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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.


Active member
love all the love in the room much :respect: to everyone.

i don't have much to donate, so i'm gonna send in a 20(maybe more)seeds sack, but it will be a variaty pack, a medly if you will. all my packs have been broke into.

there will be 2 or more of each

SUGE KNIGHT og kush bx1 and nl/og kush x pure kush

rez SD IBL chemdawg dd strawberry diesle

reeferman cbII

CHIMERA grapefruit x dj short blueberry

GNO3 c99

and i might throw in some of JLP's gear to,,,,,only the HIGHEST bidder will find out. the package will be SOUTHWIND SURPRISE. package will be sent tomorrow.


hope you have a speedy recovery my friend.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Active member
SouthWind my good man, I will wish you strength and endurance here as well. I also hope for a fast and healthy recovery.

Seems to be a conglomerate of love round here, I love it, makes me proud to be a part of it. BIG kudos to all of you!!!

Peace and good health.....

My Prayers are with you and your Family brother SouthWind....
We hope and pray for a healthy outcome. Pure good Vibes are sent in your Direction SouthWind,

Health and Blessings


Last post for awhile.

Last post for awhile.


I hope all are well and that you all have joy and serenity if your lives!

I am off to have a procedure on Thurday and a Surgery on Friday so I will be off for awhile as I am sick.

CAREFREE1 is in charge...

I hope to write soon....









10-15-08[work done 9-26-08 approximate]

begin last phase of carbohydrates/PMX/GRV

t-tape drip line has now been removed

danger of mold in flower has become paramount to discourage

seed set in several flowers w/ SBBX3 pollen.

increase basin size for better penetration of final nutrients strategy.

control specimens for carbohydrates/GRV/PMX at 3o % increment per week

overall average in weight [structure] and root system has increased by approx
80% over last years production.

attempting to control / eradicate spider mites during this final phase
as interest some specimens will be left UNTREATED as test of effect on flower production and over all plant structure.

2 specimens removed and weighed/compared to last year plant structure.

test of expanded root system with new types of mycorrhizae/bacillus is proceeding.

providing NEW level of calcium and magnesium
higher levels of SILICA is being administered for test of tensile strength during full flowering as compared to control specs.
health continues to deteriorate

[have made appts for surgeries.]
have disbursed all remaining seeds from PROJECT
have disbursed all available clones [in event of failure]
Last edited:


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the pics and update sw! Lots of great experimentation this year! :yes:

Hope your surgery goes as planned and that you get back to 100% soon.... We'll be praying for ya...


her dankness
Best wishes and something to look forward to!

Best wishes and something to look forward to!

Shown are a selection of BOG genetics available to this project.

Bogglegum F2 mother

3 week flowering Bogglegum (feed is off; there are multiple strains in table)

Single cola sour bubble BX3 is too much a cabbage for my taste

Most of this is donkey dick but there's a BMR in there somewhere

Unknown BOG female from medley pack

Sourbubble mom kinda unhappy with her feed

bunch of males, bogglegum is the top lh corner one
will keep our prayers strong and steady at my home for you SW....
Until we hear back from you, and then there after bud.....
You will be back better I just know it,
Get rest, get well, and heal swell budd, you are missed, and your caring spirit is appreciated, to the fullest...........

Looking forward to your healthy return, God bless you South Wind,
Thank you for the help, btw

SB week 3

Vibes in pure form to you South Wind .................

DR tb7





i have survived the 2 surgeries and one procedure this week.

i needed a check on my corroded esophagus from acid reflux from a bit of bleeding.

looks non cancerous.


had to have stint removed surgically from infection , 2nd go round on that.

the new stint is being tolerated well.

infection is better.

surgery to remove tumor today,...went well is being biopsied for cancer etc.

am sick but working it out.

will return when better, have a lot of work here to do, trying to take it slow but with so much to do i am not sure i can ressist working on my plants.

oh well.

we still need bogglegum and sbbx3 or any sour bub seeds and we need some grow bulbs, only one came through and its a kind of weak.

any help is appreciated, i sent the rest of seeds and clones out this week so i have done about 600 seeds to people from the project.

and about 50 clones.

see you around all, time to take meds and go to bed.




Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
whew glad ur back........btw I hopefullly have some good news to share....will pm in the morn'....glad ur safe w/us SouthWind........still sending positive vibe's brother.........MOneY


Non Conformist


I was jus wonderin about you! lol so glad ta hear things are alil better now.... It's been a crazy week for me, but I've got things straightend out now, so it's all good! Check yer pm's. Take care... BC


Active member
Very good to read you again SW....Hope all is well....Take things slow and use your strength for your recovery...I know that may be hard to do with all your work :D I hope it all works out without setbacks. Stay focused and strong.....Be well good man.

Peace and good health


no wuckin furries!
sounds like your really getting a workout there SW.....wish i lived next door i'd give you a hand...rest up.HH. =]-~


Good to see you have made it through the first round southwind :jump: I'm confident the rest will go smooth for ya as well.

BrotherMonk gave me permission to post this for him, as he is out of the loop for a bit. Some kind soul has donated a nice little clutch of seed, on behalf of our dear friend. I'll give these to Monk tomorrow night, when he is over for Sunday dinner. Thank you kind soul!



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