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Blockhead in Coco


Custom User Title
Oct 22 - Day 40

There was definitely a growth spurt in bud size in the first few days of week 5, things are looking great! :jump:


That's looking nice bounty great job, I am also a COCO user...I like your cloning methods!! low cost :) is this your first time using blockhead? I used a blockhead male I got for some beans....always so resinous...thank you for these updates and pics dude! peace

- 7Seeds


Custom User Title
Oct 29 - Day 47

Looks the same as the pic from a week ago. :confused:

I think I found out why they don't seem to be bulking up that much. I wouldn't call it popcorn because they're all pretty dense, but it looks like I'm going to be getting lots of little nuglets. I might have to rig up a couple screens, they look like good candidates for making some hash.

This is my first time growing Blockhead. I can't wait to try again, I've learned a few things this time that can only improve the next crop.
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They're looking frosty bounty29, the potency should be long lasting too. Not sure what problems you said you'd run into with her, but they should be a potent smoke for you when these skunky ladies are harvested. Also like to experiment with different mediums and feeds as well to find what makes any buds be a better smoke.
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Custom User Title
Nov 6 - Day 55

Things are looking great, leaves are fading, some purples coming out, very frosty buds. I was expecting bigger, but we'll have to wait until they're dried before I have anything to say about yield. Smell is very strong, but my carbon scrubber is taking care of it. As soon as I open the door the room fills up with odor.

I'll be harvesting at 63 days, 65 days, and 70 days. I'm curious to see the difference in effects. :rasta:
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Fuck yea..A+! bro I have said it and you know it by now, but damn!
this has been a great grow man. I think you got it whipped now.
I would smoke that little shit first that way the nugs start to get some cure.
coco ftw!

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