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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, depending on region, might be good or bad.......(soil,rainfall,etc), but, at minimum should have hit them with some nutes and crystals, and, sometimes....I throw something else into that mix...(I have heavy supplies on hand, so, last time, did nutes in about maybe 20lbs of Worm castings, and mixed that also into holes....so....main issues should usually be rainfall and pests/animals....), so, there we have several examples of minor things which can affect outcome, and, for example, instead of 7 days, could have waited it out until a little more established (instead of 7, maybe 12, etc...) The way I do things......7-10 days, I have good roots, but, problem to start with on pellets is of course they dry out a little quicker, so, moisture always the issue when doing em that small......if you water at planting (in addition to rains) helps a little more, and, crystals on top of that helps even more, etc, plus I always try to sink them as much as possible (ie: Get the pellet as far away from surface as is possible during planting......)

I mean, you want to bring em in.....so......just sayin.....the extra attention, etc, always better well spend and each and every step brings one closer to bringing them in, getting them established, etc......how one gets them in always very important when talking such planting.....

I hear you about mixing the two....but, if doing such an area....well, I wouldn't want to be going in there unarmed...(said before...I don't even jog unarmed :biglaugh:, so......it's an insurance policy for an event which may, or may not ever take place but, can make a difference......

Regarding the Wire?.....had thought about it recently....a shame it's done....was a big fan, so....big fan....hope more people discover as time goes on......still people going through it as time goes on.....I hadn't thought about it in a while.....

AF's?.......various approaches and methods?......well, as earlier...I have just been waiting until things which look good/better start to circulate, and, as of this point, I'm fairly satisfied in quality, and, will be doing something :smoke:....at some point :smoke:.....Have to try and do a run for fem stock first though....as much as possible on hand..:smoke:....I'm fairly confident in results with the approach I have in mind......

90 days, in and out, essentially no profile whatsoever, various times throughout season (then "typical" harvest time......)......very confident......and, from where I sit, I think absolutely nothing they can do to counter it.....:smoke:

Yeah, I'm underway on the AF's....(femmed).......it's underway as of this point/now.....Have been wanting to do such project for a while......Looking, planning, etc......which leads to things earlier, other thread, the topic....patience and planning.........You sit....you wait......you watch.....all the while preparing silently :smoke:...could be a month from now...2...could be spring, etc....larger projects, nothing bad ever came out of sufficient planning and prep....been wanting to do a certain project for 2-3 years now...maybe even more.....AF's will fit into that well regarding size...........so....stock should be on hand soon (last step)...so.....in whole scheme of things....acre...couple...90 days, early?.....insignificant (as far as observation, etc......) 100% confident..........100%......(which is quite a difference from even 80% confident )...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
One should be as serious as he/she can, when doing serious stuff. Deadly serious even when doing stuff we talk about here.

I did write the half joking questions above under a flashback to the book I read. Was thinking about it yesterday... But since you didn't read it and I put my words the way I did...

You know being serious while trying to accomplish something is one thing and the choice of goals is another. To come up with some ideas one has to be a freak :smoke: (or rather a freak in other peoples eyes). Like going to the Orinoco in the late 18th century being a German noble or testing electrical current on you own body until passing out. It doesn't have anything to do with punishing ones self or being a workaholic. It's the tremendous drive to accomplish something great in this case "measure the world", understand and explore, coupled with a mild insanity and the vision and confidence to do stuff no one did before. To be serious at a task that is not trivial requires serious drive. And to pick a spectacular goal requires vision and courage.

Planting whatever amounts of herb and bringing it in is a quite different thing than what Gauss or Newton accomplished. For that kind of shit one has to be a fuckin seriously driven genius.

It's not like being serious alone is worth anything concerning really spectacular stuff.

I really respect and admire scientist and scholars.
Maybe it doesn't have much to do with growing. But nevertheless your writing in this thread gets me thinking about such stuff. I'm sure you are very serious about your stuff, much more than many others and I admire it very much and want to emulate. That coupled with extensive experience, knowledge and wisdom makes your writings very interesting and starts me thinking about other seriously driven people.

