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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Active member
you got one hell of a bunch of monster plants. How much do you average from a plant grown in a 5 gal bucket?
everything looks amazin bro im glad ur feelin better

im watchin thos ffa i hope they yeild good for you

congrats to sublime for the 420th post
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East Coast Grower
Yo Tonatiuh, just caught your thread here. Going to read more of it now but was wondering about the MA S.S.? I'm from MA and I've never heard of such a strain, I'm intrigued..... What is it exactly? Where did you get/find it?? Best of luck on your grow, awesome pics too. :joint:


Right on T! That box is gonna rock some sox!

Glad to see you're up and at 'em bro!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Tonatiuh said:
my tent is trippin me out,im puttin in a fresh air in take today,i figure i can just put a flexduct in and the suction from the aircolled light will pull in cold air from outside???
since its gettin colder out im gonna put a damper on there so i can control the air that gets thru,and a old nylon to stp bugs and dirt from getting in?im askin you because you be rockin the hell out of ur space yo.im gonna post the question in my thread too,you can swing the answer in there so i dont blow up ur thread;)

Yeah that is what you want to do

Depending on where you draw you air from, that might be a good idea, being a bit more North than you are, I will get very cold outside temps, I will probably need to damper off mine too, as the draw temps will be -20 c at the coldest. If it is a sealed system, you really dont have to worry about bugs, but dirt and dust, will get your cool tubes all dirty. Waitin on your update


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i wanna tell all you guys thanx for the support yo,fareal.

sorry i havnt been postin in everyones threads much but i been beat ,i went and seen the dr. the beginning of the week he said im healin up fine just be careful and i have like 2 more weeks of bad pain to deal with,then it will be less intense.thats why i been just chillaxin and not on the computer too much.when im on i always come and lurk for as long as o can or atleast try to post in a few threads but shit gets to throbbin and yea thats it im done :fsu:
i just have to take a few days off sometimes,and just relax.its hard enough keepin up with my own thread sometimes lately.
like today i woke up feelin pretty ok,then it just gets worse as the day goes.this is the best day ive had so far though.so i think its startin to get better.
zeus-right on bro i'll go easy on the milk...i'll check out a lil at a time.i didnt make any yet but i will soon...im onna be sure to make it before the next surgery.i still have one more to go :fsu: but imma ask them can i wait like a month,cause i dont wanna be on these painkillers or in pain for no two months strait yo.that aint in the program ya feel me.?.
fasho bro thanks for the good vibes.that FFA is lookin rather good to me too my man.the BPP is takin off too,i cant wait till i get these two dialed in.gonna be a fun ride hehehe.
the tent is still being tweeked a lil bit as far as the temps and fresh air intake goes.that will be in check in the next couple days though so its all good...i just hate to have that girls in them high temps too long,i did some work today i'l explain below... and imma do a lil more and it will be tweeked to perfection (fingers crossed)
hehehe i do make time to take care of the grow bro,nomatter what my daily life has me doin...believe me im a busy mf.but thats life right yo...peace

jip-right on maing,that sive is some headrocker too bro.thats one of the best lil boxes yo,it makes it fast and plenty too.
yea im feelin better today then i been for a while,and its about time!
got some pics for you guys...gonna be poppin some goodness soon bro.just a lil bit longer and i think i'll be able to get to them a few times a day and give them the attention they deserve and need.plus i got me the tent to sex them in right as soon as they ready to take clones from... :woot:

kal-thanks fam,we gonna smoke out as soon as i get to the dam next.i'll pm ya and we'll hook up there.smoke ourselves out of shape.
peace bro.

B/R-thankyou my man.i like 5 gallon buckets for the room.if you talkin in th tent though those are growbags...you probably already knew i just thought id make sure.
thanks for the positive vibes brotha.always glad ur tuned in.peace

sublime-hahaha you aint no hater ur a cultivater ;)
yea bro that box really suprised me on how much sift i got out off the lil amount of leaf that was there.it was only 2 plants of hashberry.and i finaly smoked me some oil tonight from the glob i was gifted. i made it into tabs Shutterbug style,its easier to handle like that.the shit burns forever man.and gets you baked as a cake fasheezy.
ur gonna love it.
thanks for the complimnts on the tent bro.i got it almost dialed in...lil more work and i think im in there.
peace bro.imma stop by ur spot in a few and see whats ben up.peace

breederbrad-right on bro! thanks yo.peace

marshmello-welcome aboard yo.thankyou for takin the time to flip thru the show man.
thankyou for the compliment,i just love to grow man.its a passion more then a hobby.i love challenging myself and seein what i can do to improve and learn all i can about this thing we do.some call it a hobby i call it an art,and im tryin to get on the level of some of the great artists you see allover these boards.
peace yo.

