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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal ~2008~

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Dr Dog, hey bro all went well. I talked the guys ear off and he never even suspected a thing. I'm finally cropping the pc's tonight.

Prof Sublime, it's all good man. I haven't been by your thread in a while, I'll try soon.

ZeusOGrefugee, I had to let him in. Town went to water meters, at least they can read if from the street they have chips in them so they can scan the usage from outside.

Tonatiuh, thanks man. I took the moth balls out as soon as he left.

damakkus, hey bro, glad to hear you're getting into the coco. When they were clones I watered twice a day. First watering was an hour after the light came on. Second was an hour before light went off. I then put two more waterings in between the two others. I opted to do this instead of changing the emitters as they get better. I'm using 2 gph emitters. I may change my feed line soon though. I'm going to use 1/2 inch black garden hose. Using an awl pierce a hole where you want the emitter then put it in, it seals itself. The rain bird feeder line I have works pretty good, but if you happen to move the line and the emitter moves it eventually leaks a bit. I was told using the garden hose would resolve this. I'm no pro at this at all man, but I'll try to help you out with anything I can. If you're interested we'd love to have another tester... pm me if you are.

I'll try to post some new pics tonight.



Active member
heya BR... NZjay here.. slowly getting back onto the boards after a long hiatus..

glad the repairman thingy went well.. i do the same thing and chat their ears off to keep them distracted.. its when they are in a quiet place, and the might get one smell of something and the brain works it out...
keep em distracted and the brain is more focused on you!

glad it went well man.. things are looking the bomb dude.. stunning plants as usual.
the bo-bo is the shi-shi!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
EnZee, hey man.... welcome back. Yeah I agree with you, plus it makes the job go smoother when they're content.

Well I snapped a quick pic of one of my fav plants to smoke and grow right now.

Ecsd x Straw D

Some of my plants are yellowing in mid flower. Think it may be a deficiency, either N or could be lock out... do a search and find out.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Seems like you got so much going on. Great to see you keeping up and still finding quality time for work and family :yes: kudos :ying:

If that bo-bo gets any frostier it's going to drown in trichs :yummy:

The seed cab project looks wonderfull...awesome job :respect:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hey B/R ! wattup yo,
great lookin bud man.can i ask why its ur fav bro?is it the buzz,the yield,or ease?or all the above?
glad all went well with the visitor you had bro.


West Coast ICer
Wassup Black Ra1n,

Thats the kinda stuff I wanna learn about. The deficiencies, ph lockout, under water, over water, over feed etc. etc. Sooooo much to learn still.

That Ecsd x Straw D looks fine. What does the smoke taste like? I just loved the Straw D strawberry pheno. Always made me say "Dayum" as it was some smooth ass smoke.

Lookin great at your place too



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Tonatiuh said:
hey B/R ! wattup yo,
great lookin bud man.can i ask why its ur fav bro?is it the buzz,the yield,or ease?or all the above?
glad all went well with the visitor you had bro.

knowing him its all of the above :muahaha:
stellar looking as always..and hoping the crash test is putting a little smell off

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML16, thanks bro. Yeah I've got a bit too much going on right now. It's getting hard to find time to take care of it all. I have about 30 in flower and 40 or so in veg... lots of trips to the tap for water I tell ya. I've decided to mount a tap near my room. I've decided to fill half my room with bo-bo next run. I've had a bunch of pheno's that I've axed over the last month, so it's made a nice plot in my room for something special to flower out.

Prof Sublime, thanks man I'm glad you like.

Tonatiuh, it's one of my fav's for many reasons. It's a pretty easy plant to grow, which is great when you have a bunch of shit on your plate. It clones easily, normally in 5 or 7 days. Easy to trim cause there is not much leaf, and what leaf there is normally shrivels up and falls off during the last two weeks. Buds are not airy, so the shrink is minimal. I find big buds that shrink when dried so discouraging. Taste is very nice, has a deep diesel on inhale and a sweeter almost wild strawberry exhale taste. The exhale taste isn't that powerful but it's there. Buzz is very nice, not knock your head off but it stays for a while.....

damakkus, yeah it's a good thing to brush up on. I have a bunch of e-books for ya... hit me up with a pm and I'll send them to ya... One thing with coco, always use cal mag or some other multi nutrient... I noticed I had some mag def on mine yesterday... it's always something eh lol...

Core, thanks bro... crash tests are smelling damn fine... going to make a spot in my room for a rotating crop of em...