As I said, one thing is how serious one is and another what goal one tries to reach. A lot of people never really think about the possibilities they have or deem them unaccomplishable. Other things are only within the grasp of a few.
Well, I don't know.....I think to accomplish anything in any area one needs all the same essential ingredients....I'm the same in other areas......."Grower" is not the label I would place on myself, just something I do.....a very, very small part of who I am, what I do, have done....(I'm sure the same for all of us..........if "Grower" sums up who any person thinks themselves to be, well, I'd say leave it alone for a while and proceed with life a little...:smoke:...Something I definitely enjoy though and can use all other thoughts on as far as projects and such....

You know....lot of angles to life, accomplishments, etc......what one does, thinks...etc.....topic bigger than all of us.......throughout the ages......anyway.....this stuff makes me think about too many things....the growing is much easier :smoke:
Yeah, Europe it is :D
I try to be as careful as I can without sticking out from the crowd looking too paranoid. Biggest risk is someone will find the spot.

I actually start fearing how big they will get. I'm toping them and will tie them down, but recently started wondering if they will not seriously outgrow they cover. I planted them quite early. We'll see. Heavy loam around might prevent huge rootball necessary for a huge plant.
Well, that's it...can top, lst, lot of things and don't underestimate native vegetation...couple months from now...might be very surprised.......depends on the spot...traffic, etc....surrounding vegetation, etc....I've done some truly shocking shit in past that was successful, so......the average persons mind, and interest, attention span, etc.....

I was on a shopping trip not too long ago, and, I gotta tell ya....all I could think after a while was "God these people have to be fuckin stupid to not know what I am doing" :biglaugh:......I would, in a second, by various things, shopping list, etc....I would, easily :biglaugh:......

On that note: Let's address something regarding discussions earlier...people's perceptions, etc.....

For some of us....many of us :smoke:.....green is an integral part of our lives...in many ways......what we do occasionally for recreation....what we work on...what we work with...what we research....and something we know well....

Many know we tend to look at things through our own experience(s)....we sometimes assume all know what we know......etc....

There are many, many people who don't even know what a plant looks like.......(Many older....many younger.....many between....not everyone smokes....not everyone cares...or has an interest in green...

We think everyone knows what we know, and things will be "automatically spotted right away".......

Now, let's go over that for a moment, shall we?.....

How would one know, (or not) what a flowering plant looks like?....

Let's break that down, shall we?.....

Are we to assume every person who has never smoked, or drank, or any other vice has spent time looking at pics in magazines?.....comes on sites such as these and see pics?.....

How many can tell the difference between a violet, a marigold, a daisy, or a peone?.....

How many can look at a garden in veg and tell what are cucumbers, strawberries,spinach,lettuce? :smoke:

Now, some will say "well, anyone in mainstream knows because they see it one the news when they bust grows?...


So I can show you a strawberry leaf in veg 2 times and you will be able to spot them immediately for the rest of your life?........

I think such is an overestimation of the general publics retention of knowledge........I'm sure schools would be interested to know people possess such memories :smoke:

Some people who don't party...some people who do.....and some who may, or may not but are thieves are what we are talking about...

100% of the population be able to recognize at a distance from a glance immediately?....

I don't think so

(Maybe they would be better off learning what poison ivy, oak and sumac are first, since they are 100 times more likely to encounter those in their lives :smoke:...

Sure point is made...observation a concern?...of course...always...target is no one will ever see during growth...

But that does not mean that traffic at a distance will uncover without a doubt......

I'm at the "four plants on the windowsill" level :smoke: My first outdoor so I expect to learn a lot and get a feel of the plant. One has to learn to walk before he attempts flying and crashing hard due to lack of experience.
Well, I'll tell you....anyone on this site right now has an unlimited advantage over those who are not, from many angles...(we see bust stories of people committing security mistakes that we consider basic.......we have unlimited knowledge at disposal on a moments notice..(I've spend the last couple times on here researching femming and AF's....readily...without an issue and getting commentary from those with more experience than I, and, before that, the same with coco......etc, etc......)

