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**DrBuds Bonsai Mum's- How To for You**

Had nothing to play with yet except males... but here is one of my bonsai dads.

Will start my mother plant this week once I get a few clones in the dirt.

Dr. BudGreen, i have a silly question but i gotta ask it cuz u would know best. ne ways, do 3" bonsai mommies & daddies smell? or even anything in the vegatative stage?


DrBudGreengenes said:
It works very well .......99% success
Even with 1 week old seedlings.....by the time they R 3 weeks old I have 3 of each seed ....one seedling and two clones of it....I have rooted 1/4"s cuts like this.
The success rate drops after you go below 1"....at 1/2-1/4"...it's about 75%

Sour Creek x Casey Jones...cloned at 1 week old...

an example of a plant that was Cloned at 1 week (she is 3 weeks old in this pic)....her cuts are the lil' ones you see later

72 cut all taken at 1" with NO node at the bottom....only an angle cut

Geisha cuts all under 1"

These are the cuts from a 1 week old Sour Creek x Casey Jones.
you get two cuts from each seedling done this way....the top one is on the left and was 1/2" tall.....the one on the right was the second one and only 1/4" tall at time of cut(this is an EXTREME example....don't to this with the only beans you have...unless your cloning success rate is VERY high)

Cloning seedlings... props man props


Just Call me Urkle!!
Here's my Thunder Goo bonsai not too shaby so far.. I've taken 7 clones from her this last week so thanks for teaching me to receg and make it into a bonsai...



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Mr Bubbles said:
Dr. BudGreen, i have a silly question but i gotta ask it cuz u would know best. ne ways, do 3" bonsai mommies & daddies smell? or even anything in the vegatative stage?
ya'll are just to funny ever hear of the search box upper right this question has been asked here more times then you could shake a stick at. the good Dr isnt the only 1 in the know
soon as my veg lights go out they stink smell whole house up inside. during day lights on ppl who come over and dont smoke dont smell it.

this is just plain nasty lookn yuk



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
exploziv_gbb said:
If that isn't new or interesting to you why you're reading and posting here?

:joint: Cheers brothers! Hello Doc! :)

guess im on a F Dr day today and his little weenies who the hell are you im with duder this thread is just plain stupid topn 1/4inch cuts from seed plants 1 wk old unsexed is alot of b.s. places undue stress on seedlings that have 1st 10 days of life to worrie about. his Bonsai thread isnt new its adapted to his way the only way in his and many of his followers eyes. all other ways are wrong and invalid hey Dr go spout your BS in the other parts of the forum watch how fast your slammed there. you really need to create your own canibis forum so you and all your weenies can stroke each others ego :muahaha:

heres the real bonsai thread made by old timer 1 on overgrow saved and placed here by guerilla1018

i'll say again this micro section of ICMAG forums is for micro growing of a few plants in very small places hence micro. not 72 plants in a C13 style cab nothing micro about that :violin:


Well-known member
Maj.PotHead said:
heres the real bonsai thread made by old timer 1 on overgrow saved and placed here by guerilla1018

Doood give it up and Go away...no-one here care what you have to say.
Go back to where ever you came from and leave us alone here in Micro.
Can't you see most others have moved on? your's is a Mute point....
DrBud>> :spank: <Maj.PotHead....enuff is enuff
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Active member
I care.

Instead of trying to constantly shove criticism and problems under the rug, why not address them like an adult? Or will you just act like a 7 year old again, with including all acts short of squacking like a chicken... calling people childish names, etc? Seems you never like to address valid questions, only go into some rampage about how you're being trolled. That is not how one provides complete, concise and unbiased information.

I say enough is enough with you and your BS spewing and credit-stealing. "Someone asked me to..." isn't really a very good excuse, but if it were, you should have at least attributed some credit.

But us with "half a brain" and experience know you're here for attention and being looked up to by first-timers who don't know better, so ... :confused:

Enjoy your 15 minutes. Sooner or later "the kids will grow up" and realize what a sham you are.


ok I am pretty new here so I have no aliance either way, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, but I really just dont get it, why do you guys say all this stuff about the dr?? you think what he does is bs, ok we all have opinions, but I look thru the boards and i dont see anyone that is TRYING his methods complaining at all, in fact only the opposite, and its ALL DOCUMENTED, so what is the problem?? Unless you guys think that the Doctor AND ANYONE that tries his methods and reports success are full of it too? In that case it would be you that is guilty of insane arrogance, not to say that the DOCTOR is the authority but hell neither is anyone that is being critical, it would seem the only parties that have a LEGITIMATE statement to make are those that have either tried and succeded or tried and failed, ANYTHING ELSE IS TROLLING AND CHILDISH BS............. so lets just sit back and watch all the grows and let the RESULTS decide who is right, I mean that is what we are all here for right? Sometimes you guys kill my high with this crap........


