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We're on it, count us in for strong daimoku for a speedy recovery!

We're on it, count us in for strong daimoku for a speedy recovery!

PassTheDoobie said:
Hey Bonz! Open the doors!

Dudes I have the flu! Who's got my back?


Yo T I got your back brother, always! Thank you so much for always supporting me and Babba with Daimoku, Encouragement, and Brotherhood.

Today's quotes from "The Human Revolution"

"Religious freedom means humans are free to judge for themselves which religions are meaningful and which are shallow, which ones exalt human dignity and which ones degrade it. Kosen-rufu will never be achieved without religious freedom.
(Pages 67-68)

"The Leader's determination at each moment is what counts. People are sensitive. No one should ever forget how deeply a responsible person's determination could influence his or her work and society."
(Page 54)

"Everyone's ability has limits, and this is where fortune- or the lack of it- comes into play. The wise will not necessarily be successful, while those who look like fools may enjoy success beyond their dreams. Life is infinitely subtle and complex."
(Page 56)



P.S. I got 3 As in school and waiting on my final class to submit a grade. I started chanting daimoku earlier this year to get all A's in every class and get into the school of my choice. A few of you have joined me in this pursuit and I will continue to support everyone who needs my prayers to achieve thier goals and personal mission.

This thread is the treasure chest of ICMAG, perhaps DG and Gypsy will pop in soon and post up some respect! Thank you to everyone for keeping this going and let's keep rolling on the Buddhism Freeway!



If you think of the beginning of existence as the beginning of time you are wrong. Time and energy extend forever into the future and the past. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so it must have always existed and must continue to exist. You are energy and I am energy. You and I have always existed and we will exist into the future beyond the destruction of existence. We are energy coursing in human form, in a state of constant light speed transition. -DK

G. Sensi

Love and Joy Each of You...

Blessings DK, Words so True^^"....What was in the Beginning is Now and Ever shall be World without End..."

I LOVE this thread! I came to IC to learn about cultivating the Herb and THIS is what I find!!!??? :D Simply Amazing!




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast, nor do its cubs."

(On Persecutions Befalling the Sage - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 997) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 21st, 2008


Active member
PassTheDoobie said:
"Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast, nor do its cubs."

(On Persecutions Befalling the Sage - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 997) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 21st, 2008

Who or what do ya'll fear most. Lets get real and dig deep here.

I'LL start off, i am in fear of my own self worth i doubt and put MYSELF down, when in reality i excell above and beyond whatever i put my mind to, please my friends dont get me wrong, im am not saying that i am special in any way, im just damn good (again) at what ever i REALLY want to do or achieve. I was on my own at 16, raised by hippies which was awesome on the love side but i was never "taught" how to live life. How to prepare for the future, i had to learn that myself and right now im actually teaching/sharing with my mom on how to do that cause (bless her soul) she never knew how to either? But, things have never been more honest and real between her and i as they are now, and i think it just blows her away at times? We only have ONE mamma and as fucked up as i am right now i have dropped all the bullshit and give her the UTMOST respect.

So why do i hide, why do i beat myself up? why does it take me so long to open the doors? what tha fuck?

juat thought i would throw this out there so we got somethin to really CHEW on, you feel me?

insight requested and greatly apreciated.

all my deepest respect and love


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


In The Gosho "Embracing The Lotus Sutra" Nichiren is quoted saying "Lack of faith is the basic failing that causes a person to fall into hell. Therefore, the sutra states, “If with regard to this sutra one should harbor doubt and fail to believe, one will fall at once into the evil paths.”

Bonz, that is the key for us, overcoming the self doubt. Bow in front of the mirror of your life and Bow to yourself as the Buddha you are. I observe Gohonzon to be Nichiren and I'm of the same mind as Nichiren so then we have to reach out and read his words and also chant vigorously so we could smash up the obstacles.

I'm a friggin rollercoaster ride of a human but a Buddha nonetheless. So are you dog, if we weren't brothers why would we pour our life out on this and keep connected through the thickest most roughest rides we have to endure. I started reading President Toda's history for this purpose, to overcome deep deep karmic issues I got and also suss out the f ucking cobwebs and shit and polish the diamond that I am. Your a diamond too and appreciate others like diamonds but its the whole picture, not just this and that so we gotta get it together at every moment and WALK HARD. FEARLESS, we know what it's like to be bold. It is so important to base the moves we make on faith and there it is, Faith Based Action.

Otherwise you know how uncivilized us icmag ruffians can get from time to time! LOL!

Truly we're crossing this impasse with Faith, Unity, and A Greater Vision for Kosen-rufu!