As above, I have novices right now assisting with major ops......at least one of which couldn't run a decent 1k on his own start to finish.....

"Get a feel" though is priceless........and, personally, I think the greatest factor about being successful with any size grow.......because that is what it's all about......anything else can be read.....spoken, etc....without a "feel" of the process from start to finish, well, puts one at a disadvantage, and an example how someone even doing one run has immeasurable knowledge compared to one who has no runs under belt...
I hope to have a bunch of clones for the minis. I won't be able to cut clones until july for the lack of mothers... I have one revegging, but hell knows how she'll look in a months time. But supply of clones from a friend is an alternative option.
Just need a couple spots with soil that doesn't require much prep :/

I don't cage my plants - difficult to get a halfway decent cage into the spot. I'd rather plant twice or thrice more

Also I find coco bricks very handy. Light and compact. And as you said: bust them up and let the rain bring the water. I have a creek at the spot so i did chuck them into it for 10min, to make the busting up easier, after some heavy rain they expanded twice more.
Yeah, that occurred to me on site actually...(break them up or just let rains expand and then mix them in right before planting.......and, think very efficient and effective......some left whole on top in upper holes, then some busted apart lengthwise, but, the ones busted apart lengthwise worked much better........

Some spots where drilled hole , bottom filled with a little water was truly effortless....just throw them in holes (even from a distance :biglaugh:), and, then worked way back around after drilling more to continue and were already expanded...all being of course very small and simple things, but, saving quite a bit of time and resources......(Water saved on expansion saved/used for planting instead....volume of holes, no expanding and waiting maybe several hours worth of time, etc....and, I was very pleased (always am) at something that can be utilized and save time.....Ones left...rains will come, top of hole will also develop small puddles, etc, and, when back to plant will turn into hole (already prepped) quick, and plant.....

Compact?....absolutely....:smoke: Light?.....well, not by the truckload, that's for sure :biglaugh: (cases felt like maybe......50-60lbs each?....)

Yeah, I miss my perfect native soil of the last batches, that's for sure :smoke:..........very much :biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Purkle said:
Great posts julian.
Thanks..........I enjoy writing them too most of the time.....

As above......such a site (and others)......priceless resources.....where else can one have ongoing discussions with countless other experienced growers?......Fuck, I draw just as much as anyone else.......priceless resources contributing to ones projects......in truly measurable and significant ways I think :smoke:...
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Well, the bricks themselves aren't light of course. Fuckin bricks he he.
But just a fraction of the weight of the water they absorb, which we don't need to carry.

As above......such a site (and others)......priceless resources.....where else can one have ongoing discussions with countless other experienced growers?......Fuck, I draw just as much as anyone else.......priceless resources contributing to ones projects......in truly measurable and significant ways I think ...

Internet is a beautiful thing :D And this site is indeed priceless.
I have a friend with a history of 10 years of commercial indoor growing (not massive - 200 plants, 6k). He knows how to take care of plants very well (and not only cannabis), but he knows only one approach. He's got experience, but only with 2 strains and one way of growing them. We talk and I have to explain stuff all the time.
Fantastic source of info and ideas IC is.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
Well, the bricks themselves aren't light of course. Fuckin bricks he he.
But just a fraction of the weight of the water they absorb, which we don't need to carry.
I know, I was fuckin around :biglaugh: Well, see, my angle is you still have to haul the water, but can use that for planting instead and leave excess on site instead of using to expand the bricks.....so don't have3 to haul for planting and expanding......just planting....(and, if you come back when expanded after, during, and before next rains, well, once again, that much less water you have to bring for planting, so...all about efficiency, minimizing trips and work, etc (and, likewise, the energy for extra hauling and expanding can be saved and focused on planting, etc.......)
Internet is a beautiful thing :D And this site is indeed priceless.
I have a friend with a history of 10 years of commercial indoor growing (not massive - 200 plants, 6k). He knows how to take care of plants very well (and not only cannabis), but he knows only one approach. He's got experience, but only with 2 strains and one way of growing them. We talk and I have to explain stuff all the time.
Fantastic source of info and ideas IC is.
Well, not only....all sites in general with info and good people......I know quite a few ho have never been online and such, and, the amount of knowledge they could gain within just a single week wading through relevant topics....immeasurable...

