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First Outdoor Garden of the Unknown - 08

Hey guys just wanted to throw up a couple of pics of my first grow. It's getting near that time and I'm getting a little anxious to smoke!

Three strains found randomly in my room. Lookin good so far, I've had some problems here and there but for the most part they have appeared to be very healthy. I would like to see some more trichs but I'm not complaining. One of the plants is wierd, the buds look white and covered with resin but the leaves hardly have anything on them.. Oh well it looks like my biggest yielder so that's a plus.

I hope you all like it here ya go

This here was taken very long ago! Seems like ages that these plants have been growing.. I only have four left the rest got thrown out due to males and space issues. All the younger ones in the pic were thrown out and the three in the pots on the bottom right all made it along with one in the back. I'm not sure which one from the back made it and I knew one of them to be C4 but I lost track somewhere down the road so now I have no idea what's growin in my garden but that works for me!

The next three not sure when they were taken, I think about 4-5 weeks ago.

A litte bit after starting to flower...

These are from some day after those last pics I have no idea....

About 10 days ago maybe longer (yes I know I am horrible at keeping dates)

Ok and finally, the last pictures I took. Was it yesterday?? The day before I think..

And here is how they get watered, well ever since today atleast. Set it up like this so if they need to be watered I don't have to go down there, it's pretty close to my neighbors backyard and a weird piece of property on our end so I try to go down there as little as possible.

That hose is gravity fed from a trash can this is about 20 feet above the pots. Might be a little more or a little less, works very nicely except for when I let the trashcan drain and air gets in the hose. Then it's a bitch getting the flow back in check.

Well there you go that's all I think about these days and I just want them to finish!!! I've been decently patient up until now, hopefully they finish up quickly. Any guess on yields from the group shot?? I know it's difficult to guess but please try I would like to hear thoughts on that. I'm hoping for a lb. but I feel like I may be way off and only get like a q or something.

Thanks for checking out my thread and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Fungus Gnats

Fungus Gnats

So after taking those pics today I noticed some little white things flying around. After reading about them I figure they came from the ground underneath the pots as it never really dries out. Guess I'll cover the area with sand sounds like that will take care of it.
Oh yea also bought one of those cheapo microscopes from Radioshack 60x-100x. Think 30x would be plenty! 60x works pretty good but it's more detail than necessary and I'd rather get a bigger area. Oh man it looks amazing though! I was thinking the one plant I have on the far right was almost done but it looks like most trichs are still clear so probably another 3 or 4 weeks i suppose. Maybe earlier, I hope.

Anyone have any idea of what I might be growin?? Anything look familiar???

EDIT: Ok my microscope kicks ass and 60x-100x is optimal! If you just take off the plastic piece it's real easy just to move the scope around to get the whole area. Them trichs sure are pretty!!
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very nice...it sure will be a fruitful harvest for you man!! (easily a pound)

how big is the trashcan to water?..and do you use timer to water them at certain points in the day?

hope all goes well. peace


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
awesome garden, I really dig the overall shots ! looks like a jungle of buds ! you got any tiny monkeys jumping from one cola to another ? :D maybe those white things were stoned monkeys - I heard a monkey turns its color to white once baked :D
Hey whats up guys?? Thanks for coming by and checking out my grow!

The trash can is 45 gallons and what I've been doing before I set up the spaghettie lines is just watering it by hand with the hose, the pressure is pretty good just using gravity, it looks pretty weak after setting up the spaghetti lines though. Haven't needed to water yet so not sure how it will work. Next watering what I'll do is just leave the hose on and turn the water on/off at the trashcan (trashcan is about a hundred feet away from plants over a fence). I've figured it takes about 20 gallons to water everything completely so I just leave it on till the can is about halfway empty. I'll go down to check out the plants and make sure it wasn't to much water. So yea long story short - no timer! I don't have a set schedule and I only water about once every 3 to 4 days so I guess it's not really necessary.

