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Labtec's 150 watt Lab


Hey everyone.
This is my dresser that i designed and built in the early spring of 2008.
There have been plenty of mistakes, but isnt that how you learn. I decided to use a dresser that my parents gave me. It seemed like the perfect size for a small setup.I use a air filter on top of the dresser to cover the noise of my fan.

To start off with, I have a 150 watt hps florolux lamp fixture that is awesome. Its the perfect size for my dresser, and my needs
I ran into the normal ventilation problems right away. I bought a fan/filter combo off of ebay that sucked and was loud as hell. i decided to go overkill mount a vortex fan into my cab with an odor sok attached.

I was having killer problems still with heat and my cab was loud as hell. I started with computer fans, but then bought a loud small fan. It seemed to help a little bit.

Thats when i did tons of research on here and found out that no fan was needed, just more intake holes. So I took the fan off and added one more 4" duct curved to stop light leaking. that worked perfectly for veg and the first 4-5 weeks of flowering. that when my apt started to smell really good, i mean bad. Odor sok's suck. atleast my experience with them. i ended up having to redo the whole interior of my cab, which ended up better in the end though. I used a Can 9000 carbon filter attached right to my 4"vortex. It works perfectly, my filter hangs on the inside, and the vortex hangs out on the outside. Its not loud at all.

I just recently changed my intake to 2 exhaust covers from Lowe's. They were $7 each and they trap light really good.
Heres a shot looking down on them.

I started 12 bagseeds my friend and I had. From that 12 I got 6 females.

From that 12 i now have 2 strong Females. I decided to do a quick run using the sog technique so i didnt have to wait too long in veg.

One unkown purple

And one other unknown that was a good strong yielder

Here's day 50 into flowering

I ended up chopping on day 54 into flowering . I ended up with 55 grams of some really good bud, and some shitty low thc crosses.


Up next is 5 clones into one pot using scrog. The clones are from the two moms i still have. They will be ready tomorrow or the next day. I'm also going to make a drip system using a 185 gal pump, 5 gal bucket, brinks digital timer, 1/2 hose and 2 gph drippers. The test run yesterday ran perfectly watering my moms. Pics to come once i pot the clones and make the irrigation system


I still have unknown strains from my first grow. one is purple and the other i dont know what to classify under other than good yielder and good buzz.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Nice cab. Sorry to hear about the learning curve on fans and ports. Been there, done that.

Is that a tent inside the cab? If you still have heat issues, consider remoting the ballast and moving it outside.


nope, that was just how i light and air sealed it. i had a zipper all the way down the middle. now i have it on the top with velcro on the sides. the front door opens up and pulls off. then i have a layer of straight panda film attracted by magnet to the main zippered door. it works really good.


Just finished transplanting my clones into their new home.14" pot with fox farm ocean forest potting soil.

Heres a shot of my new light reflector i made. just cardboard with cheap mylar held on by spray adhesive. it will work until i put up my hps.

Heres a shot of my zippered door open:

and closed:

And heres a shot of the girls in their new home with their mothers. You can also see my new intake.


my newly transplanted clones are not looking so good.
i dont think i let the oasis cubes dry out all the way b4 i transplanted.
anyone know whats going on with these girls.

I'm thinking one will for sure pull through, but the really droopy one looks like crap.


thanks blackfoot. i sprayed them with a little water and brought out my humidifier. the humidity was at 32%, now its at 54% and they look alot better. theyre standing up again.


Just Call me Urkle!!
yea thats exactally what I would've said too... Nice cab by the way bro you should've revegged that one plant with the red leaves it looked like it may have turned colors on you if you let her go longer... anyway welcome to IC and happy growing!


thanks guys. the humidifier seemed to do the trick. they look alot better now. theyre standing up and getting some new growth.


Just got done setting up my new drip irrigation system.
Here's all the supplies i needed except for the five gallon bucket and air pump.

Heres a shot of a computer grommet that i put in the side of my cab for the tubing to go into the dresser and out to my 5 gallon bucket. It works real good, i can snap off the cover and slide my tubing through, then snap it back on.

Then heres some shots of the completed setup. Im trying it out tonight so ill let everyone know how it worked.



Heres my moms and my new girls

Here are all four 2 gph drippers going for 12 minutes and they started leaking out the bottom.

An individual shot

Overall the setup is perfect for my vacation next week. I will be gone for 6 days. I'm going to add 2 more drippers for my moms too.


Looks like you got a watering system down, but if it doesn't work for you I had good luck with these that kept my plants alive for 7+ days.

Only problem I had was they showed a P deficiency in the 6th week of flower when I returned home. Not sure if you can add nutes to this type of watering.

I also found these that supposedly don't water all the time and allows the soil to dry out before watering again. Seems interesting.


Alright guys i just finished installing 2 new drippers for my moms while im away.Here are my girls after 1 week of veg.

Ill be back on monday night, so expect pics right away.


Just got back and my girls are looking awesome. One of them has blown up. I'm going to build a screen out of 1/2" pvc and chicken wire. I watered them for 12 minutes last sunday, and a good amount of water drained out the bottom. So I then i set the timer for 11 minutes on thursday while i was gone and came back today on monday and theyre perfect. They're still a little damp. By tomorrow they're going to be ready for water again. He're they are a day away from 2 weeks veg.



I ditched my scrog plan. I ended up making it to small, and i needed to do something today b4 they get to big.

Here's a few shots of my recent lst work.



hey moses224 yes i do have a five gallon bucket as my reservoir. i just water now. i have an air stone going all the time also. i use an ecoplus 185 gph pump on a brinks digital timer.

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