Such people tend to be a little too behind and a little too firm (on opinions of things...) :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some other notes...........

Going to be doing a lot of work on producing stock this year...shooting for BOG SB fems and the Pink fems, and, quite a bit of stock......(a lot....)

Also have in mind and underway doing some AF fem runs on some things, as soon as I figure out some fine print on procedure....(If AF's go straight to flower, how does one identify fems to treat in advance of flower for process, etc)....

Also still looking for the RKS stock...came across 1-2 things, but, not what I would consider priceless, but, will turn up eventually......and, when time, I will toss some out of all of the above to appropriate secure channels so people can get a taste if they want...would like to get the pink to someone who will work it, because truly exceptional....

(All above if I get enough stock...excess......needs are at least 200k BOG, 200k Pink, and at least 50-60k femmed AF's.........RKS....when I come across it, sure no shortage, so....)

Just curious and interested in stability issues in a couple cases...(Not a breeder, limited in depth knowledge, still checking things out....) SB and Pink very stable....just a little uncertain regarding AF x AF femmed, and stability and uniformity of resulting stock...
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Discussions earlier on longer time in pellets and going out in pellets, and, here's an example.(Don't even ask about thumb, I looked at my hand for a while after seeing that pic.....I'm almost at fighting weight, so, not sure wtf that came from...bone, muscle? position when took pic? :biglaugh: Looks like Dom DeLouise :biglaugh:)

Of course many things going many places...some in 3" ers, some in 5" ers, and, prefer a little more established (roots) when going out, but, they looked okay, and, that's actually a lighter one......some much more, but, figured they would do fine, and had to get em out.....(I also sink em as much as possible, up to first set....that's the danger in pellets out, which I know and why I usually prefer more established in 3's is of course pellets dry out fuckin quick...), so...(They had to go, various reasons...)..that's the issue with pellets, earlier, later, whenever, but, as one see's from above....fairly established....but, one reason and bright side is how compact.....can get almost 100 per small tray, 400 per large tray, with 1,000 at a time fitting in an average 4 door sedan....so.....(even almost all in trunk..depending on containers and how packed....so....)

(Also note the cotyledons looking like the day they popped :smoke:.......as earlier, I start feeding and under 1k's as soon as they pop, so :smoke:....not a practice I would recommend to newer people......I think those in pic are about 10-11 days or so...(BOG SB btw...I believe...could also be the Lemon stuff (Pink).......)

I had to look that up btw (cotyledons).....forgot wtf those were called....guess that horticulture professors job isn't calling back :biglaugh: :smoke:.....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some other quick notes regarding the effectiveness of prep, surface conditions vs. any depth and such.....

I mentioned earlier drilling and having the bottom fill up...........

Okay.........it will not be like that for long....it will eventually drop, and dry up as we get into summer.......


That bottom 6" and more up the hole was worked, prep, coco, crystals, nutes, etc, and, make no mistake.....that wet lower hole?......if roots hit that?...that alone might be enough to carry it a month and a half without watering or rain......soaking rain within a month or so enough to carry another month, etc, so, another aspect of prep and what is can and can't do and the importance of how you get things in at any time planting.........How long is that good for?...I dunno, but, going to be a long time before those lower levels get bone dry and even longer till they heat up to anything above 70...

(Should also be noted between the groundwater, coco and crystals and other stuff, that 6" moisture level raised almost 2' after hydration and expansion of all materials used....ones with a little more almost to the top and we did slightly raised mounds as is appropriate for such (but, again, month or two?...water level and moisture will have dropped and some serious penetration taking place, which is usually obvious by growth rates and patters...(visable....)

