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Concept's Coco Cabana!


Active member
Hey everyone...Im back with some pics of the now confirmed ladies!!! :woohoo:

So right now I am up to 8 ladies, with the 2 OGK x DPD I posted in the previous post not showing sex yet, as they were germed about 5 days behind the rest...

Blubonic: 1/4 female(would have liked 2, but the female I did get looks like its leaning toward the Blue Satellite side:D)
Godberry: 3/4 Female
Shiva: 3/3 Female
SWT#3: 1/3 Male (SWT3 crosses FTW!!!:muahaha:)
OGK x DPD: 1 Female, 2 Unsexed

So it looks like I will have a full cabinet regardless of how the other OGK's turn out to be... If they are both Females, a Godberry and a Shiva may have to just be cloned for a run later.... For 2 reasons:
1. Im testing these OGK x DPD's for Outlaw and wanna give them the spotlight (since they will be shinin' bright no matter what! :D)
2. I think I would rather run some OGK dank right now since I could still have 2 Godberry and 2 Shiva this run if I saved 1 of each for later..

So figured Id post up some photos of the ladies!! These were all taken last night at about 1AM..


Blubonic A

Godberry A

Godberry B

I didnt grab a pic of Godberry D as it convinced me it was male until today...

Shiva A

Shiva B

Shiva C

Didnt grab pics of the males... Ill try to get a pic of the Blubonic and SWT#3 studs that I am most likely going to clone and keep after collecting some pollen...

Thanks again to everyone for stopping by and the word of encouragement! I cant wait to get these ladies in flower and get the show really rolling, but Im going to Veg these ladies for a while so I can really get them to yeild..

Till next time...
Be Well and Stay Safe
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C.O.S. My Brotha....very nice grow going! I have some killer beans coming this week and this will also be my 1st Coco grow. Been lurking on your thread checking out my game plan to yours and it seems we both have the same thoughts as far as using Rez's recipe! I am all prepared for this one Bro...got some fine Herijuana from Sannies coming along with some rare Madonna!! I can only hope my grow comes out looking like yours...the only difference I can see here is that I will be using a 400w HPS. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you are using a 400w CMH?? Other than that we are on the SAME PAGE! I'll keep ya posted on what's up if you don't mind. Perhaps we can share some "secrets"!? haha.....will be watching this thread Bro. THANKS! BIG + REP! :rasta:


Active member
Hey Snookster:wave:

Thanks for stopping in! Gad to see someone else just hopping on the Coco bandwagon! Im lovin the explosive growth I have gotten...Beats the crap out of any of the soil mixe I have used previously... Glad to have ya here bro, and glad to know I could provide some direction while you were lurking!! All of the info I got before my first few grows was from lurking around here about 2 years ago, there is so much great info on these boards its simply stunning...

As for the lights, I am actually using both CMH and HPS....I have a 400W HPS CoolTube and ballast, so I purchased a 400W CMH conversion bulb that will run on a 400W HPS ballast... I use it for veg and the first week of flower, then I switch in the HPS bulb for the rest of flowering. The CMH conversion bulb is a bit lower in the Lumen department than if I had a seperate 400W MH system, but I didnt quite have the money for that, and the Phillips CMH conv. Bulb was only $50... I love the growth its given so far, though they are only under it about 5 hrs a day, as I am still finishing up the cab... Most of the growth has been under 24hrs of Flourescent lighting beleive it or not... Just under a normal 4ft shoplite set up with 2 40W tubes. A bit ghetto I know, but I needed to veg them under something small as I got the Cab together completely

Rez's recipe has been working wonderfully...Even with my flubs and mistakes (like not feeding enough early enough, and not feeding everyday...:spank:) I had some Mg and small Cal deficiency in 2 of my Godberrys, but those have since cleared up since I feed them every 24-36 hrs and have used H3ads idea of adding 1gram of Epsom Salts per gallon to give them some extra Mg and Sulfer... All my other babies haven't had any real issues what-so-ever, and I have heard the Godberry is known to be a BIG eater on the nutes, so I'm assuming thats why the SWT3 and OGKxDPD look so nice, but the Godberry was showing deficiencies on the same feeding regemin. I also finally decided to order some Botanicare CAL/MAG... I was hoping that my tap water, with a PPM of @150 would have enough Cal and Mg in it, but apaprently its not enough for some strains, just like Hazy was saying...

And I am definitely interested to see how Sannies Heri works out for ya....That is some serious dank for sure!! Ive always wanted to try the KO Kush and Killing Fields, Never heard of the Madonna though....do ya know the lineage on her?

Well thanks much for the compliments man! Im sure yours will come out as good, if not better than mine!! Stop back by anytime my friend, and plese do keep me posted! Always love watchin a good grow!:D

Be Well and Stay Safe!
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Active member
Well here are a few shots of the Sweet Tooth #3 male that I am really impressed with...