Active member

lil speachles at the moment, gotta take that all in.

and congradulations on all your A's, i never had any doubts that you would ace it bro.

takin it in and opening the doors again.

peace love and deepest respect


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
Scegy!!!!!!!!!!! Check in bro!!!


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Each and every one of us is important,
carrying out our own very unique and noble mission.
Rather than comparing ourselves to others,
let's confidently live out our own true selves.
It is for those who continue to advance
that the door of glory will open.

Daisaku Ikeda

* The wisdom of Buddhism can also shed considerable light on the question of diversity. Because one central tenet of Buddhism is that universal value must be sought within the life of the individual, it works fundamentally to counter any attempt to enforce uniformity or standardisation.

In the teachings of Nichiren we find the passage, "The cherry, the plum, the peach, the damson ... without undergoing any change..." This passage confirms that there is no need for all to become "cherries," or "plums," but that each should manifest the unique brilliance of his or her own character.

This simile points to a fundamental principle of appreciation for diversity that applies equally to human beings and to social and natural environments. As the concept of "revealing one's intrinsic nature" (Jp jitai kensho) indicates, the prime mission of Buddhism is to enable each and all to blossom to the fullest of our potential. The fulfilment of the individual, however, cannot be realised in conflict with, or at the expense of, others, but only through active appreciation of uniqueness and difference, for these are the varied hues that together weave the flower gardens of life.
(SGI President's lecture delivered at the East-West Centre, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In all times and places, ingratitude has been abhorred. This is a fact of history. The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca denounced ingratitude as the worst of all crimes. Things start falling apart when we forget our debts of gratitude. Ingratitude was at the heart of the actions of all those who abandoned their faith and betrayed the Soka Gakkai."

SGI Newsletter No. 7542, 17th SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 3 [OF 3] Gratitude Is Essential to Being Human, April 23rd 2008, appeared in Seikyo Newspaper April 28th, translated May 16th, 2008


Active member
hey bonzo bro, and the others

what do i fear the most?hm to not get my sex life back/on the feet once in my life
and if i fail to achive my inner peace i'll be pissed ---> which is connected with how i interact with ppl
to die before i live

things like that would piss me off greatly

i stopped doubting so much in one part of my life and that's religion/belief, i accepted the offered gohonzon and i'm recieving it next saturday --> gotta make a butsudan before i get it

well i gotta tell ya, getting along with a girl is a difficult part once u count in the sex, the life and all the other aspects of life

mothers are one of those girls...i'm the youngest one in my family and i almost died when i was born or something like that...so you must see how a paranoid mother reacted to that....the rest of the family was put aside, along with her housband and it's hard hard to come through her and get her to realize what she did the past years and to try to fix it ASAP
did have quite a few hourly talks with her about it...but still when i'm not around to remind her she forgets about it and makes the same mistakes....man this is a long long plan, i would love to see my brother, sister, mother and father happy again
and i can't do shit while i have my own "big" problems, i feel paralized sometimes

anyway NMRK is something that keeps me up no matter what, thank you

bonzo i had the opposite thing in my family, everthing was just a big preparation for the future, without love and mystery
now i always loved love and mystery so as you said it is hard to watch yourself going the same roads that ur parrents did, all i can say is, persist brother, no matter what it is always an answear that cannot be debated, either by you or me

hope i'm not 100% off course cos i'm hungry as a wolf and buzzed, gotta fix some dinner

love to you all!


Active member
Hi Scegy my Brotha! Man i dont feel like i should be givin' ANYONE advice, but i will sy it like i see it. Your a special dude Scegy, youve shown no fear and have questioned honestly and openly this whole deal, worth my brotha of big respect.

How can you be off course Scegy when your just speaking your own truth?

Sex is your "BIG" problem? OK lighten up for a sec, i KNOW Scegy you could walk out your front door and prolly gat laid within an hour. So this whole "sex" thing is not a "huge"

Now lets get down to "problems" TRY not to make or look at one obstacle as being bigger than any other in your life, believe me its one of my favorite things to do, make Mountains out of Molehills. You seem to me to be quite Dilegent in your practice, theres nothing that can stop you Scegy but you, your on a roll my brotha, KEEP ROLLING, FAITH, FAITH , FAITH BRO!!!! along with action ,(read easy's post)

I feel as though i have no biusness giving anyone advice, however i have learned i thing or two along the way here and i brought up this subject and am going to follow through!!!

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!

Let the doors swing open, tha Mystic magic is right in front of ya Scegy, grasp it and dont let it go!

Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo!!!! Your getting your Gohonzon!! Dont get all tripped out about a Butsudan, if your recieving Gohonzon in a week and you think (i have no doubt you can) you can biuld your own? EXCELLENT MY BROTHA!!! if not just go online and order the plastic 40 dollar special. Gohonzon does not care either way.

