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sour diesel ibl


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
a bit late but nice work US, TS.....very pretty pheno!@

i got a pack of these un touched from rez, along with some d-39 and alpha diesel...the AD and d-39 are in veg...i NEEED to crack that sour D ibl!!! you made me droooool :puppydoge
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you were here earlier...good to see you...i will be doing some more rez stuff here directly most likely not this account though lol....rez i want the sd ibl reworked in august man...i can proof im me lol...peace


hey nycd fan i read the pm lol and the reason i am banned is because of something i said in a greenhouse thread...me and franco pretty much made peace but somebody reported some of my post i imagine it is a type of storm lol....next time administration hit me with a warning...i will be me if you ask me i will delete any post or stay out of any thread or persons you wish...but please dont ban me not only is it impossible it is really stupid on your part and coventry is just really wrong and you know it...peace


yes wootay it is the best grow on icmag as it was my goal...day by day pic display updated by upgraded...he kind of got shafted but this is still his home and will be untill he leaves...peace


AHHHHHHH MITES CAME BACK!!!!! 1 week left into flowering!!

Just coming back to look back over ur advice -- Id love not to pest strip them, theyre looking beautiful. U sure it wont affect the buds this far into flowering??

I have no webs or anything just a few lower leaves are getting specks so now that I know what to look for I spotted them real quick. Gettin a little amber on the tops and think I might pull.

Hope ur Chem run is goin well man, and the KM!!!!! Ugly as she is lol

come back to us with pics, tips, and tricks man!!!!


im bringing this thread back to life...icmag get ready for more big sticky bud shots...commong soon to a thread near you sourdiesel ibl x jlps miss mud and she is special...peace


Grinding extra.
Sour Diesel IBL cut @ 65 days.



sour diesel ibl 65 days she is throwing absolutely no bananas this run the last run i started the flush to soon and all at one time and it made her throw some bananas...peace

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Hey I'm glad to see your still around dude, your Sour D is looking sweet as ever you can see how fat the calyxs are from a mile away!!! Hope every things going good for ya, PEACE