom grow and some huge buds!! How do you find the footprint on the cooltubes? I just used the glass from mine and attached it to an adjusta wings for a better footprint.


Great work, looks like exactly what I was talking over with a friend today....4X600=4 lbs.....Good job! PEACE


thank you so much on all the positive comments, really I know most pp l her been around the block a few times and have seen plenty of other ppls work

well here are the final results

33 plants

1928 grams of PKxAK47 31 plants mostly 2 phenos small amount of a 3rd

81 grams of big blue 2 plants

2009 grams total dried harvest

veg 10 days after transplant to 5 gallon pail after clonoe showed roots

flower 67 days

2400 watts hps in 600 watt x 4 configuration

planted in pure promix

as you can see there is a low leaf to flower ratio, making trimming easy

It is high grade cannabis cultivated for medicinal reasons

macros, bud shots to follow and hopefully an independant smoke report :)

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Sweet, good job - not such a shitty yield though, maybe I'm stoned but that's like 60gr per plant flowered at 10 days...you're talkin dried of course?


I would have liked to had these running already, slightly behind schedule

i like the stadium setup alot. The stadium + containers really let me put together a good canopy wiht differnt plants and differnt sizes

I want to expliot it now

I will do bigger plants below, tie them down a bit more agressively more smaller plants on the stadium side, hopefully ill have them set up before the end of the weekend

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Congrat's On Some Dank-Ass Bud!!!,,You Have A Great Set-Up & Operation!!!..Happy Smoke'n & On Your Next Grow!!~~Later~~Hatch~~


those numbers are great and it looks like you'r well on your way to another successful garden. good job and take care

Rollin Face

whew amazing grow my friend, on a large scale too, awesome. and 2009 g's haha looks like its foreshadowing another good growing year for ya! good luck with all that herb :rasta:


Transplanted these a week or so ago

Here they are as of today

Tomorrow they get put into stadium configuration and flipped, more pictures to come

i am taking advantage of the stadium design to run some new strains

the different levels of the stadium allow me to move plants to keep an even canopy

I will ge more detailed once i get them layed out proper

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WEEK 1 (7 Days of flowering)

WEEK 1 (7 Days of flowering)

After getting to know IC Mag a little better I realized I may not have followed good diary ettiquette given proper shoutouts

am gonna go throught the thread and give every one theri propers

thats for the interest and words aof enthusiasmm


SirSmokeAlot: tyvm, how's things? i think we are running close to the same schedule

MidWestGanja: Thanks Bro

Ok now at ten days I tie down the tops

this is before the tie down

From above

from straight across



I have some new girls in my garden one of them is a bagseed strain that was regualr around Williamsburg BKNY. Sold in jars it was considered the best of the best

its a real intersting plant with perfect symettry when it grows

I have several going each is identical in all but size


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