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Indoor / Greenhouse Growshow 08


Registered Pothead
cellardweller said:
damn tatterpillars, always screwin shit up...
Yeah they are lil buggers this year for sure. I know everyone growing outside this year in my area is having this problem. I have keep them in check real good though they just seem to be coming in full force. I prolly will lose around a half pound to a pound to them. Only cause i dont wanna take the time and clean the nugs they have been on. I offered my girl ten bucks an hour to go through the pillar nugs to clean em but she shot me down on that idea. Its all good though cause i will pull around six-seven pounds.


holy shit dude.. I had no idea..6-7 pounds. Damn, that would last me at least a week! :laughing:
We had an infestation of GypsyMoth caterpillars here on the right coast many years ago and it was very bad. To this day you still find pockets of dead forest and live webs around here. sucks.
oh yeah, if she wont take the job, I will. But I work on salary,room and board,and comission of said product as well. You just let me know where to send my resume! :muahaha:


Registered Pothead
cellardweller said:
holy shit dude.. I had no idea..6-7 pounds. Damn, that would last me at least a week! :laughing:
We had an infestation of GypsyMoth caterpillars here on the right coast many years ago and it was very bad. To this day you still find pockets of dead forest and live webs around here. sucks.
oh yeah, if she wont take the job, I will. But I work on salary,room and board,and comission of said product as well. You just let me know where to send my resume! :muahaha:
LOL the job is all yours man just come out to cali! Yeah man i am just trying to do one last big outdoor run before the kid is old enough to really realize whats goin on. I aint the best at posting the smoke reports and weight and all. I already got right over two pounds that i harvested out the gh this year. The og kush pulled around 6 ounces, the first gak cut was around 5 ounces, second gak was 6 ounces. nycd was around 5 ounces, and i know i am missing a plant or two in there somewhere. Some just stayed in flower when i put them out in the beginning of the season and never reverted back to veg. I also got like ten plants out there i dont think i took pictures of. Like the banana, Mikado, Ice and some more hawaiian x pk's. Shit ill take some great pics tomorrow when i am watering. You can see the banana strain i am growing in rottendawg's thread on it. It really is remarkable and some of the most potent weed i have smoked in a long time. The flavor is all there too.
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cellardweller said:
damn tatterpillars, always screwin shit up...

Sorry to hear bout your prob with them caterpillars but I'm stoked that you posted it..n somone who knew wtf he was talkn bout chimed in on it as well....
LOL.. DAm when I was just startin out...the only pest i was really concerned about was Spider Mites .... Cause it seemed that Everybody was yappin bout n having problems with SPIDER MITES... Nobody said a dam thing bout RATs, Caterpillars,Snails.... the REAL threats......

The way The Read alot Grew a littles ....jump on them spider mite threads n blow em up.... throws a lotta people off gets em headed in the wrong direction on pest control......


Registered Pothead
b52 said:
Sorry to hear bout your prob with them caterpillars but I'm stoked that you posted it..n somone who knew wtf he was talkn bout chimed in on it as well....
LOL.. DAm when I was just startin out...the only pest i was really concerned about was Spider Mites .... Cause it seemed that Everybody was yappin bout n having problems with SPIDER MITES... Nobody said a dam thing bout RATs, Caterpillars,Snails.... the REAL threats......

The way The Read alot Grew a littles ....jump on them spider mite threads n blow em up.... throws a lotta people off gets em headed in the wrong direction on pest control......
I totally agree with you man. There are tons of other pests that hit the outdoor growers up.All you ever hear about though is mites and maybe thrips. Both of those are super easy to get under control but its the ones that are more mobile that are the real problems. Indoors i might only get mites but outside threats can come from all directions. Damn pitters are the worst in my opinion though cause they eat stems and not leaves or buds which cause the nug attached to the stem to die and most likely start molding out.


so what dont he catterpillers like that you cn put on them?
theres gotta be somethin yo.
nice pulls off them plants so far and lots to go!
peace -Y-