Well I cropped the two pc's the other day... pheno 1 is SD dom for sure, very nice smell... I'll keep her around. Pheno 2 was a bit airy, still nice, but she won't be in the rotation. I still have 7 pc's to pop and find that pheno dog has.... back to the drawing board. I'll take some bo-bo pics tomorrow.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey guys... Well the crash tests are looking killer. I still have a yellowing problem, so I flushed yet again and gave them a good dose of cal/mag with some epsom. Hope this works, The two mumbles are still not amber yet, nice and white though. I have one lil big m to harvest soon, pheno is terrible. The buds are long, but there's no size. Maybe it will be some crazy shit, who knows. The 3 white rainbow's I have need a transplanting already. I have an ecsd x straw d harvest coming up in a few weeks.

Here's a pic of the seed cab, male is spewing large... I'll take him out in a few more days. The amount of pollen he produced is crazy, I'll have to wash out the cab soon, it's all yellow.

I received a great gift the other day... some new genetics..
Jackie PSD ... by M@rg
Orange D x Sour D
Big Budda Cheese
Bubba Kush S1's Hot House Seeds
Origional T Haze x Skunk 1 ... by Sam the Skunkman

Thanks so much bro... I have to get rid of some stuff to get these going.

Try to update with some pics soon...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Wow, new genetics!!

Orange D, sounds delicious bro
Not happy with Big M, I guess I will see, I can see how you say it is long, all mine are stretchy bastards. OUt of the 6 of them or so I have at least one of them should be nice. I spent the day modding out my room, going to continue a bit more today. POssibly add another exhaust, I will have to decide, what I want to do, but I did run my heat into my house, like I said I wanted to do..

Chat soon bro, get better


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Thought I'd stop by real quick like and see what's going on..looking sweet and sticky..def..hmmm..just from what I can see..
without more info looks like pH and/or salt build-up..
many times you can tell by checking your pH before you water then monitor runoff water pH..if the numbers are different by a good margin..(runoff usually lower)..
then you probably have salt buildup..
peat-moss potting soils tend to try to buffer pH at 6.5 or so..I mix nutes at 6.3pH for peat soils..
since I started using more organics and beneficial micro-organisms..salt problems disappeared..
I mix coco coir in my potting soil too..for increased o2 and quicker draining pots..gotta water more often, but better control..
only high quality coir..coirs main problem is sodium..high Q stuff, it's not an issue..

I think the flush and Cal Mag treatment may help um out..most existing leaves probably won't get any better..you'll have to watch new growth..
humic and fulvic acids can really help your plants assimilate nutes as well

Just some info you probably already know..but thought I'd throw it out there..

Also..bound roots will also display similar symptoms

Right on..Right on..peace.. :wave:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup B/R that male looks like hes havin fun in there skeetin all over ur ladies ;)
that crazy huh he stained up the cab,horny lil bastard LOL.
nice bro on the new genetics i'll be watchin for sure yo.peace


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey black rain ,glad theyve put a smile on ur face , dont chuck none of ur projects for them tho man :joint:
the orange diesel x sour diesel is untested but both plants were A+,i forgot what i named the seeds now .. we'll call them "sour oranges" :yes:

i hope u like the taste of jackie psd ,shes much more stonier than the uk cheese ull be glad to know

have a good weekend mate :respect:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey BR, sound s like u got quite alot goin on bro, but all seems in check as always, and ur plants all look great...Lovin the SDxSD, SD is def one of my fave strains to smoke...only prob is tolerance builds up REAL quick, for me, at least!!!Nice new genes too bro..I say pop the Bubba first, find a good pheno, clone the shit outta her, and keep her around forever!!!I havent had her yet, but she is supposed to be the shizznit!!!

Peace brother

- Z

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Dog, yeah bro that cross does sound really nice. Maybe you'll find a good pheno with those big m's.

packn2puff, thanks for the info... I flushed em out yesterday.

Tonatiuh, I can already see the seeds starting to puff up.

m@rg, sour oranges sounds good to me. I'm really into the diesels right now so they may be the first to get tested.

ZeusOGrefugee, yeah plenty going on, maybe too much. I've culled out all the bad shit I had going and I'm only keeping strains that I find are worth the time to flower out.

Flushed all my flowering plants yesterday. The runoff looked like some brown swill we use to drink when we were kids, so needless to say I think I found my problem. I've built screens to go over buckets so I can flush out my plants every once in a while so I don't end up with that salt problem again. Just place the pot on the screen and water the crap out of it, water gets collected into the bucket under neath.

Happy b-day to me lol, the older you get the less appealing they are.

Have a great week-end all, I'll try to update some pics on Sunday... have to pop some new beans too...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Holy Shit your birthday

Happy Birthday man, you must have something fun goin down tonight. Not much for me, just hanging out today


Registered Pothead
Hey BR how goes it brotha? Looking above par in here as usual. Wonderful cab shot. I dont really see too many plants doing their natural thing these days. Do you breed all your female plants or do you have a separate cab for sensimilla?
Happy effin bday! This bong tokes for you.

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