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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)



Pirate138 said:
Some peeps need there meds and cant go thru a dry period.
For real yesterday was the shittiest day in a long time.
Had calmy hands and feet
couldn't eat
Head felt like a 50 pound weight with slight headaches every now and then.
All day until like 9pm when I got to smoke.


I'm sorry man, it's just been a little slow and sluggish lately. I'm gonna get things moving. I promise. :)


Sounds like it's time to take a little break...bro. I do it from time to time...go about a week without smoking. Just till I'm about to freak out and lose my cool...but then when I burn again...It works like it's suppose to, and I don't have to smoke nearly as much to get where I need to be. Like half as much... If I usually smoked 2 bowls to get high, it drops to 1 bowl to feel the same way. It's a lot easier on your stash as well. :joint:
Yeah sounds like a good idea every 3 months or something. :)


TheOneWill said:
For real yesterday was the shittiest day in a long time.
Had calmy hands and feet
couldn't eat
Head felt like a 50 pound weight with slight headaches every now and then.
All day until like 9pm when I got to smoke.
I know how you feel man.
I have to get right every morning or I am not good company. :cuss:


2 young kids. one wife. out of herbs = one hell of a ride. but i don't think i need herbs as much as i say i do. yea i broke my back. both arms and a collar bone. few hand bones. not all at once. so the pain is there. but a 1/4 every 2-3 days coupled with i feel im not even getting anything off it cuz im sky high 24/7. the fun of the act of smoke becomes mundane also. i like to break last 2 week before harvest. makes it that much more sweet.


I mean I just don't smoke just o get high. My lower part of my legs are messed up from skateboarding. Like my shin is fucked up and have a dent in my leg from a board going vertically down. It hurt. But not anymore :rasta:


yeah, the one joe had was kinda pink looking to me. I think the Kali pheno flowers quicker than the more Indica looking pheno


My cab is getting FULL. So I'm making me a tiny veg cab. Making some clones. Then use the tiny veg cab for the clones till there alright to flower. Flower them. Then kill off the dads an keep the female plants grow them, till takes up the rest of the space from killing the males off. Take some clones. Let it veg a little longer, then flower. But while I'm doing this I'm gonna start more seeds. Just don't know what ones to start.
Yall should see the list I got now. :)


the Revenant
TheOneWill said:
My cab is getting FULL. So I'm making me a tiny veg cab. Making some clones. Then use the tiny veg cab for the clones till there alright to flower. Flower them. Then kill off the dads an keep the female plants grow them, till takes up the rest of the space from killing the males off. Take some clones. Let it veg a little longer, then flower. But while I'm doing this I'm gonna start more seeds. Just don't know what ones to start.
Yall should see the list I got now. :)

No offense but ive never seen you write one word about anyone else except your self and your setup. Try commenting on others problems and stories, it makes conversation with you a little less insipid.


LOL Brneydbvr you got me on the floor. rofl
Actually I really can't skate more then a half hour because I get this real bad pain right around my knee caps. It sucks plus the street sucks since I moved. For The Lose.

I know I'm bit a to much asking and saying about myself. But let me know what's up with yalls cabs. I'll try to help. We really need some more pics in this thread.


the Revenant
Sorry guys, i can be a terse bitch. I hate waiting for some branches to dry.

brwnbeaver: when you gona start workin on your new cab? I swear you can get a 600w in a cab my size and use a cooltube and a lasko blower and i bet temps will be fine.
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Is there a big difference in strains on how much nitrogen they like?

Like if you give to little the stronger plant becomes weaker and the middle class becomes stronger. but if you give it a larger does the First stronger plant will be even better but will harm the middle class one aka nute burn.

I'm just saying it might be that or a small nute deficiency. (If plants are that seasonable to it)


TheOneWill said:
Is there a big difference in strains on how much nitrogen they like?

Like if you give to little the stronger plant becomes weaker and the middle class becomes stronger. but if you give it a larger does the First stronger plant will be even better but will harm the middle class one aka nute burn.

I'm just saying it might be that or a small nute deficiency. (If plants are that seasonable to it)
I have grew strains that burn very easy from too much N and I have grown some that can't seem to get enough. So yeah, The strain determines how much plant food they need or will take.


I was thinking of doing a coco grow with the small 16oz beer cups.
List of seeds I need help picking what ones to start out first.

OutLaw Genetics
DPD F2 x Pre98 bubba kush
DPD F2 x Big Bud
DPD F2 x Mental Floss

Master Low
Blueberry Feminised

SOG Seeds
Sweet Dutches F2
Double Dutches
Double Bubble
Misty bubble
BubbleLicious f2
Bubble n Squeak

Team Canada Seeds
Big Foot

Subcool Seeds
Space Queen F2
The Third Dimension
Royal Revenge
Agent Orange
Jack The Ripper
Astro Queen
Deep Purple

Monk Seeds
BubbaKush x DeepChunk f2

Dank Dairy Seeds
Purple K Krowberry x Quirkle

HotHouse Flowers

I'm gonna be making some serious crosses. So I'm gonna need some testers.