Water level will drop, I know that from a fact from seasonal weather patterns of area.....just wet spring, and, closer to water sources nearby, but, they will pull back, and leave it dry.....but, the bottoms of those holes will be staying moist and cool far long past it receding...which all is, in my mind, one of the most important aspects of initial prep and getting them in right......soon after initial planting they should get enough penetration so surface conditions less of an issue (no rain, etc)......and, once they are truly established....(ie: If you get them in 6", once they hit 2', etc....they're good to go, and can take even more...)
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wow.you guys seem really technical(sp?) at a quick glance.I mean it in a good way.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
cellardweller said:
wow.you guys seem really technical(sp?) at a quick glance.I mean it in a good way.
Well, thanks man, but, fuck, I had to look up "cotyledons", so......so much for that :smoke:.....

Nah....other threads covering that (technical)....just trying to add here what one may do following....


5000 femmd AFs could yield you approx $562K @ 32 with a 90% success rate. 4kw indoors with 5 packs of AF seeds: hit them all with CS, 25 females x 200 seeds per, would get you there. Start indoors Nov 1 be finished July 1 and take the rest of summer off.(Was wondering about seed maturity/drying times necessary?? Can seed be germed immediately after dried?) or maybe late season AF x AF outdoor seeded patch for stock, 10 weeks almost unnoticeable I would think finishing so short..ability to do more solid patches. Would be nice to have have large qty of fem'd AF on hand early on in the year. As you said couple acres fem'd AFs early on has a nice ring to it and well timed for the summer dry spell...:) Hope you have good results with the AF stocks.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
My estimates are a little different :smoke:, but, will point out a couple things for others curiosities how it breaks down.....

kbn727 said:
5000 femmd AFs could yield you approx $562K @ 32 with a 90% success rate.
5,000, at roughly one per sq. ft. would only be a space of 25' x 200' of 2' max plants.........

Considering time of season (atypical) and the size, and the speed of finish?.....one could theoretically secure a property, plant, and be wrapped up within 90 days, at a time when their not in force, not conducting aerial missions, and all at a size where someone at a distance would not think twice...
I'd put that though at roughly 5,000 x $187 (breakdown on 3k per), which should come out at somewhere around 900k....

Likewise....could say a 40' x 125' space or so....(average metro lot.....more or less depending which metropolitan area or suburb one is in....)
4kw indoors with 5 packs of AF seeds: hit them all with CS, 25 females x 200 seeds per, would get you there. Start indoors Nov 1 be finished July 1 and take the rest of summer off.
I would be doing outdoor run immediately.....target group up to 500 females...finished by August......
(Was wondering about seed maturity/drying times necessary?? Can seed be germed immediately after dried?)
I am not a breeder, nor claim to be nor an area of my expertise, but, I will tell you this: I have notice my germ rates on my own stock blow away anything I have ever bought, and, stock is never my main concern...(ie: Product is, dried, clipped, cured, or kept and done slow for bubble......and stock pulled from that, and, everything last several years has had 100% germ rates within 48hrs each and every time, so...wouldn't matter what I read today.....I would not alter the handling with previous rates above.....better than what I have bought most of the time, so.....So, with an August finish, would be germing them for project say...April following year, or whenever I chose to....
or maybe late season AF x AF outdoor seeded patch for stock, 10 weeks almost unnoticeable I would think finishing so short..ability to do more solid patches. Would be nice to have have large qty of fem'd AF on hand early on in the year. As you said couple acres fem'd AFs early on has a nice ring to it and well timed for the summer dry spell...:) Hope you have good results with the AF stocks.
I wish I would have had them in January...would be halfway done with run as we speak almost...

I deleted a bunch of stuff.

