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San Diego's Finest Cuts


He's done his part to spread all the genetics he's held, so if what your saying about him losing strains is true, then hopefully somebody will chime in - time will tell - what were some of the defining characteristics that made these cuts so special to you? Please do share some knowledge with us... with pics of course (after all this thread is as much about Flower Pics as it is medical marijuana ;))


Aloha Dragor.... I don't know if it's the most effective, and I know its not the most economical... but what about the strorz & bickel volcano?



I know APE made some major changes to the stable and he got rid of alot of genetics. He's been building up his stock again but as you can imagine a selection like that takes some time and effort.

As far as the vaporizer goes I would be lost without my Volcano but I did see a cool new butane powered, push-button, hand-held vaporizer a little larger then a pack of cigs that has a tube you take a hit off of.


What a day it's been - feeling sick as a dog and had an emergency come up for one of my patients, thank God everything worked out, man it feels good to get a breathe of fresh air and have some warm tea to get my spirits up...

Greyskull - I love the Volcano, friend had one that we'd use all the time, some memorable moments for sure, classic "medicated" feeling unlike any other... I have also used the Vapor Bros vaporizer but it doesn't seem as efficient or effective (although it requires less plant matter per round)... every time I turn my head there's another new apparatus out there, just wanna make sure I have studied all my options... thanks for your input my good man

slackerbri - yea it seems it was a voluntary move made by APE last time we spoke, it sure is commendable the amount of time/effort he has dedicated in the past to maintaining a stable as big as he had... time is of the essence for many folks, don't blame him. I'm interested in this new butane-powered vaporizer, any links to help out? I have a real close friend who I rarely get to see, but he uses a traditional waterpipe (bong) with the Vrip Tech (I think that's the name) glass bowl attachment and vaporizes with a heat gun he got from Sears - very effective delivery of "hits" but too much work/danger involved when you get three or four doses in...

Would love to hear more from the SD folks on this topic: use & effectiveness of vaporizing and methods used, you guys are so helpful, love my SD brethren...


If your willing to part with cash a volcano or volcano type ripoff would be best, if u wanna go alittle cheaper check out your local head shops for the box ones with a digital temp adjuster(this is the one i know the best and it works very well)

Edit- Just a tip if u like smoking hash like me pick up a concentrate bowl kit for a glass on glass bong, u'll also need a butane torch. Probally my favorite way to smoke
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Just ran into this pic from another post on California politics...

Still can't believe he's our voice in California! I'm actually enlightened by this pic, shows a lot about this man's character - juice or not, he's another example of "anybody can be anything" in America, in the likes of Obama, and one who is in tune with the cannabis (past or present, don't matter). Arnold for Prez 2012! ;) edit: doesn't he look "medicated" right there? lol

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Andre - gratzi broski, them Volcano's are a heavy hit to the bank account for sure, which I don't know is quite "worth it"... I'm physically "addicted" (somewhat) to the act of "puffing" on joints or pipes, so the Vapor Bros is more of an appealing alternative having the classic smoking mouthpiece, the whole "kissing" method of the Volcano is a bit unorthodox (i know your thinking, stop whining, but that's just me).. as far as smoking hash goes, I've done it before, very "effective" way to deliver meds, but I have yet to find a medicinal source (never harvest enough to make my own) that provides smokable quality hash - I've nearly vomitted many times smoking hash. I also know what you mean about the Illadelphia kit, would love to have one, under the above mentioned circumstances though..


Ok - another question here (way off tangent, sorry) - anybody here notice that their grows from seed come out more "predictable" and suffer less complications than those from clone? Not sure if its just negative coincidence, but most of the clone grows I have done, I have had to deal with way more "adjustments" and corrections than I have for those from seed. I'm talking on a minor but noticeable scale - it's almost like the change/transfer of environment from one grower's room to another alters the genetic expression or tolerability of clones, versus the upbringing of one's own babies from seed? I don't mind being proven wrong, let's just keep it civil ;) thanks...
p.s. vapor discussion ongoing...


Active member
Hey, I don't post pics maybe sometime. I've always been paranoid. I really should as my girlfriend is a photographer and has the professional equipment for macros etc.

IME all the Pure Kush cuts I've seen are pretty much identical to Bubba. I got a cut of Pure Kush through a local non-online person a couple years a go that killed the other PK's in the aroma/taste department, it was just stinkier and tastier. While Bubba is just as tasty, I preferred my PK as it got WAY more frostier than Bubba (completely submerged in a thick trichome frost) and was even tougher than bubba when presented with stress, you litteraly could not fuck it up (I've seen the most horrible abuses of the PK cut by some of my local med patient friends... one guy did basicly every single thing you could possibly do wrong and the PK still always came out top shelf).

My PK was stretchier than bubba, turned purple hues and the aroma was an amplification of the inscence flavor that bubba carries but without the typical bubba undertones of choclate & coffee.

APE was given my cut, the cut Swerve released is LDD's cut & is different (people been saying it smells fruity?!?! its weird to me for a bubba family cut to smell like fruit) Not that it matters but APE actually did not lose his cuts volentarily actually (some to his P.M epedemic, the rest b/c a rez ran out while he was performing family duties), but it does'nt matter APE is a great clone vendor and it is a major pain in the ass to keep & maintain so many different mothers.
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Andre - I have always used trim to make butter/edibles - but this time around I may try my hand at some bubble hash making...

wick - right on... sounds like something more medical growers need available to them, especially those just starting out - does it have the intense red hairs that I've seen on other Pure Kush cuts? I never noticed any similarity between Bubba structure and Pure Kush, interesting comparison. SoCal Master Kush is the only heavy kushy strain I have enjoyed, and I'm not at all an indica smoker.. the effects of SMK are so intense I rank it as the strongest indica I've experienced, but I am not much an indica smoker.
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Active member
I don't know why inflorescence spends his time here, pretty much all his posts are critiques about the validity of medical MJ


Active member
Dragor said:
Ok - another question here (way off tangent, sorry) - anybody here notice that their grows from seed come out more "predictable" and suffer less complications than those from clone? Not sure if its just negative coincidence, but most of the clone grows I have done, I have had to deal with way more "adjustments" and corrections than I have for those from seed. I'm talking on a minor but noticeable scale - it's almost like the change/transfer of environment from one grower's room to another alters the genetic expression or tolerability of clones, versus the upbringing of one's own babies from seed? I don't mind being proven wrong, let's just keep it civil ;) thanks...

Actually I've got this little therory about seeds.
Places like GH over in the dam grow a lot of numbers and select the best but what they are really selecting is the best that grows in THEIR ROOMs. Well, their rooms ova there are a lot different than our rooms ova here.

Imagine, they walk into their room of potential of say 100 or 200 and they say this one looks the best. Well, that one is doing the best beacuse of a combination of genes AND environment. They replicate those seeds (genes) and if your room is similar the genes will express similarly. If your room is different, well. (but were only talking matters of degree, but it all adds up).
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inflor - that's why I assume they use 100's of seeds to pick from, and they probably test them under different conditions (i.e. stress test) - to make sure they are picking valid parent stock to breed from - I know big time breeders/seedbanks use this method - so I think seeds will produce what they are advertised to produce for the most part (if coming from legit seedbanks/breeders; e.g. European/Dutch, since they don't risk imprisonment for such massive projects)... clones are my concern here, deterioration of viability and inability to cope with change from mother environment to donor environment...
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Resident pissy old man
A lot of it depends on the condition of the clone donor. Seeds don't have to deal with any negative issues that clones might have inherited from the mom.
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