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Beware the alien in the back... :bashhead:
They will take that bud for sure... unless we smoke it right way!!
hehe :rasta:

Are you growin some indoor "icecoolio" mate?

PS - Don´t you wanna say "lets quiT racism out of weed " ? :redface:
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hey frank my bro.. :laughing: this one is here waiting for you .. I never smoked anything so tasty and citrus .. it is undoubtedly very good idea not lose this pheno.
about orthographic mistakes, dammnn man i was to highhh.. eheh ..I wanted to write » kick« and I wrote badly.. ic effects.. :crazy: :D
thanks by the appreciation,in this way I already corrected the mistake and I don't take the risk of being badly interpreted.. :yes:
in this moment im working in my outdoor space with ic clones, but this time im trying to make them grow in coco.. in my opinion is the best.. in this moment im using the complete kit for coco from House & Garden (following rigorously the nourishing chart)in that way im seeing better results than soil using nuts from other quality.. and when i saying better im not saying that the others are bad, im just saying that with a correct plan of H&G nuts, the plants grow quite healthy and this allied to the quick growth that they get in coco it's quite satisfactory.
I already know that this type of comment always lifts discussions therefore I think what each one must see what it is better for you..
Thanks again bro and keep ya good work too.


if u were closer i could get u a clone of UA99 eheh. i'm going to revegetate it and put it outdoor. :) Good luck with ur grow. i will try to open a thread of what i've been doing (with some pics and description..as soon as the other forum gets online...)

Stay well.


Hey Real.. so how did you phenos compare in general with the diesel score's gowing?
My diesel #2 is very citrus, but #1 sure is diferent, with a kinda strange but powerfull and pungent smell (must be the exotic shit muahahah).

Best of luck with the clones mate! :headbange
Last outdoor this year, i supose? :wave:

PS - I sure thought in chanching to coco as my bloom ferts are about to finish, but i stumbled in the wattering matter and dont feel like investing in an irrigation system. Whatering every 2-3 days wont cut in the coco like in soil.
Only problem i found as i would have to save space in the cannopy in order to have a full irrigation system with the deposit inside my not so big cab! hehe
Being able to reuse the medium in a simple way is the bigger bonus for me.
Any producction enhancement is a pure bonus as i dont feel i need that much more weed per cicle. hehe
Sory for the highjacking output! :headbange
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MMM!!! Well done bro, glad to see it came through, got anymore of those dank dry shots?!?!?


hey guys :wave: thanks by th comments.
yeah that's the way frank, unhappily it goes to be my last outdoor this year.. after September I wait to bet seriously in mine remodelled indoor space .. new features soon :D .
Thanks one more time to all for the kind presence in my topic, its very appreciated. :yes:

one more $hot


See ya



yay nice nug man!!!! That shit looks dank does it smoke well????? Leave ya coming back for more????

So your going to start growing indoors?? Good luck, let me if you got questions I love the indoors! PEACE


Hi guys, im very grateful for all the nice comments:D, thanks a lot!!:D
I am sorry but I have been very busy and a bit lazy to update the topic :D I promise that in future I will try to have a more assiduous actitude :bashhead:
I have to say for now is that the indoor is taking the place, soon i'll creat a new topic in the right section to do the right and complete report developments.

Here is a small preview of what is going on in my humble indoor space

.4Liter pots filled with coco
.Hand watering every second day
.ph 5.8/6
.fed with the full range of House & Garden van de zwaan according to its scheme for success.. at least I hope
:D in fact for now I am very happy with this range of products, I say this because they already had an opportunity in the cultivation of other strains and find the results very satisfactory, it is clear that the canna nutrients or similar were not anything behind.. is more a matter of taste :D


ak x i.r. #3

ak x i.r. #1

g13 x haze

~26 days~


also briefly in a diary near you


Thanks a lot karma bro! they certainly will play in the next round :D great work as usually!

Thanks to all the counties shared.. all of you are the greatest!! :D




Welcome back Supreme, we missed u, u should come updating more often, anyway, they're looking great, good luck. nexto row if u got males cross them and share.



checking in! lovely stuff here! looking forward to the karma genetics also!


Looking good man, I love the way the plants look halfway through.

Everything is white and green, and unaware of the decay that awaits all those blooming pistils;)


yo esbe :wave: Thx for coming in, its always a pleasure to have you here man!:D
Beak, thanks a lot for ya kind words bro, let's see how it runs until harvest. For now I am very happy with the results:D

Just for share, AKxIR#3 after 1 month of flowering begins to change the color of the pistils to pink, starts to get very interesting:D

~ 30 days ~



Well-known member
Wow man that cool ice looks amazing, I would love to get my hands on some of those seeds, I think I'll look into it!:) I'm sure you'll enjoy it!!!
Peace and Love