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Desert Southwest Growers Union


Registered Medical Patient
whats up Shitake...just sayin hi, and wanted to give u some K+++ for what u did for NZJay!!!Good stuff man...Peace

- Z


Hi All~
I'm new here & this is the only thread(forum?) I'm subscribed to---why? Because it is a Southwest Growers Forum!
Am originally from somewhere north of El Paso Tx...but NOT Texas(lol).
Actually, I was raised around Las Cruces, and now live up in northern NM.
Just nice to have a place on this forum where there are other desert rats.
Now, make a cowgirl feel welcome and say "hi" to me. :rasta:

Viva NM!!!


Mora county, born and raised.Removed now to the east coast but hey....enjoy NM.This coast has nothing on the NM crew and all SW growers.Just stay there, please.Chaco, Mora's finest Anglo! :joint: :joint:
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Active member
welcome sweet Bruja Im a silver city man transplanted to nev for awhile, love NM and will move back someday, what you got going on girl?


sci- Whussup man? Sorry I missed your post. I think the flora sheild is just GH's variant of a beneficial bacteria product that everyone offers. It helps establish colonies of the good bacteria before any of the bad ones are able to take hold. Higher temps merely accelerate the rate of growth in your nute solution, so starting off with good bacteria can help you out in a high temp situation. The key of course is to avoid that all together. Not always an easy or affordable task during the DSW summers!

Zeus! Thanks for dropping by, mate. NZjay is the man! 'Nuff said :D he'd do the same for any of his crew!

Bruja- Welcome aboard! We're sporadic posters around here sometimes, but maybe we can reach critical mass here and show some of the rest of the world that we desert rats and expats alike can grow some DANK! Nice to get a little lady droppin' by! Make yourself at home.

Speaking of DANK...nice lookin' chunky nugs Chaco!

joes- Got those beans dropped yet? :D



Glad to se ya'll and glad to be able to pop in, makes feel temporarily removed from a fishing village on NE coast.Yeah EAT SHITKE thats my C99 X BUBBAKUSH from a friends garden this morning.I've been pimping it all around!!!Peace, Chaco. :joint: :joint:
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Hey Back 2 U All~

Today is (what else in June) hot n dry here in northern NM. Keep looking at the big ol' rain clouds over the mountains, but they are mocking me & I know we won't get a drop of rain today.

Silver City, huh? I spent many summers exploring the Gila Wilderness(had family there). Haven't been down there in years, but I hear it has turned into quite the artist community.

My brain says Mora county is further north than Albuquerque, but I can't remember where(hey, the brain cells started rebelling when I hit 40).

Currently I am in love with God Bud and use it for migraines and relaxation. Works wonders for me! :joint:


Active member
Gottagrow said:
Greetings from Nevada where today its 105F and the summer has started
I must be next door, ya hot is hot, my double d f2's seem to love it so far. And ES no.dropping nothing until after court, nervous as hell, court time is approaching .


Bruja64 said:
Currently I am in love with God Bud and use it for migraines and relaxation. Works wonders for me! :joint:

Have you ever tried sour bubble for migraines? How does god bud work on them, I am always looking for strains that can handle a migraine.
sweet... found my place!
hanging out down here in southern az
growin for a year, learned a lot since i started

hope to make some friends here on the boards, i've already gotten to know a few real cool cats...

take care and stay safe all, have a good one!


rule35sub1 said:
Have you ever tried sour bubble for migraines? How does god bud work on them, I am always looking for strains that can handle a migraine.

I've never tried sour bubble. Does it work? The god bud works for me. Just have to make sure and catch the migraine BEFORE it takes hold. I can always feel them starting(in my shoulder blade muscle). I take only 2 hits(usually that is all I need) and then let wait for my herb to take away the symtoms. Sometimes if I already have a full blown migraine I can smoke just enough to sleep and then get some relief. However, if I don't catch it in time the migraine is still there when I wake. Just read about a strain called 'Lifesaver' and am thinking I may try that next(just need to grow it). :joint:
What is the most reliable seed place in y'alls opinion? I used Kindseeds and actually had good luck with them. However, now I hear they are usually NOT a good place to order from.
BTW----how many posts do I need before I can put up some photos???
Ta! :wave:


Lifesaver was made by BOG who also made sour bubble. Sour bubble is decent, sounds like the god bud is working for you though. I am not sure what seed companies are good, I get all my stuff through trades.


Active member
Bruja seedbay is my only choice in getting seeds. they have delivered every order I have made in the last two years, Im a seed addict so thats a bunch of orders.


^^^Yeah, I'll definitely second that on seedbay. I've made a bunch of orders over the last few years and never ever had any problem.

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