Your innerpeace Scegy? NO WORRIES! just keep pushing forward for what we all do here, it WILL come your way and my own belief is its allready there Scegy!!!

Mountains out of Molehills

CHARGE!!! My friend!!! LIFE awaits you!!! the REAL you, your not comin back again and again on this thread by happenstance, oh no, sorry to break it to ya but You a Buddha brotha and thats that!!!!

I hope i have conveyed what i wanted to in a correct and positive manner, if anyone has anything to add that i missed or was way off base on


peace love and huge respect to all


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


scegy said:
i accepted the offered gohonzon and i'm recieving it next saturday --> gotta make a butsudan before i get it

well i gotta tell ya, getting along with a girl is a difficult part once u count in the sex, the life and all the other aspects of life

love to you all!

Yes YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!

Dude, we're karma dogs (brothers) for the rest of this life. I was going batty cus I had some hot hot hot hot girls I wanted to bone. Yeah I mean I wanted to stick my love stick in them and feel like a "man" about it. Truthfully alot of it is immaturity, alot of it is also horomones (I'm a horny dude man, what can I say, must be connected with the higher life condition I've always had), but mostly we gotta chant with faith to make the right moves. Dude if you gotta sow your wild oats, go find some fresh fun and freak out! I mean it in a good way, go out there and take advantage of everything on your plate, taste, touch, try, and live. Earthly Desires are Enlightenment, either way as long as you open your new Butsudan Doors and appreciate and refresh you spirit this unsavory feeling is gonna pass like the last time you had a paper cut!

I was bugging recently thinking I was just the most f ucked up character around, I was considering the worst of the worst because I was letting my past bring me down, my family bring me down, my girl bring me down, my job bring me down, and I went down for the ride too.... It sucked, it was terrible, I didn't feel I had the balls to ask my girl if I could ever be open to seeing another girl if the opportunity arose.... Like who says that to their woman? Well I was in bad shape and considering ending an awesome chapter of my life to go on and fly solo for a while and test the waters with the hot girls I was fantasizing about mutually satisfying. Know what I did, I grabbed my balls chanted and made the right moves man. I did what I had to do and I opened myself up to whatever, anything, whatever Gohonzon is gonna bring me I know its gonna be the right thing. Turns out I was infatuated with 3 distinct women based on previous fantasies about a) boning an asian chick b) boning a red head c) and boning a nubian goddess! How did I resolve this without ruining my relationship I chanted and cried and screamed at Gohonzon for giving me everything and made myself a promise to never again deny myself or neglect my needs and be totally open and honest about the intimate shit. Not honest in the sense that I still say everything on my mind, I had to learn to curb and cut back that shit I say so that the Golden Words have my emphasis on each syllable!

I took my sexual healing to a whole notha level with my girl and we realized that we both like other girls and may be open to hooking up with another girl someday on vacation or under the right circumstances. That shit turned me on and right now I'm feel like a ten foot tall dude telling my boys (and sisters) "YO I'm LIVING FREE and RIDDING MY LIFE OF GUILT AND IMMATURITY".

Growing up everyday here on icmag, even when its down momentarily for maintenance, you smell me? Its brilliant that we could just come here and put it out there and bang, instant good karma, an instant High Five! and I'm still chanting for Thomas' speedy recovery but I reckon he should be healed by now, my faith is Absolute. I read some great quotes from The Human Revolution and will post them, I gotta toke a little bit cus my buddy donated a nug and I need to medicate early so tonight I'll be ready to ROAR!

I do it like the lion king of the Jungle representing for the Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions and doing it like this,


I'm a Growing Chanter, Chanting Grower, Here me ROAR!!!!! :headbange

Yo scegy I was looking at your homeland on wikipedia and we have the same top religion (christianity- Catholicism) and guess what, we're not a part of that corruption anymore so you gotta start letting the government know that we have to appreciate everyone equally, get active and frigging change the landscape, you didn't die as a baby because your suppose to pick up your mission for kosen-rufu and work with me on modernizing our Practice for the youth with us and younger than us. We're the future, it all depends on us. Thomas and Socal and Babba support us like this because we have to keep the fire burning, we're entrusted with our own unique mission and we gotta pick it up sometime and make it better than ever. The youth today don't understand the previous generation because they don't want to, everything is changing so fast and we have the true universal constant at your service. Let's let faith guide our actions and let us make the best possible moves in the present to really advance couragously in the future!

I your with me, Lets Do it and report about it!!!! :wave:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"I will definitely be victorious, no matter what!"
People who have such a way of thinking will certainly be victorious.
This is an unchanging principle of victory.
Try your best to challenge yourself to overcome
any distress or suffering that you might presently be going through.
And may a crown of glory shine brightly above your head!