Anyway....Acre is roughly 40,000 sq. ft. Which translates into roughly a 200' x 200' space....which, depending where and when and how one does it, in the whole scheme of things, is not a lot....... (example: I know of a 10 acre field clearing somewhere with grass 3 feet and very green :smoke:....no aerial issues in history of property......locations and options are endless.....

Anyway...my curiosity is just stability and uniformity of stock if doing AF x AF fem run.....doing my little research...(I frequently throw myself into crash courses on things which I am lacking a little.....)

It will get done. It will work. That?...will make sure to save some pics when all is said and done :smoke:....

Nah, I'd put them at 1 per sq. ft (maybe 1.2 and allow for some working room here and there...would have to map it out first...) and average them at a z and see how it came out....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
A lot of people tend to get busy, and forget.....Holiday weekend......be very careful if you intend on driving with plants.....

Lot of places have roadblocks set up, checkpoints........

Be Careful.....

(Better off taking them out Friday morning.......some places had them going up Friday night, and will through the weekend at various locations.....)

Also of note is you can check some sites (Your State Police, etc) and in some cases they do have locations published ....in others not......

Always be careful on these Holidays if bringing plants....

(Actually, better not to at all.......)

Same with 4th of July....


Yeah good point on not getting out during the weekend, they are determined to bust you up. I was real close to getting out this weekend, been so fucking dry, looks like rain probable, but, chances are ill be holding out, just a little longer, not much, my ins need water everyday now and are drying out fast, and growing real fast, 25-26inches now

I'm planning on doing a fem run ATM, some LUI fems, and some LUIs crossed with some Deisel crosses, and probably a Menage a Trois fem of some sort, such a healthy grower for me, gotta be over 3ft Im sure,

but, I'm still interested in the AF fems, I guess you just pick your packs of AF varieties, spray all(or half?) of plants with CS, pick pollen producing fems(cut straight males) and hit everything with the pollen?

Hmm, if that seems to be the latest fad, I might order some AFs instead of fems, either way, I expect a lot of this year to be reinvested (of course after a little investment in some legit shit too) but always, our priorities are security first, so, an AF fem batch is very very desireable for any grower, assuming they are sticky stinky potent buds still
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
Yeah good point on not getting out during the weekend, they are determined to bust you up. I was real close to getting out this weekend, been so fucking dry, looks like rain probable, but, chances are ill be holding out, just a little longer, not much, my ins need water everyday now and are drying out fast, and growing real fast, 25-26inches now
Well, not about getting out, but about carrying plants.....Most checkpoints DUI and seat belt and such, but, some places may take it further (K9's on site)....and, you just never know.....ie: Not a good idea to load up and willingly drive through checkpoints with plants, etc....some don't think about it, some forget, etc......I actually wanted to post that yesterday, but, see, forgot about posting it myself......)

(Years and years ago when they first started I actually drove through one with about 1200 plants on me.......ticketed for no seat belt......passenger also ticketed........)
I'm planning on doing a fem run ATM, some LUI fems, and some LUIs crossed with some Deisel crosses, and probably a Menage a Trois fem of some sort, such a healthy grower for me, gotta be over 3ft Im sure,

but, I'm still interested in the AF fems, I guess you just pick your packs of AF varieties, spray all(or half?) of plants with CS, pick pollen producing fems(cut straight males) and hit everything with the pollen?

Hmm, if that seems to be the latest fad, I might order some AFs instead of fems, either way, I expect a lot of this year to be reinvested (of course after a little investment in some legit shit too) but always, our priorities are security first, so, an AF fem batch is very very desireable for any grower, assuming they are sticky stinky potent buds still
I don't know about Fad....I've been wanting to do a run for a couple years but was waiting for different things to be released, and, of course, as above, my interest is for specific traits enabling specific projects, so........to each his own.....unless a specific situation.....and specific projects in mind.....I could see how some see no use for them in their lives.........I have a use, so :smoke:......

The issue that I am trying to get clarified at the moment is that one is supposed to treat (regardless of method) females in advance (pre flowers indicating) of flower......but, if AF's run straight in.......well, how is that possible (to treat 2 weeks before flower)....