hazy-thanks bro...like between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 oz's i did good this time
i missed my ***** lb. goal by two oz.s almost yo...almost.
and that was with 18 plants instead of 20.so im thinkin 15 at a time will get me there for sure...less is more type of shit ya know...peace bro.

hippie-right on bro.feelin better finaly,i think im turnin the corner on the healin up and the gettin better part is startin to kick in...yup congrads sublime mr. 420 post!!!!

rob547-the mss is a strain i got from a good friend here.this person keps some gunfire fasho and is reputable as hell.im not positive of the background on this but im sure it aint no problem for me to find out...theres plenty of threads around here with peeps growin them out too my man.sorry i couldnt be more help then that,but like i said i got them from cut yo.peace

shitake-whatitdo yo! thanks bruh,yea man this shits a trip...i wake up feelin cool then the pain hits as the day goes on.i can tell its gettin better today though i was o.k mostly today.it must be all the positive vibes comin from all you kats helpin out alot.
peace bro.

dr.dog-right on dr. thanks for the response my man,i did it today but im gonna have to still add a small inline fan...tomorrow i'll get the stuff and get it mounted wed.
we get some seriously cold weather here too yo.but i still need a small fan i thought i might...i'll put the damper and a reostat.im gonna try to figure a way to make the fan hooked to a thermostat that will turn it on and off.shouldnt be too hard at all.
peace yo thanks again for the help.

i wanna say im sorry fareal i been slackin on the postin in everyones threads...believe me i miss IC like a mf.i just cant be at the computer that long yo if i dont get al dizzy and shit then i get some pain actio poppin of and i just go lay it down for a while...as soon as ur boy is 100% again i'll be in all ur threads on the regular again and be buggin the hell out of you once again :muahaha: .............
well heres the dealio fam,i been workin on the tent tweekin.its comin along real nice.
the plants will be fine until i get it all sorted on wed. as for now this is what i did....i put a fresh air intake in there pulling air from the outside.theres a stocking covering the hole so there wont be any dust or anything getting in.
i thought the suction from the aircooled light would draw in enough cold air but it dont look like i will be enough.so tomorrow i'll hit the depot and get a small 4 inch inline fan,and a propper damper(i tried to make one hehehe)
and a reostat.they are lookin good except for but shes gonna make it because imma love the chik ;) all comes with the territory of dialin in and tweekin a new space.its a process ya know....

pics? of course i have a few pics...what kind of host would i be without droppin a few pics for you my kats!?!

first some dry shots of a lil of last chop.i was 2 zips short of the goal i been settin for myself those of you that been rolin with me for a while know what it is :jump: yup im happy ;)
heres a few nug shots,i dont really wanna show the whole pull fam.
these are from today,some of my headsack hehehe...

oh and a kalichakra nug from one of the non keeper phenos

heres some veg shots
as you can see i have let some things go a lil long without a transplant.i will take a lot of clones and pot these in a bigger pot,and select some mothers from them all.
this tall chik is in a 1 galon pot,theres a few like this :( they are healthy though just gettin a lil big for the pots.

ok some more veg...right to left...two rows of sensi star,two rows of black domina,two rows of the elites,center;moms..back upper left the last mixed group,bottom left kalichakra

ss,and bd

part of the veg canopy

s99 x sourbubble...still in veg and frostin up everyday...ya betta believe i put a few of these babies in the tent and am waitin for them to roll like a zig-zag ya feel me.

still a few more....

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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
a few more...

a few more...

heres a few tent shots,i know theyre a lil yellow from the hps i'll get some better ones in a few...LOL again....this is before i added the cool air intake and temps were a bit high now they are down and will be under complete control by wed,the latest.

this is the only one actin funny.

from a lower angle

sorry fam i know the tents not as exciting to you guys as it is to me yet but soon it will be full of action.and then we will be havin some beautiful pics rollin out of there.we gotta keep tabs along the way though right to keep some record of growth.im really lookin forward to seein the 600 work.i hear they are the bomb for flowering and ive seen some beautisul grows in here with using a 600....

