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Is this nute burn?


Was I a bit heavy handed with the magic potions too early on my baby? She was pretty young when I was putting on some very diluted organic nutes and I noticed she started to slow he growth considerably, so I stopped the juice but the leaves still started discolouring. Is it too much nutes? I thought I may have also just overwatered.
Shall I just wait?
Also was it the right thing to pull off the ill leaf? Thought it probably waqsnt doing much in getting her better



Nope, not nute burn... more like nute lockout. Try and remember - NUTE BURN causes the leaf to become VERY dark green (throughout) and then the tips begin to turn a slight burn color....

This on the other hand, with the striping, looks like Cal-Mag should be added... what brand nutes are ya usin?

BTW - check out the sick plants thread on here... you would have easily identified this issue if you had read it.



Dr. Doolittle
NUte lockout can be caused by nutrient burn, hence the word burn.

NUte lockout can do many different things to the plant, there is no nute burn alike since different strain and nutrients being used.

Another thing, we can't tell by one leaf, but I will say the leaf looks to be burned by too much nutes.

Having an over abundance of nutes will cause nutrient lockout to occur.

If a balance is offset you will show problems very quickly if in hydro and soil problems take longer to show and fix.

WHat is the amount of nutes you used and how often?
Where was this leaf taken from? Where on the plant?
how old is your plant and how old was the plant when you fed it nutes?
What brand of nutes you used?


Hey guys thanks so much for your interest in my problem.

I was hoping you'd say 'yep, too much nutes wait a week and it'll get better', but alas...Ok here's the entire deal, there's more to it than just a potential overload of nutrients- you'll probably be very unimpressed in my haphazard approach to my garden but this is what it is.

This is my first real grow in this cab, apart from four very healthy looking males which have since bitten the dust.
Its a pretty small space at around 2 by 2.5 foot and 2 foot high with a 400W Hps vertically placed in the center of 4 plants on a vertical scrog.
Initially I had problems with heat but now they sit around 73-77, so I dont think that is an issue.
Because of my problem of having grown those males I really wanted to make sure I had some females this time round so I flipped them to 12/12 quite early, probably only 2 weeks in, and after finding which ones were female (maybe another 2/3 weeks) I flipped it back to 18/6.
This was probably my first problem, it was about this time they really slowed right down.
Throughout vegging and flowering I was feeding them an organic fertiliser from the local grow shop called 'Earth Juice' at an amount of 5ml per 4 litres, approximately once a week, occasionally more often.
Another stupid thing I did was to cut off most of the fan leaves as it came into flower hoping it would speed the process up a little so I could tell their sex quicker.
The fan leaf I showed you was one of the lowest on the plant.
Its been over a week since I gave any nutes, but she is still looking very tired- leaves are really hanging down and not particularly bright green, and very slow growth.
My gut tells me that I way overdid the nutes giving the bad leaf colour, but also a fair bit of stress due to the changing of light cycles giving the slow growth.

What should I do? Just wait? Any help would be much appreciated, I'll post some more pics if needs be

ps its a soil grow
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i would just give her a few plain waterings ph'd to the right lvl...that way you get her ph right meanwhile ...and if you don't know how much food you gave her she will balance the nutes out...do that untill you see she needs food...and then start the feeding again,but thats what i would do ..if in this situation

ohw yea gotta get the right medium of the ph...this also could cause lockout..as does high doses of nutes like Stitch said...:2cents:


How long you think? Just been feeding plain water for about a week/10 days now, and how do I know she needs food?

Gonna go get me a PH measurer tomorrow or so and get on top of that

little j

i hope im not hijacking this thread but this is my same problem. i have 2 cali-o in soil. about 6weks old. one was a nice dark green, the other not as green. i gave them no ferts at all. then one day i decided to give them a bit of fert high in nitro and immediately my leaves began to do what the pic says. half way up the plant, all my nice leaves 1 by 1 start steadily fading to brown. i began flushing with only water immediately. this hasnt helped so i transplanted into new soil and a clean watering. it has been afew days and it is still happening. it just keeps slowly fading brown.
a ph tester was on my mind also. nute lock out seems to be what i found in other threads here. more thoughts on this problem please.
best of luck to you farmergreen. i feel your pain. little j

little j

jsut to bump this and say my plants are not doing better and they really dislike the sun. i was hoping the fresh dirt and water would change this but its not. i gotta find ph testers i guess but,,,,,,,???? what do i measure. water runoff from the dirt? thanks. little j


souunds like your having exactly the same issues as me littlej. I changed the dirt to something less hot and gave them a light dose with superthrive yesterday, hoping I might see something today.
I did measure the water going in and it's ph was definitely to high. Might buy some ph down today