I know a couple have done CS/STS fem runs, so......That is current curiosity....if no pre flowers, and straight into flower (AF's), then how are females identified and treated prior to flowering?......Trying to get to the bottom of that.....(They very well may....I have never run AF's, so, not sure how they proceed......)

Just thought I'd post the above reminded....know a loot of people not nearly done yet....so.......we sometimes forget such things.....(I forgot to mention it, so......I try to remind everyone every year on such holidays......)


spots, planting out, you know, ive been circling more and more around my spots, trying to determine if i could park closer, how hard itd be to see me, so, a few notes I thought to self, and to make sure i know my plan a little more

dressed in black, its hard to see people, very little chance of being seen, if you notice, because cars have huge glaring lights that tell you they are coming, all you have to do is respond, but also bware of porches or any home that can see you, im a late night 'watcher' myself, sit out at many unknown hours,

parking, if truly urban or done with security in mind as it should, you should only be parked there twice, and you should only have product on you at one time in that car, as you unload and walk away from it, into your hiding places, then, you work for a few hours in a (assuming) very dark/quite place, returning to your car empty handed (ok, bottles? tools? nutes? have to go somewhere, but id think maybe drop these in one black garbage bag, along path, and then drive and pick up, maybe not) but then your in car, leaving spot, got 'associated tools' in trunk, but at that point your gone, home free until you return in estimated harvest, at which point you hit your parking spot, ditch into your hiding again, and cut and pull, wrapping up into bags again, which are thrown down side of somewhere, back to car, empty handed, drive off, (here you circle? first? leave and return later, but not to really park, so much as pull over and piss/pick something up, where hopefully you can see someone coming a ways off still

umm, am i understanding this right pretty much? with this thinking, what should the approach be, it seem once you start urban, or any stuff going out, you want to clean up inside as quick as possible, some of us dont have multiple properties, in other names, to continue vegging in peace, while still putting stuff out, would it be smarter, for people with less resources, to try and get all out within a week/ 2? or something, or does it all kinda just fall on its only as risky as you make it? ie, were you seen out, do you have especially bad feelings, etc?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
spots, planting out, you know, ive been circling more and more around my spots, trying to determine if i could park closer, how hard itd be to see me, so, a few notes I thought to self, and to make sure i know my plan a little more
1. You don't want to park too close......(urban or otherwise, always, period.....)

Of course reason being you never want any one person or sightline to see you, car, path, spot....You also want to be able to get out of there and get back to vehicle and know safe and no connection to vehicle, so......(this can vary on location, but, sure you see point.....)
dressed in black, its hard to see people, very little chance of being seen, if you notice, because cars have huge glaring lights that tell you they are coming, all you have to do is respond, but also bware of porches or any home that can see you, im a late night 'watcher' myself, sit out at many unknown hours,
Me too, but, person walking down the street with bags from store isn't that suspicious compared to options.....:smoke:...a very natural occurrence seen daily....black helps for spot and night.....ie: Imagine if wearing white t shirt with no sleeves....:smoke:......You need some help with visibility....

I have lot of stuff, and couple black sweatsuits/running suits, solid black (actually hard to find without stripes.......)
parking, if truly urban or done with security in mind as it should, you should only be parked there twice, and you should only have product on you at one time in that car, as you unload and walk away from it, into your hiding places, then, you work for a few hours in a (assuming) very dark/quite place,
Should stop and note/repeat: Leave any and everything not absolutely necessary....Phone specifically, and, ideally, have pockets that zipper for keys and such...such stuff easy to fall out if you have to get out of there......(I bring smokes and lighter, etc...sometimes take a break halfway through but that should also be watched and in zipped pockets........(watch if smoking......lighter can be soon from quite a ways, as can cherry from a smoke, so, always cup everything...blow smoke downward, not upward...
returning to your car empty handed (ok, bottles? tools? nutes? have to go somewhere, but id think maybe drop these in one black garbage bag, along path, and then drive and pick up, maybe not) but then your in car, leaving spot, got 'associated tools' in trunk, but at that point your gone, home free until you return in estimated harvest, at which point you hit your parking spot, ditch into your hiding again, and cut and pull, wrapping up into bags again, which are thrown down side of somewhere, back to car, empty handed, drive off, (here you circle? first? leave and return later, but not to really park, so much as pull over and piss/pick something up, where hopefully you can see someone coming a ways off still
You should always take everything, never leave anything, and, I personally pack anything same way I brought it, dump any trash asap, then gloves and spade go right in pockets........

