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Habibi's 08 Outdoor


New Grower

not nitrogen problem.. they're almost done

I would recommend an early Oct. harvest for the developed plants.. cause in november these will be over matured very much

really nice



budshots galore

i have a clone sized burkle, chem4 and a few old mothers (uk cheese, h/a ogk) outside as well which ill have pics of when they have decent sized buds


Active member
Wow Hab,
I was just thunking about you so I figured I'd stop in and say hi (get it...thunking LOL).
Your girls are spectacular.


ill snap a bunch more shots sunday sometime. harvest is near for 1/3 of the dsds....

im pleased to say the thunk is finally developing calyxes, its over 7 feet tall and looks like its gunna be a great producer. definitely gunna take till at least december 1st to consider harvesting, but with the great weather here in cali it should be fine

Karma Genetics

oh yeah look at them perfect buds. Those are going to taste superb. thumbs up for you habibi. great job on the pool girls hi hi hi


Yes we have great weather... and obviously great cannabis as well! Great grow, looking forward to the harvest posts.



Habibbi soon you gonna be so high hehe good looking buds and wow u guys can grow to december i wish i could to whit out i should fear the mold :(
But good luck whit the rest m8


well all the dsds are harvested, smoke on em is great my only problem with it is it isnt much of a stinker, shes gunna cure a while. now i still got a uk cheese mother outside and that plant alone reeked up the neighborhood, real stinker. also have the thunk going strong some pics of it below its just under 8 ft.

i forgot to take snaps of the ha ogk before i cut it but i snapped pics today as i took 1/2 down. its not as lemon pinesol as the other ogs but it turned real nice colors outdors

ha ogk

sam skunkmans thunk

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Karma Genetics

Amen you are doing that Thunk real justice. she is going to be a beast......


You will not be forgotten
beautiful ladies you have runnin this year, definitely enjoy seeing your diversity in strains, thunk is in for the long haul but cant wait to watch her finish.


thanks guys glad to see you back around dime

the thunk is definitely gunna take a while to finish im guessing around december

i put out a brand new burkle mom as well (dont worry have a new one growing), should get nice and purple being its winter, this will be my last outdoor plant till summer.

burkle nug (yes thats a dog hair it was an 8" plant a little low to the ground)

fresh burkle put outside today