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Should I cut down this fat lowryder?


New member
Hi. This is my first time growing, so I was wondering... Should I cut this lady down now? If not, how long do you think I should wait? Unfortunately, I do not have a magnifying glass to view the thrichomes, but with my eye they look "milky".

Here's some pictures... click to view a larger picture.

By the way, it has been under a 15W bulb the most of it's life. Now 150W... :)




Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
I can tell from your pictures that the bud still needs some time for further development. Still shooting out lots of whitepistol action on the top, I say she could go for another 2-3weeks, nice looking plant, good job on your first grow. Stop giving her nutrients now, just plain water, give her a good flush for at least 2weeks, I would also give her a 48hour dark period before the chop, good stuff. Keep it green my friend.


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
SuperBudz said:
I can tell from your pictures that the bud still needs some time for further development. Still shooting out lots of whitepistol action on the top, I say she could go for another 2-3weeks, nice looking plant, good job on your first grow. Stop giving her nutrients now, just plain water, give her a good flush for at least 2weeks, I would also give her a 48hour dark period before the chop, good stuff. Keep it green my friend.


I second that opinion :smoke:

Nice work!


New member
It was hoping it could be all dry and ready to smoke for the 29th May... would that be problematic? If not, when should I chop the plant to make sure it's dry?

Thanks :)

If its too problematic I guess I will have to go and buy some :frown:... but that's better than ruining the smoke. :rasta:
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Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Christian said:
It was hoping it could be all dry and ready to smoke for the 29th May... would that be problematic? If not, when should I chop the plant to make sure it's dry?

Thanks :)

If its too problematic I guess I will have to go and buy some :frown:... but that's better than ruining the smoke. :rasta:

If you start flushing now, and chop in 2 weeks on the 25th, that would only leave you a few days for drying.

You can do it and then do a steam-dry or something on the half-dried buds on the 29th. (Just what you need to smoke if you go this route of course)

That said, a proper week or so of drying, a week or so in paper bags, and then a couple of weeks in a jar is what I consider the starting point of when I like to smoke my buds. Usually longer in the jars, and I notice a big difference between buds with 2 weeks in the jar and 6 weeks.. The K2 I'm curing up now is getting better and better literally by the day.

You may not have considered an extra month of waiting at the end from the sound of things, but I promise you the wait will be worth it, and you'll really get to properly experience that which you have already invested so much time and effort into.


New member
Mr. Bongjangles said:
If you start flushing now, and chop in 2 weeks on the 25th, that would only leave you a few days for drying.

You can do it and then do a steam-dry or something on the half-dried buds on the 29th. (Just what you need to smoke if you go this route of course)

That said, a proper week or so of drying, a week or so in paper bags, and then a couple of weeks in a jar is what I consider the starting point of when I like to smoke my buds. Usually longer in the jars, and I notice a big difference between buds with 2 weeks in the jar and 6 weeks.. The K2 I'm curing up now is getting better and better literally by the day.

You may not have considered an extra month of waiting at the end from the sound of things, but I promise you the wait will be worth it, and you'll really get to properly experience that which you have already invested so much time and effort into.

Well I thought it would be done by now... since it showed itself the 10th march, and claimed by JD they take 8 weeks from seed to finish :p.. so I thought they would be ready to dry now, hence I did know it would take time to dry it.. ;) :p

Oh and if I wait 2 weeks before harvesting, will it be "stony" or "high"? I want it to be high.. as it is going to be used for a party :rasta:

What is steam-drying? I guess I will do this ;).



Good job man using CFL's you can really
get great nugz,having them close really works!
Happy harvest!!

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