Btw........I never put stuff in trunk......(for urban.........opening trunk to take stuff out a little more suspicious than pulling out of car..(like groceries, etc)...and, if it's a little far, then, when closer, I will move from trunk, but, I , personally, never go into trunk when getting out to walk to site....

Might be differences of opinions....and that's fine, but, I don't.....and, had an experience not too long ago where I think trunk would have cause a serious, serious problem..........
umm, am i understanding this right pretty much? with this thinking, what should the approach be, it seem once you start urban, or any stuff going out, you want to clean up inside as quick as possible, some of us dont have multiple properties, in other names, to continue vegging in peace, while still putting stuff out, would it be smarter, for people with less resources, to try and get all out within a week/ 2? or something, or does it all kinda just fall on its only as risky as you make it? ie, were you seen out, do you have especially bad feelings, etc?
Bottom line is if you are grabbed (anywhere, urban, rural, couple plants or a lot of plants) They will be going through your registered address shortly.....without a doubt........period......so.....all depends on what and where and how one is doing....This also includes supplies and such...everything......(Put them somewhere else......)

Little fanatical?...Maybe, but, reasons are above, and are valid, despite any opinions on it either way....

Was talking to someone about something else recently.....Me? I don't even own a fuckin scale.......(well, not true...I own, like....20.......but they are always somewhere else...when I need one, I get it, use it (somewhere esle), and, when done, off it goes....)

You always want to be as clean as possible at all times...


Btw........I never put stuff in trunk......(for urban.........opening trunk to take stuff out a little more suspicious than pulling out of car..(like groceries, etc)...and, if it's a little far, then, when closer, I will move from trunk, but, I , personally, never go into trunk when getting out to walk to site....

Might be differences of opinions....and that's fine, but, I don't.....and, had an experience not too long ago where I think trunk would have cause a serious, serious problem..........

hmm, yeah thanks for clearing that up, im still gathering the situation, the whole picture, i have been practicing motion, and trunk thing did indeed seem odd

im gonna lay off any technical plans, and just sort of keep rolling through, see where I can take advantage, 'hide in the places where the enemy cannot be', and continue scouting spot, night, mornig, afternoon, weekdays, weekends, this one a really promising spot, might be able to do 400 or more minis, just a handful of straight dark roads, 1-2 miles each going there, scattered houses, tracks nearby, trying to find a semi-comfortable place to be jumping into/out of


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
hmm, yeah thanks for clearing that up, im still gathering the situation, the whole picture, i have been practicing motion, and trunk thing did indeed seem odd
Your overthinking......key is natural behavior....

Walking home from a store......a guy jogging, etc..........As close to "normal" as possible.........
im gonna lay off any technical plans, and just sort of keep rolling through, see where I can take advantage, 'hide in the places where the enemy cannot be', and continue scouting spot, night, mornig, afternoon, weekdays, weekends, this one a really promising spot, might be able to do 400 or more minis, just a handful of straight dark roads, 1-2 miles each going there, scattered houses, tracks nearby, trying to find a semi-comfortable place to be jumping into/out of
Well, you'll know when you see it.....and know by the feeling......(earlier being a given about distinction between natural nervousness and otherwise....)

Lot of spaces throughout the entire nation.......millions upon millions......you'll know which is good......Just be prepped, and "ready to commit"......once your there, your there.......get it done.....get it done right...pay attention to everything around you, etc........
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