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How to dispose of trim..

I was wondering how do you guys like to dispose of all the extra trim... I know most will say make bubble hash. But i just want to throw away all the fan leaves and crap trim without it getting back to me. So any suggestions?


personally i use the garbage disposal. you could bury it, burn it, or compost it.

i have room to compost or bury i cant burn it but with just the occasional trimmings they go down the garbage disposal. safest bet. trash can imo is a nono. :noway:


The problem with the garbage disposal is if it clogs your drain and you need a plumber this can get ugly . I say take it into your backyard and run it over with the lawn mower a couple times


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I put it in my compost with my vegetable waste. I started doing this last year and now I have enough compost I'm going to use it on some girls outside. How cool is that? They'll be growing in soil made from trim. It's like pot canabalism, or Soilent green.... :biglaugh:

Seriously though, just do the lawnmower thing like zoo said, or bury it/put it in a small compost bin.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Zoolander is on it, go with that.

If you don't have a lawnmower though, and really want to make it go away, I recommend you chop it all up with scissors and then flush it down the toilet.

My technique, which is pretty obvious I suppose, is to grab a big handful of leaves, roll them up into a cylinder and cut it into little pieces over a bucket, that way you can cut lots of leaves into small pieces at the same time and ensure there are no big pieces remaining. Fold over smaller stems to the size of the leaf stack so they get cut into small pieces at the same time. Big stems get cut into smaller pieces and disposed of along with bags of old coco at random dumpsters.

Once that is done, I like to do some random chopping in the bucket to break it down a bit more, then down the toilet in a few rounds. I stir it up a bit while it flushes so it never takes down a big chunk.


I put al mine in a black plastic sack and take it somewhere away from where I live to dump it, usually at the dump itself. Nothing else in the sack to connect me to it.



Yeah, random, late night dumpster runs are good. Just dont do something stupid and get caught with all that smelly cargo!

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
My last place, I had to chop all the fan leaves up and flush them down the toilette. It was on sewer so I did not give a shit. Now I just compost them.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
-the lawn mower is a damned good idea

-dumping it in an away from you dumpster is good too, just gotta make sure no ones doing rounds or around at the time

- depending on how much it is, use your blender along with some water and vila!!! just keep pouring down the toilet to your hearts content!!!


Active member
and make sure there are'nt any dope sniffin dogs around

and make sure there are'nt any dope sniffin dogs around



Dude just leave the shit sitting out so it dries up to brittle, bone-dry stuff. then take this dry material and it will crumble up to dust once its dust its easy to dispose of....you could blow a handful of it in the wind and no one would be the wiser.....the stems i just break up into lil peices (dont cut with scissor it looks unnatural) and toss them in the woods by my house...


Active member
I take stuff with me in a backpack for a little bike ride and dump it in some nearby woods. I'm going to start doing this with my soil soon too, just gonna use the kid trailer to haul it out one bag at a time and slit them open and dump the soil a couple miles from my house under the darkness of night. Dumping into dumpsters gets me too paranoid but on a bike it seems like no one is ever really paying attention.
Great ideas everyone.... Ive done a couple of these ideas, like going to a dumpster thats a ways away from my place. Ive also waited for it to get really dry and then burned it in the back yard, but that was only small amounts that fell off the plants as they were growing. I dont trust burning a whole harvest worth of trim, it doesnt smell like strait weed, but it does smell kinda funky if ya know what i mean. Ive also flushed down the toilet, but i hear thats a bad Idea cuz if by some chance it got backed up your in one hell of a situation. Better hope you know a plumber thats down with buddha. I like the lawn mower idea alot, and have been thinking about buying a compost maker, just dont feel comfortable leaving the trim in there and waiting for it to turn into dirt. The wrong person has a chance to jump my fences and have a look inside. Thanks for the ideas, someone has to have some method that just works every time and you never have a chnce to get caught. I really dont like taking big bags of "Trash" off my property where i have a chance of getting pulled over with it.


Active member
Depending on the quantity and if you have the room you can compost it. Cut the entire plant up into small pieces and mix it in with some old soil. You can throw in a little bioactivator (i.e. Biotone etc.) but it isn't really necessary. Be sure to mix it up daily to help speed up the process. If you slice or split the main stems lengthwise prior chopping them up they'll decompose much faster. If you have a larger grow this could be a major PITA, but it is very low profile and there is no suspicious debris to dispose of. Plus the resulting soil makes an excellent base for future grows. Hope this helps.
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The best answer is make hash. The second best is late night dumpster run or compost into your yard.

I am currently making hash as per the directions here


I am using a much larger ceramic plate sitting over a crockpot. This hash is really interesting, its got the consistency of thick cotton candy and is ez to handle. You can pick it up and pull it apart and not have a mess everywhere.
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