With the branching it is putting out, I had myself convinced it was gonna be a girl, but apparently not... However, like I said, I am more than content with this Stud pokin his head out cuz he is gonna knock some ladies up!!! :D

Heres the View from the Top

Side Views:

And here is a little bit of a closer view of the branching I was talking about!:

So I have high hopes for this big guy! Hopefully it puts out a whole heap of pollen...Ill also be taking a clone and keeping him for further crosses and comparing him to other males from my other 2 packs of SWT3...

I have a male Godberry that really isnt too impressive and will probably end up getting chucked...or I may just pollinate a bottom branch of a Shiva, but won't take a clone... I also would like to pick a Blubonic Stud to clone, but I just can't pick which one...The Female I have is leaning towards the sativa/BlueSat side, and Blubonic D seems to lean towards the indica/KootBlueberry side, so those would probably make nice F2s...But then again Blubonic B seems like a really nice mix of both sides....Just too many decisions to make:D but thats half the fun!!!

Well, everything else is still rollin along nice and solid...Like I said before, I had 2 Godberry and OGK x DPD C were showing some deficiencies, but I flushed them this evening and then gave everything a good feeding with some Epsom salts, as the Mg deficiency is the one that is showing the most...and Cal/Mag is on the way.

Stay Tuned!


Registered Pothead
That male has great nodal growth. Is that a keeper to get pollen from? I really need to get in the breding game. So many fun crosses one can make.


Active member
chubbynugs said:
That male has great nodal growth. Is that a keeper to get pollen from? I really need to get in the breding game. So many fun crosses one can make.

Well I wouldnt consider myself in the breeding game what so ever....Im just a pollen chucker :D I just love making crosses and growing em out, seeing what combines well with what, plus finding a keeper from seeds you made yourself, just always feels so satisfying... Plus now I can hopefully get a lot of the beans out to the Bay for freebies!! Like you said, so many fun crosses to make and grow and smoke:D

But yeah, that Sweet Tooth male is gonna be sticking around as a pollen donor... Im sure Ill keep him for a while, till I get sick of SWT3 crosses (yeah right....) or I find a better male :D

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Hey C.O.S....Thanks for shouting back at me! I will leave this thread about sannie & his gear here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=59832&highlight=sannie

It shows quite a bit of his stuff including the Madonna. Makes for great reading & pics. PLUS...Read about the mushroom spores he grows IN THE POT along with the coco. He swears by it! I will most def. stay in touch with your thread Bro., You got it going on! Anxiously awaiting my beans!!!:-(

Stay cool Bro.!


Active member
Hey Snook, thanks for the link...Ill definitely be checking that out...

Well it's been a while since I updated, mostly because veg pics get boring...but here are a few more:D

OG Kush x Double Purple Doja A Female

OG Kush x Double Purple Doja B Female

OG Kush x Double Purple Doja C Unsexed

Blubonic A Female

Shiva A Female

Shiva B Female

SWT 3 Male

Looks like I totally forgot to grab any pics of the Godberry's...But I have another 3 Godberry Females as well... So looks like I will be flowering:
2-3 OGK x DPD (depends on if C is M or F)
1 Blubonic
2 Shiva
3 Godberry (although there is one that may still be culled as it keeps giving me problems while all the rest are nice and happy)

Not too much more to update really...any of the mg and cal deficiencies seem to have been fixed since I started using some Epsom Salts and then Cal/Mag once I finally got a bottle. All of these babies are still in Solo Cups and could definitely use a transplant, so in the next day or two they will get transplanted to their new 3 gal homes to veg a bit longer, and then the real fun begins!!! Ive got the flower cab all together...I just need to mount the exhaust fan and then the Cabana is good to go!!:headbange

Be Well and Stay Safe


Active member
Thanks GP:D

Glad to have you along for the ride...It should be getting real exciting soon as these ladies start their 12/12 journey!!

BTW anyone else watching the Olympic boxing coverage? Its been damn good so far...


C.O.S.....Just revcd. my 3 blocks of the FINE Coco from GH. Already had the heavier Coco...now the fun begins. Question....did you find a CAL/MG problem with your plants in the initial stages? I've been reading that that problem MAY show during the initial growth stage. Had any problems with yours? Still watching your thread Bro. plants are looking GOOD! And yes, the Olympics have been great. Breath-taking opening ceremonies! LOvin' it!




"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ConceptOfSleep again."

Sup Concept... Lookin perfect in here bro....
Hey...I like the Skins offense so far.Wait til we get LaRon (Dog aka Doug) Landry out there...young boy is a Killer..
Hey man, your plants look reallllllllllly healthy. Im impressed. I love the look of those OGxDPJ. That looks off the hook, love those leaves. Good work bro! ++


Active member
Thanks much for stopping by everyone! Love having everyone along for the ride:D

Snook, Good pickup on the fine Coco! I find that the seedlings enjoy it a bit more, and they develop a nice root system a bit faster... As far as cal/mag problems early on, I will say that they didnt show any deficiencies for several weeks. Initially I waited to long to feed them full strength, and many of the small problems left. The cal/mag deficiencies still stuck around though... Even with all the Cal/Mag in GHMicro and Bloom was not enough for some of these ladies. Ive only given them Cal/Mag for 3-4 feedings and they are already picking up with NO signs of any deficiency. The only thing I noticed was that the Mg deficiency definitely showed itself first, so perhaps try some epsom salts (1 gram per gallon as per H3ads recipe) and that might keep that at bay...