Hey Stitch, I've uploaded some pics of my sick ass plants. As you can see they are droopy as hell. They are still continuing to grow, but extremely slow, and just stay real droopy. I studied your thread on sick plants, and the closest description was a sulphur deficiency although the pics dont look as bad as mine.
It could also be a ph problem I guess, but I really dont know where to start there. I used a chemical kit to measure the water going in and it was high (around 8), but I havent got anything to measure my run off, so I'm a bit hesitant to change anything yet in case the soil is actually low in PH (which would actually fit your description a bit better).
I gave them a light dose of superthrive yesterday so am waiting for something to happen. Its been over a week now since I put in any grow juice and I'm wondering when I would notice any effects from that.
Any help would be great



one very pale and slightly crispy leaf

the underside of the same leaf. Kind of hard to tell under this light, but it has a slight purple tinge to it


little j

so im going to tell you, farmg, what i did today and we will learn together. maybe others too i hope. im convinced my plant has nute lockout. i got some ph strips and checked my tap and bottled water. both at 7.4-7.8 ph. bottled water at 140ppm, tap at 180ppm. whatever. i made a lemon juice drink and checked it and ph registered very low. 6-6.8. watered my love and we will see. both my plants have been affected seriously so i really cant f them up any more. lets hope for the best and if i have to water them wiht half a lemon forever so be it. thanks little j.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i see you have a dripper above it...Lose it ..I think you are overwatering....
..I see i already left a repley a few ago...i'l try to help a little further...
first off weight you r pots ...and it they are heavy stop watering them with that dripper..
then i suggest to take some distilled water...and a bit of soil from the pot...dig a bit dieper then the top layer...put it in a cup with a bit of the distilled water....let it sit for 5 min..and then measure the ph with that chemical testkit you got...that should give you the most accurate ph of your medium !!

do not ry to measure ph tru runoff anymore...these baby's are hurting already

and i checkt your other threads (wich i normally don't do)..and i saw you repotted...those 2 brand you used are to hot to start with seedlings...one is just a plain bag from a garden centre witch are way to high in nutrients.....and the other one (Daltons) has slow release fertz in it....those could be used for mature plants ...if that!

there are a few thing you have to adress now...otherwise your baby's won't make it....:2cents:


Dr. Doolittle
Those testers are not very good, you using the liquid kind?
Did you flush those plants out recently?

See the problem is, that pot is way to big for your plant, 12 in tall plant to 1 gallon size pot minimum, bigger pots help over watering by water sitting in the soil too long due to root mass not taking up the pot......

I would put a fan on her to help her dry up, first thing first, let her recover before you do anything else.


Hi stitch, havent flushed yet, I"m waiting for it to dry out a bit. I'll try and use some smaller pots on my next grow, maybe change my cab around a bit.

Core, I've only got the dripper there cos I have to go away for work sometimes and put on the water timer. Havent had to use it this time round yet though


MynameStitch said:
NUte lockout can be caused by nutrient burn, hence the word burn.

NUte lockout can do many different things to the plant, there is no nute burn alike since different strain and nutrients being used.

Another thing, we can't tell by one leaf, but I will say the leaf looks to be burned by too much nutes.

Having an over abundance of nutes will cause nutrient lockout to occur.

If a balance is offset you will show problems very quickly if in hydro and soil problems take longer to show and fix.

WHat is the amount of nutes you used and how often?
Where was this leaf taken from? Where on the plant?
how old is your plant and how old was the plant when you fed it nutes?
What brand of nutes you used?

Hey Stitch,

I was really perplexed by your response to this thread... rather than just being 'dumb' and blasting...I decided to read up on what you said.

Just trying to clarify what you've stated:
NUte lockout can be caused by nutrient burn, hence the word burn.

So based on this, if I reach an EC of 2.0 on a seedling, yet the pH is 5.8... this would, in your words, constitute nute lockout?

Sorry for my ignorance, and honestly, I'm humbly asking as I surely dont have all the answers - but I fail to see how I could tell someone they had nute lockout with the above configuration. To me, it would be obvious as their leaves would be seriously dark green (due to the pH and mobile N nute).

Could you go into further detail on your statement?

little j

i just want to update you guys on what the results were of my lemon juice flush., nothing. nothing has changed, still slowly turning brown leaf by leaf and dieing. its not talking up any water. it is just very slowly dieing. it may live for another week at this rate but i dont know how to turn this around. little j