Just Call me Urkle!!
ClownTown - you like to call the Doc childish yet no matter what thread it is that he has going if it hits page one you usually come in and talk your shit... GROW UP if you don't like the Doc's stuff DON'T LOOK AT IT!!! It's that simple,there are tons of threads on here that are basically a remake but I don't see you in all of those ones claiming they stole it and want attention. Even more so I'd say you want attention having that lame ass pic of Gary Coleman just makes people look at your post... Just give up man I started my test like Bigd21 said just sit back and watch one of us fail then IMO you'd have the right to come trash him. So come bro be the grown up and stay out of these threads cuz nobody wants to hear your shit anymore I lost all the respect I had for you after these last few weeks and it's a shame cuz you are helpful to a lot of people but all this over a comment that you can't wrap your head around....


Active member
I've seen plenty of you fail so far. In fact, I haven't seen one of you succeed in getting the numbers mentioned. And when you fail, it's usually the excuse of "who cares about those numbers promised?!?! I got a harvest!"... :jerkit:


Active member
please post links to all the threads where people who have tried these methods have failed.

If you are going to accuse the Dr. of not backing up his claims why is it that you also are not backing up your claims? I have not seen one thread on here where someone had a good setup similar to the dr's and was complaining that it wasn't working. Given that by your own account a lot of these people are newbs who have never grown anything in their lives and are just looking up to the dr then why would you expect for their first grow to be off the charts? I know you will prob quote the doc saying that "any idiot with half a brain can get 7 grams a plant" so therefore first time growers should fall in that category but I will argue that even the best growers in the world started somewhere and that what the dr. meant was, "WITH SOME TIME AND EFFORT TO DIAL IN YOUR BOX/ROOM AND STRAIN any idiot with half a brain can get 7 grams a plant".

I think everyone has read too much into what the doc has said. Take it for what its worth and if you don't agree then don't use his methods. I don't think that the boards were intended to purposely slander someone else's ideas and opinions.

And CT why don't u try the doc's methods with the 4x4 tables you talk about so much and see what happens and post the results on the forums intended for such talk. Remember what mama always said, "grow ops are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get"



Just Call me Urkle!!
jimbob420 said:
And CT why don't u try the doc's methods with the 4x4 tables you talk about so much and see what happens and post the results on the forums intended for such talk. Remember what mama always said, "grow ops are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get"


Yea I'd love to see him do it but his excuse is that it's a waste of time blah blah blah he'd rather call us newbs and say all kinds of hateful things and tell us to try it cuz any idiot can do it says the Doc.... Grow up and unless you plan to do a micro cab why bother coming to these threads :spank: All DrBud did was show people with little money that they could grow some decent bud once they dial it in and it was the doubting of that which made DrBud use a HID example that broke open the flood gates of haterism... DrBud I'm sorry you have so many haters but you know how it goes if you don't have any haters then you're doing something wrong :joint:


Custom User Title
Just because clowntown has space to do this doesn't mean he should do it just to make you fuckin people happy. How about you dedicate 1/4 of your grow space to something that I want you to do? Oh that's right, that'd only be 2 plants. Why don't you grow up, step up, or shut up. It's not his fucking job to prove other people wrong. He's got the balls to run that big, he's got better things to do than make you idiots happy.


Well, my posts stating that this thread has nothing to do with Bonsai or even mother plants were conveniently deleted.

Taking vegged plants and chopping them up is different from keeping mother plants, and it has NOTHING to do with Bonsai methods. This thread is just another Greengenes thread with a lot of HTML-colored text and dozens of photos.

You can delete my posts, I guess, but you haven't answered my questions. Deleting and covering up aren't the same as answering.

I haven't even gotten into the fact that your photos show that your grow area is filthy.

Please answer the question: how is anything in this thread related to Bonsai methods, or keeping mother plants?


Custom User Title
Krakatoa, did you read the first two posts at all? Did you read the title? He's showing how he keeps his moms, and it sure as hell isn't the same as any other thread I've seen. Do you know what bonsai means? Chopping up vegged plants is... the definition of a mother plant. You think he can delete your posts? Talk about paranoid, he's not an admin, or mod, or anything. Why don't you take that issue to the web support forum.

Who cares if his grow area is filthy, he grows better than most people here. Guess what, when you grow outside, where plants come from, they grow in DIRT. Talk about DIRTY HUH?!


Well-known member
bounty29 said:
He's got the balls to run that big, he's got better things to do than make you idiots happy.

"The Balls to run that Big"

Would that be Running a Com.Opp. in an apartment building?

Or building a grow room outside....with no way to bring the pieces inside?

Or selling Growing Equipment on CL from the SAME IP where he grows?

Or giving away Clones to Random strangers ...cuz they were wearing a Tye-Dye?

Or Maybe it was Losing all yur "Grow Money" in a card game a week B4 you are supposed to start your first Decent sized grow?
and then talk about "Turning on" yur friends cuz they won't loan ya enuff $$$ to make up for what ya lost yurself?

Or the fact that he thinks Ya' can't grow a weed without the latest in "Budswellin' Stem stiffin' leaf Shiner"

How do you expect me to even take him Seriously?
Which one of those would you like me to show "Respect" to?

CT is VERY new to this Game.....I was growing when he was still in Diapers
So you Kids have yur fun w/this......it won't last long...and neither will you.You must be smart to survive....only time will tell...... :smoke:
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