This is the feeding regimin I have been on since I picked up the Cal/Mag:
(everything per Gallon)
6mL Micro
9mL Bloom
3mL Cal/Mag
and I adjust Ph using Ph Down to 5.7-6.0

Everything seems to be loving it... In flower Ill start tailoring the feeding doses to fit each plant personally, but in Veg they all seem to love it so far! Good luck man!

Primo, thanks for the kind words! They looked a lil worse for wear a week ago, so Im glad they are pickin up.
And your damn right about Landry...that guys a friggin monster! I remember the hit he put on Alabama's QB....That hit musta knocked that guys brain around in his skull for a while:D Im ready for the season to start already!

Wookie, thanks very much man! Im a bit surprised how easy it is to dial things in with the Coco...I really gotta give that most of the credit. It makes everything so easy! I think Im a CocoHead for life after this grow. Stop back by and check everything out as it gets going!! I have the highest hopes for the OGK x DPD as well. Plus I gotta get em dialed in, I wanna make sure I do the testers up right for Outlaw:D

Thanks again for stopping by guys! I really appreciate all the kind words.

Be Well and Stay Safe


C.O.S.....So you're saying that the CAL/MG problem DID rear it's ugly head during the Feg.?? As you know, I have the same Nutes. as you and we are both following the SAME Recipe for this grow and I had read somewhere about the Cal/Mg Prob. using the Coco.so it is TRUE? I would like to head this off if I can and if you can tell me when the problem started, (3-4 week, longer) then I can do something about it. Where did you get your Cal/Mg.? I know, lots of question, but you are this threads PIONEER so you be the man to ask! hehe...Anyway, I've got 5 beans getting ready to pop...Indica....so I will be chatting with you. PEACE Bro.!



Active member
Hey snook...

Well I cant say for sure whether the problem was in the GH nutes or if it was my fault for not feeding strong enough soon enough... I was a bit afrai to overfeed them, and Id say by week 4 there were some signs of deficiency...By this time I was feeding full strength (6mL micro, 9mL Bloom), but the problem was already there. The problem is I dont know if it was a lack of Cal and Mag in the GH nutes, or just my shoddy feeding schedule:bashhead:

Anyway, I grabbed the bottle of Cal/Mag last week (I think thursday), and have been adding 2mL of Cal/Mag to my regular feeding schedule...I have noticed that everything seems healthier and there is no more intervenal yellowing on the lower fan leaves. So there-in lies the problem...Now Im not sure if the fix was due to the addition of Cal/Mag (only had 3 feeds with it so far, which seems VERY fast for it to work) or if it is because I started feeding full strength everyday and the GH does have enough of everything already.

I am thinking the latter because it seems like 3 feedings would be MUCH too fast for the Cal/Mag to have made such a difference, but I really dont know. Either way, I think the Cal/Mag is a great thing to have around for emergencies. Ive also heard Swerve say that the OG Kush and Bubba Kush really love the Cal/Mag so Im gonna be glad I have it when I run those.

Coincidentally, the only plants which really ever showed the deficiencies were 1 of the OGKxDPD, and my Godberry's(which are apparently notorious heavy feeders)...All of the other plants seeme to be fine without the Cal/Mag, but once I gave it to them they did seem to perk up and blast off so to speak.

I dont think you need to worry too much...There is a good amount of Mg and Cal in the GH recipe, so I think if you feed full strength and feed everyday once they are established, you should be good to go. I know lots of people have had fantastic results using ONLY the 6/9 GH feeding.

Hope that helps man....Good luck poppin them beans!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Nice show, COS. Your babies look very healthy. Glad to hear the Cal/Mag+ has helped.
You're on the right track lowering pH. In the beginning, even 5.5 is a good target.
The lower pH is better for Ca uptake. Ca takes up more "slots" in coco, so the lower pH can help keep the ratio balanced. What looks like Mg deficiencies can sometimes be a pH thing--it really depends on the source water, imo. You can catch the early signs by watching the petioles (avoiding red and purple) I only use it (Cal/Mag+) with soft water.


Active member
Thanks VERY much for the info VT!

I honestly didnt know that about Ca...It certainly does make sense though. Since I lowered the pH to 5.7-.8 instead of 6.0 I definitely noticed an improvement. Unfortunately my water is at @ 150 PPM after being in a bucket with an airstone for 24 hrs, so it isnt quite soft... Ill definitely be watching how much Cal/Mag I use as I dont wanna overdo it. I may just try the feeding without the Cal/Mag the next few feedings but keep the pH a bit lower and see how that works.

A million thanks for the info! Truly helpful!:respect:



Longtime lurker first time poster really in this section been reading for about a year now and you have convinced me to go coco route even though I was going to do hydro with the limited space that I'm going to have. Hopefully I'll have my first grow log up in about month or two if things work out.

Can't wait to see your progress I'm subscribed.

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