Registered Pothead
Y- yeah you can totally keep em in check but i dont think you can make em go away forever. I use a spinosad based spray for them but new ones pop up all the time. Yeah they have been pulling heavy so far man. I wanna say most of them are gonna be done this month. Just hoping for the best gotta another one to trim tomorrow.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey Chubby - go plant a few Buddleja (Buddleia) down the end of your garden and the Butterflys won't go for the Cannabis at all. :yes:



Registered Pothead
Sammet- Oh damn i didnt know there were plants that the pillars would go after before the ganja! Thanks for the info man. I am gonna look for some of those tomorrow. Fuck it even if i have to buy them on ebay cause i wanna throw some more vegged plants out to get three harvest seasons outside this year.
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Well it works in my garden - they swarm the couple of budliea and I had no caterpillars/have had none on my two plants outdoors in the couple of months that they've been there. Like all biological controls, it probably won't stop them laying eggs on the Canna - but might reduce the numbers as the budliea is butterfly heaven, or so I hear - just throwing an idea out there :)


Registered Pothead
I have a basic understanding of pillars form elementary school but not sure how many eggs they lay or where. So is there a certain gestation period on eggs or is it random when they hatch? I just would hate to smoke a pillar LOL.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
The Butterflys will lay loads of eggs on the underside of leaves - they like about a foot or two off the ground and in moderate sunlight, but numbers of eggs and generations, etc depend on the species. Hatching/gestation depends on light/temperature levels but is normally pretty quick, about 10 days.

Maybe planting budliea would be a bad idea, as it would feed the adult population and make them lay more eggs? (Depends on the size of the garden I guess - my plant(s) are over 20feet away so they are attracted away from the pot.)


Registered Pothead
Sammet ahh i understand better now.Yeah i think i just gotta ride these plants out. Only two got tore up bad i will lose prolly half the yield on those. Oh well though i am not the one to get attached to shit that way my feelings dont get hurt. Very good info on the butterfly's man. I swear i learn some new interesting shit every day.


Registered Pothead
Hey jack thanks for stoppin in. I grew out some seeds from a mixed up bag of all good genetics. Not sure what they are to be honest but they all have a unique smell to them. All the strains that i know what they are will be done next month.


Active member
Looking good chubby.
Those are some fat buds.
I like Sammet's butterfly distracting plant idea. Most likely, the worms eating your plants were hatched right there on the plants. Maybe get them to hang out and lay eggs somewhere else. It might reduce the number of eggs laid on your leaves.
So anything you put out now will go straight into flowering, because of the shortening days and give you 2 month or less turnaround in your gh?
You've been busy like a mofo lately, thanks for taking a little time out to think of your friends.
Dude!, I have the most kickass explosive root growth on the first clone that went in my cloner! Amazing. It changes everything in the way I'll plan the perpetual in the future.


nuce chubby, the hydro set up looks nice. Man thats what I need to do to my girl is always bitching about the mess with soil. Those outdoor kush nuggs look amazing hit me up when thats done.


Registered Pothead
Hazy- Hey thanks man. Yeah the butterfly idea would of totally worked if i did it earlier in the season. I wouldnt mind spraying pesticide on a regular flower but had to stop the spinosad a couple weeks ago. Yeah anything i throw out now will straight flower. I am gonna still throw out a couple moms i have extra cuts of outside to make up for the caterpillar eaten nugs. Should be around a two month turn around on them. So glad that cloning system worked out for you. One of the better stickys i have ever seen in a forum. How long it take to get your first roots on it? Now you can run the perpetual however you want it to go with all girls and you can save money on seeds.

Kuna- Yeah man lets get that ebb tray rockin. You know i will go down to the store with you. I can get a great price on trays and reservoirs from y boys down at the dro store. Oh and you better hurry up if you wanna smoke some of that nugget. Shit is burning fast and it isnt even cured all the way.


Active member
the first clone i put in it rooted in 7 days.
amazing roots too.
it's in coco now.

If your winter is mild, you might go right through till spring and have spring buds.you can get buds past the spring equinox, till the days get too long and makes em reveg.