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For as long as I can remember I've wanted a neapolitan mastiff, I love the way mastiffs look and sound, and they've got a rich history.


Active member
bounty29 said:
For as long as I can remember I've wanted a neapolitan mastiff, I love the way mastiffs look and sound, and they've got a rich history.

I'm sure that they have a rescue group...please look into that if you are gonna get one...I'll help u find one if your interested.


Active member
Neapolitan mastiff

and of course my other boy...


not photos of my actual dogs, but these are my favorite kinds of dogs and I am an owner of both. I'll post some later but I'm lazy and my camera isn't charged up either. I'll get some motivation later.
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Active member
NOKUY said:
I'm sure that they have a rescue group...please look into that if you are gonna get one...I'll help u find one if your interested.
I can also help if you would like they have rescues just for mastiffs. I got mine from someone who was giving him away. I got mine as a puppy at 7 months old. I think I would be careful adopting an adult mastiff though but thats just my personal opinion.
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i stayed away from this thread, because i left a part of my heart in alaska with a mutt i loved. even now my emotions overwhelm me, but I feel the need to champion the mixed mutts being euphanaized everyday. adopt a dog. check a rescue shelter out. help our friends.

Indica...yeah her name was indica, I miss you.

i loved that dog...


Active member
Aye, I can understand that The_Leader. My dogs are a huge part of my family now and I couldn't imagine what its like to have to leave a dog. It must really be hard especially if you're like me. I can relate to dogs a lot easier than I can relate to humans. Its also easier for me to be around my dogs than it is people. I can talk to them and even though they don't answer back I still feel like I'm getting things off my chest and I can just sit there and watch em for hours upon hours.

I also agree... adopt and rescue a dog.
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Great pics and stories everyone! Keep'em coming. A dog is definitly mans best friend. I too like pets a lot more than I like most people. We had Beagles and Bassett's that we hunted when I was growing up. I've had mutt's too. All great dogs. I have a preference for bull breeds. Here's a pic of one of my current "furry children".

American Bulldog, Mack. From my own breeding. I've had a pretty long involvement with the breed.
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He's a year old this weekend! Love my dogs and will continue to post pics! All the dogs have looked great! These are current pics of my amstaff

here is a pic of him at about 3 and a half months
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Aww...so many cute doggies! My Favorite dog of all time is a Shiba Inu, sadly I do not have one as my companion at the moment :-(

Though I do have the cutest most chillest chihuahua on the face of this earth...no barking(none), no biting...just love and cuteness

Stoned Toki Dog


lives on planet 4:20
my all time favorite dogs...are pugs...just because of their attitude toward life...have never met another living being that is so chilled out and with so much desire to only do what she wants to do...never

also have a chihuahua (present to wife), a bullterier (guard dog, just in case) and a hairless chinese dog (but the one which has the hair...call her the wolf...because she is like a small white wild wolf) the first living being that can't adopt or get used to anything...I can understand why the American Indians used them to heat themselves and when were hungry just ate them...lol

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Listen to me jerky
southflorida said:
and a hairless chinese dog (but the one which has the hair...call her the wolf...because she is like a small white wild wolf)

I was about to get a chinese crested, but now I have to move to I decided to wait until I'm settled again. I want to get a hairless thou. I just can't get over how ridiculous they look. My gf says she's going to leave me if I get one....she's full of sh*t thou. For those of you that have never seen one here's a pic off google:

Doesn't get much weirder looking than that :nono: :laughing:


Active member
dont get one...sorry. (chineses crested)

get a big dog w/ hair like a malmute, komondor, or husky....or wolf hybrid

if your about a canine then get it done....dont play around.

and adopt one if u can.

i cant adopt a dog, but i wanna get me a new komondor puppy...things would be different this time so it would be a dif/less mean dawg.

just my 2cents which aint worth shit on here.


Listen to me jerky
NOKUY said:
dont get one...sorry. (chineses crested)

get a big dog w/ hair like a malmute, komondor, or husky....or wolf hybrid

if your about a canine then get it done....dont play around.

and adopt one if u can.

i cant adopt a dog, but i wanna get me a new komondor puppy...things would be different this time so it would be a dif/less mean dawg.

just my 2cents which aint worth shit on here.

What is the right way to get it done exactly? Playing around is all I want to do. I would love to get a Husky/Malmute or Rottweiler and some day I will own one of those breeds. Right now I do not have the room in my life for a dog that takes up that much space. If you have real reasoning behind saying not to get a chested then lets hear it. Like any breed they have their share of issues, but all breeds do. If you opinion is just based on the fact that they are tiny and funny looking than I can respect that I guess. I disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Adoption is the route to go if you ask me. I got my first dog as a puppy and while I can't be happier, from now on I'm gonna adopt. If you look long enough you can find puppies that are up for adoption from any breed.

When it comes to dogs, to each his own I guess.

As a side note I will say you have sparked my interest in learning more about komondors.