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member
Dr. Kong, I like it! Very deep!

G.Sensi- I'm with you! Grow to Chant! Chant and Grow! WWWooooooo Hoooo Yippie I Yo!!!! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
scegy said:
i accepted the offered gohonzon and i'm recieving it next saturday --> gotta make a butsudan before i get it

Congratulations Scegy! You have no idea how happy that makes all of us! Thru thick and thin man, thru thick and thin!!!

The point that I tried making on my "desire" post is that sex is like food, man. You're just going to get hungry AGAIN. Even though sex is so important to us that it dominates our thoughts at times, there is nothing about it that offsets the impact it can have on your life if you pursue it selfishly--if you lie to get it, if you are unfaithful or dishonest, if you have no regard for the emotional impact your need for orgasm may contribute to your partner.

Just an FYI, Easy my Brother, your stated desire for three ladies from your district sounds like a recipe for disaster! LOL Dude! Think about what you are saying. If you sleep with three other women in your district, the fallout from at least one of those encounters will surely end up effecting someones practice. Would you screw with someones faith in order to have sex with them?

I don't think so. My experience says that living honestly is the only way to eliminate the impact of desire on our lives. It is what it is.

But wisdom is so important to protect ourselves from our own destructive tendencies!

Deep respect,



Active member
bonzo, myoho, i did read therally your posts but i must say Thomas has hit the nail

I don't think so. My experience says that living honestly is the only way to eliminate the impact of desire on our lives. It is what it is.

right now i woke up
well i got from my bed, i woke up hours ago, wondering if my gf's gonna fuck me this morning and yeah.....if i don't do something, she won't either

so sex is one chapter in my life that i just didn't get far in the long run, didn't ever have to lie for sex so...it's not the physical part that i'm after so much, i need to feel desire in the women's eyes, as they see it in my eyes

i mean i've been dealing with this for 5 years and i don't see it as a mountain either a mole. so the only quick solution that comes in hand in mornings like these is a sharp knife or a shot gun to blow my balls off

myoho all the plans that u stated and much much more is/was on my mind....but untill i have balls i have to keep them happy as i have to keep my stomach happy every now and then, with a food that wants me:)

threesomes and shit like that.....no way our relationship will hold that, i mean i'd feel like pushing her in the corner (my gf) and fuck the brains out of the others
it's not so much about the fucking, it's about the fucking-respect-affection that i'm looking for and my gf says i already have all that i just don't wanna see it!---> and ofcourse i don't agree entirely, there is a part that i refuse to see, UNTIL ....

Sex is your "BIG" problem? OK lighten up for a sec, i KNOW Scegy you could walk out your front door and prolly gat laid within an hour. So this whole "sex" thing is not a "huge"

what you said there is a problem man, I KNOW that too, first time in my life
and you see there is no civil way out off my curent relationship, she's just so decieded to stay with me and fix the things she "fucked" up in the past.....well this morning sure isn't a good way to start doing that
i mean i know i helped for the situation to come this far, and am wondering sometimes what if i didn't do anything....well then that wouldn't be ME....i really see no end to this saga, only if i turn off my wish for desire, impossible in this life time

i don't even know if it's ok to write all this BS to you, hope that someone get's something from it, cos i don't feel pitty for myself i just would love to feel compassion from my gf, if not this one, then another one that would want to give me that in every aspect of life....i mean i LOVE to be compassionate every step i made, is that so fucking strange and uncomprehendable?(sorry am just kind off in a pain now, my head says "ahh it's just sex, stop thinking so much about it" and my heart...."wooohoooo let's get it on! one of the best and most fullfilling things in this world!"

i can go on and on and on untill something changes....i do the same with my gf, just that nowadays, i'm heading the lonely direction not the junction one...and i hate hate hate it, i mean i can't fool my body, it feels and wants what it needs

please stop with sex, as i'm a maniac no good will come out this, never does

even mastrubation sux in times like these!

NMRK is less painfull in the end!


hitman nice to see you too, doing pretty good actually if you count off my sexual life, what about u?
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Active member
I could not agree more Scegy that T hit the nail on the head, i have allways been and still am a an HONEST relationship person, the feeling of knowing i have a "partner" and just holding that womans hand is such an over whelming GIFT if you will that its better than sex, THE SEX IS A BIPRODUCT OF the mutual love shared between a man and a woman.

I wish you and your lady the best, i hope i didnt, but i probably did not say exactly what i wanted to to you, but my intentions are pure bro i only want to see you be happy.

Hitman, Hitman, hit me with your wisdom!! i dont think i have said how much i respect you and your posts BIG respect my friend!!!

peace and love


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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