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Intervention on A&E


I have a horrible fascination with this show...Puff Puff, These people are fucked up, Cough Cough....

How do they get these people to agree to be on the show? I mean, how are you going to convince a dude whose been smoking ice all day to be filmed with no strings attached...Like theres drug addicts saying "Hey, I sure wish someone would film me, my friends and family while i slowly kill myself!"

I figured they either pay for all the drugs they do during filming or theres some form of incentive. But seriously, how can these people NOT see an intervention coming?

G. Sensi, I'm all about weed for sure...but now when people have problems that need to be resolved....Weed is NOT a problem solver...unless that problem is boredom or not being high. This girl needs a good counselor...

Her petty-fucking-"father" is a piece of shit too. Goddamn deadbeat.

Woh fella' calm down heh - Goat!


Goat said:
I have a horrible fascination with this show...Puff Puff, These people are fucked up, Cough Cough....

How do they get these people to agree to be on the show? I mean, how are you going to convince a dude whose been smoking ice all day to be filmed with no strings attached...Like theres drug addicts saying "Hey, I sure wish someone would film me, my friends and family while i slowly kill myself!"

I figured they either pay for all the drugs they do during filming or theres some form of incentive. But seriously, how can these people NOT see an intervention coming?

G. Sensi, I'm all about weed for sure...but now when people have problems that need to be resolved....Weed is NOT a problem solver...unless that problem is boredom or not being high. This girl needs a good counselor...

Her petty-fucking-"father" is a piece of shit too. Goddamn deadbeat.

Woh fella' calm down heh - Goat!

her mom was just as much to blame... that girl weighed what a whole 110lbs soaking wet? and the mom was all "ya, its horrible, but we just cant do anything"

the sugar daddy cracked me up too, i wana know what he looked like. the whole situation was soo FUBAR.... someone needs to sterilize that girl asap before she breeds.

G. Sensi

How u doin Goat? Now that Ive watched the whole show, I really dont think Ganja or ANYTHING would solve that problem on its own....

What I realized is that shes not lookin for Euphoria or to feel better about her life.... Shes lookin to be NUMB.... completely thought and emotion-less.... Shes litterally trying to be comatose so that she doesnt have to feel the pain that shes just drowning in.... I realized this during the scene where she gets high in cemetary's... She was definately Suicidal....

She needed ALOT of help not a coping method or escape route.... I hope shes doin better today....

Your sentiment about the father is just about the Nicest thing I can think to say about him....

I agree there must be some sort of incentive, I would imagine its the family that arranges the show and its the treatment that they receive for free for agreeing to be on the show.... But I really dont see how they can get someone to shoot up or smoke or huff in front of a camera.... One thing I did notice in this episode was how much she refered to her own stuff as Drugs and not "gas" or "cans" or even "Dust-off".... She kept refering to it as her Drugs even though its obviously not one which I found odd....

Rollin Face

Oh yes I love Intervention, indeed one of the best shows on TV right now, but that to me was not even close to the best episode compared to the meth addict stripper Cristy, jesus she just didnt give a fuck, walking in the street naked asking for a cell phone, and making up religions and shit. Ah yes that one was a true gem.


I'm doin fanstastic G Sensi. Did you watch the one about "chad" the crackhead/cyclist? That ones pretty interesting too. They all are, though.

I think what most intrigues me about Intervention is the huge amount of denial all of them are in. Its so strange how perfectly they capture the emotion of family members realizing that they're talking to the drugs, not the person and then the eventual breakdown as they hear themselves being blamed for it. Its one of the saddest things I've ever seen...

This is one - if not the only - legitimate "reality" show on television.

- Goat!


Active member
lol that chick was so fucked up. Her eyes looked so fucked up when she was on that shit lol, she looked like she was mentally retarded. In one part she says " it's like i'm walkin on sunshine" lol she said it in such a retarded way made me laugh. but yeah pretty sad that she was killing herself with that shit.

honestly I think she was inhaling that computer duster shit to get attention, like look i'm slowly killing myself. I don't consider inhaling computer duster as doing drugs, it's more like hurting yourself or killing yourself with chemicals.

I was amazed that she was still alive after inhaling like 12 cans of computer duster a day for so long.

Another fucked up episode was with this chick that would drink and then take off all her clohtes and walk around naked outside etc lol and fight people.


Yeah, it was like night and day at the end. She's pretty cute when she's not huffing duster... - Goat!


Active member
i cracked up every time she was talking and out would come the duster with that "wsshhh" sound, like she was useing an asthma inhaler or something


Active member
lol yeah, I never knew people like that existed. And yeah she was pretty cute in the end after she stopped using the duster and stopped looking all retarded.

her sister was really weird looking thought she had those prince charles ears.

G. Sensi

^^Exactly what I thought Steve!!! "Hi... Wsssshhh.....Im....Wsssh...Al-Wssshh-son!"

It was rediculous! Could you imagine someone taking full-lung bong/vape hits like that all day litterally taking one every other breath?!?!? Smoking/inhaling and holding ANYTHING in your Lungs for that long that often would have ANYONE lookin and actin like She was.... Then add the poison in the can...

Well atleast she can say she doesnt do Jenkem :D


But seriously, what the hell are they gonna do next? Kinda like jumping the shark, at what point do ya just got nothing else and it's on its way downhill? Or do you guys think there are enough completely fucked people to keep this show going? Will there always be a new person doing a new drug?


Active member
Johnny Rotten said:
But seriously, what the hell are they gonna do next? Kinda like jumping the shark, at what point do ya just got nothing else and it's on its way downhill? Or do you guys think there are enough completely fucked people to keep this show going? Will there always be a new person doing a new drug?

They haven't done "sex addiction" yet.
I wouldn't mind watching that but it'd have to be a hot girl and on skinamax. They could do a roid rage one...that would be funny. Watch some muscle head juice up and hulk out. I'd hope for death on that episode, though.


I remember when I used to work graveyard shift. I'd be waking up and going to work just as Intervention was coming on. I'd only catch like 15 minutes and then I'd have to go to work. For that reason alone, I try to catch it every time I see it, now that I'm working a 9-5 M-F. I remember the one kid that was a HUGE alcoholic. His mom was a drug dealer and then got busted or something. That guy was FUCKED up. And it's legal...too bad.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yummy i think you are talking about an alcoholic and meth head named "christie" from LA, she was a stripper and general psycho. I have that episode on dvr..shes fucken HOT but totaly insane!!! she was naked most of the episode!! DAMN BLURRY censorhip blobs!! i think this monday they have a follow up with some of the participants on A&E worth checking out!!

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