N'ways heres the next stars of the show.they will makin their debut as soon as i can give them the extra attention and love they need every couple hours.
right now the hike to the rooms is just a lil too far to make every couple hrs still.i figure i'll throw down 30-40 beans and give myself some fun as soon as im 100 % again and come back with a BANG.
i also have the things i need to try a scrog in the tent some day so be on the lookout for that in a few months after these babies are established with there place in the grow,and mama rooms.

of course we will be bustin out the Karma Genetics.i been waitin for an eternity it seems like to get at these.and a few others that will be fun too.
i will be gettin at these bunch all.but the Karma gear will be gettin the first pop and the spotlight for now.then i will gradualy be bustin the rest week by week.or however works best at the time.i have some serios fun in my future.
thanks Karma we gonna be doin them up soon bro the soil and everything is just waitin for me to do them up...you the man yo :respect:

and ten of these will go down.they was gifted to me to test from a goo homeboy and they will be tested.he says we gonna be lookin for a jewel so any females of these will be flowered out and see what they can create.thanks my man.

well thats all i got for now fam....thanks for tunin in.peace-T-


Registered Medical Patient
good shit bro...make the milk NOW!!!get ur girl on it, but make it so u dont need to use those painkillers!!!!I promise ull be happy u did!!!Peace my man...

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yea bro imma have her get on it...i know imma love it better then these pills i dont even take them like the say to...i just take them if i really need that mf yo...i'll drink me some milk though.
we been busy though i bought some new furniture and bedroom outfits for the house so they been re-arangin shit...daddy ben layin back supervisin LOL ...
i'll get it done though...can i use trim thats been frozen to make it?

and i hope all you kats see the pics i droped if this page flips and you didnt se them yet.i hate when i think you folks miss the pics ...heheheh.


Right on T! Gettin better by the day, even if it is slowly...but steady.

Good lookin box you got there (I usually end up gettin slapped when I say that to a chick, though) I see it'll keep you on your toes if you're poppin a bunch of beans in addition to that operation you're managing! Big up, mang!


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hey T wats, shutterbugs style of storing those goo tabs. My hash oil is a pain in da ass to handle, any tips my man? Those damn buds look nice as hell, and your huts filling up quick man. As always your dank is on point, be eazy my man. Enjoy your hard work, o ya good to hear you were very close to your goal, later today well see if I hit my 1 oz goal. Heeh :joint:
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Active member
Damn, T, that's some shit you got there! No matter how much I come in here, I'm still in awe!

Glad to hear the leg's feeling a little better. Shitty you got more surgery to go!

Do you know what the hell the difference is between MASS SS and SS? I sure don't.

Also, is that the dutch passion strawberry cough you got, or the KKSC? Anyone know the difference there? I know the DP is really a SC cross, right? How similar are they, if you know?

All the best,


Active member
Yeah Tonatiuh, you just steady keep shit in order. Right fucking on, bro.
You know, I think from visiting your thread so often, I've been convinced I'm gonna get myself a tent. Word


Sorry I been a non entity T, but I'm here now damnit. Everything is looking well, no surprise there. I for one am still impressed day to day with you adventure. ;) Keep on, Keep on.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
shitake-word bruh...day by day feelin better...
yup imma be a bean poppin mofo,just like another week or so and i should be in full growin mode yo.just wanna be runnin around good first be fore i get into them.
gonna be fun as shit though yo.peace

sublime-the Shutterbug stilo for handlin the oil easier is like this...first cut up a zig-zag into strips,then you take ur oil right,put it on some cellaphane or wax paper or something.put it in the freezer to get hard.the hit it kinda lightly with somethin to break it into shards.careful not to make it shatter everywhere.
then take a chunk put it in a strip of the zag,and fold the zag around it like a tab.cut off the excess paper.and boom there ya go.make them all up and you can keep them on ur tray or whatever.just bust one out top off a bowl with it and smoke away :joint:
i'll load one now and put a pic at the end of theis post...just for you yo i'll force myself to smoke some oil LOLOLOL.peace bro.

tg-wattup playa...right on yo thanks fpor the props maing.man bro idk what the difference is honestly...i think advance search will be both of our friends LOL :)...
imma pm the person i got them from and see for sure what is whose.its just they are so busy with things in life right now i dont wanna be botherin them for this at this time ya know bro?.
i'll ask them soon,im just happy to have them in the stable ya feeel me? ;)

fiph-thanks bro,i try to keep shit kinda organized it keeps it easier to maintain for me.
LOL :muahaha: get one bro the tent is a good playground.and when ya have a big grow goin and you use to havin to do alot of work in there,it almost seems like the tent takes no time at all to maintain...pfffft 20 minutes and ur done yo,almost seems like ur neglecting it its so easy LOL...cant wait to see urs up and runnin.make sure you drop a pic yo.peace

brotha bill-wattup my man...aww dawgcatcha i knew you be back you my mf homeboy yo! dont worry about the mia my kat,i been mia for like a week.finaly gettin around a lil bit the last 2 days.thanks for the enouraging words homie.glad ur back hehe.peace

ok sublime you take the oil do it like i told ya and top off the bowl...like so...

i got that piece last year in texas...pretty cool i thought.
peace fam-T-

EDIT:i see i got my first new shiny bling bling dot...thanks fellaz! :jump: :joint:
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