Hey I caught a couple of them! Bastards!!
Not till December so everything will have plenty of time I'm sure. One of them is looking like I can start flushing in about a week or two, but not really sure as I've never harvested anything. It appears to me that it's putting on all the final weight all the calyxes seem to be full and it's getting a little thicker everyday.
I really have no idea what the strains are. Looks to me like they are all bomb though! I can't wait to get the final weight on one of them it looks like it's going to be huge!
This one right here think it's going to be a very nice yield, the colas are huge, not that long but way fatter then the other two strains. High hopes for this one!

Damn!!!!! I broke a big branch today. Motherfucker! Been a while since I broke any branches.... Not sure how it happened, I was spraying some BT for the last time I hope, and when I looked back I saw a branch hanging down! Not sure if it was me being clumsy or just the weight of the bud with all that spray on it. My space is pretty crowded so I think it was me because all the other branches were taking the extra weight just fine. I'll take some pictures tomorrow. Taped it up for now not sure if I'll leave it on or not, don't want to stress the rest of the plant out.
So I realized today what a bad job I did last night of wrapping up the broken branch. Thinking I should cut it off but I want some opinions if I can get them before I do it. Even if I did a better job bandaging it I would still think it was a little to late in flowering to be trying to save a branch that almost came completely off.
here's a picture

a shot of the bud on the broken branch.. I don't know what happened it used to point up! It was like that right after it happened last night didn't twist or anything.

This plant has seen lots of broken branch days...


Sleepiesthead said:
So I realized today what a bad job I did last night of wrapping up the broken branch. Thinking I should cut it off but I want some opinions if I can get them before I do it. Even if I did a better job bandaging it I would still think it was a little to late in flowering to be trying to save a branch that almost came completely off.
here's a picture

Any opinions on whether I should cut it off or not? My gut tells me to cut it because it's pretty bad and I don't think will fully recover in time. Also it is probably slowing the rest of the plant down. Thoughts???
Nevermind I posted that in the infirmary and I'm just gunna leave it there and if it starts to wilt I'll chop it off. I'll post some more pictures in a few days
Ok I know I said I'll post a few pics in a couple of days but Fuck it! I just took some and they are coming along nicely! Tried to get some better pictures with the plants in whole.
My favorite plant...

Can you spot the worm?? Guess I'll have to spray atleast one more time.

I took a full shot of this one but it wasn't in focus so all I have is a couple close ups. Thinking this one will be ready to start flushing soon. It is super stinky, definitely the stinkiest. I'm not great at describing smells so I won't try it just has an intense fruity smell but with something else in the background.

This is my least favorite plant. A couple of the plants I never wanted to train them or tie anything down, this was one of them but it started getting too tall and I had to tie it down really late, so that's why it looks funny. It also gets the least amount of light I was about to throw it out a while back but decided to keep it around.

A couple leaves starting to curl up, not sure why maybe I'll post it in the infirmary but not too worried I think it's just a watering issue??

I took some more pictures today... I sprayed with Spinosad two nights ago, hopefully I won't ever have to spray again because the weight of the water almost broke a few more branches.

Everything looks like it's maturing nice and fast! I'm thinking I can start flushing one of them soon. Ok PICS!

Cool looking grasshopper

If you can tell I definitely have a favorite, I didn't mean to but I took way more pictures of this one than the others.

Here I think this one can start flushing in about 7 days. Maybe not?? We'll see how she looks in a week.

And here's the other one I have no idea what this might turn out like.. Seems like it can go for a lot longer than the other two. Not sure if I ever explained that I have 4 plants all bagseed but two of them I know are the same from looks and the seeds were found together. So 3 strains and 4 plants.



Active member
Nice..Your sativa favorite with the running calyxes looks a bit like my NL99..It could be ANYTHING..lol..definitely weed though...sweet


Hey Sleepi, nicely done, you must be stoked. How long have they been flowering? and how much longer before you chop? And also did you figure what was causing the curled leaves. Ive been getting the same thing but dont think its a matter of too little water. Well it doesnt seem to hinder your bud production any. Hang in there man, gettin close!

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